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|*~Polaris~*| (100415)"I have returned."

Last Active: 2016-09-17 03:01:03
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------------------------------UNDER CONSTRUCTION------------------------------

The ~Real~ Polaris

Polaris was hatched as all Dragons were, slowly chipping away at her boulder-sized prison over a matter of months. Instead of a typical care taker, her egg hatched in the innards of a blizzard during the planet Earth’s first ice age. Being born an Ice Dragon, she thrived within the frigid conditions. Simply wandering most of the frozen northern hemisphere, she chose to remain near the arctic climates of a mountain`s peak or the north pole. In her early years, the earth was still in it`s early evolution, therefore her closet encounter to a dominant species was the Tyrannosaurus Rex or perhaps a clan of Raptor. Even when she came in contact with these semi-intelligent creatures, they ran in terror from the colossal creature of Ice with a roar able to buckle the grounds on which they stood. It was not until the human race began to civilize and grow is when she chose to remain silent and hidden. Many humans claimed to had seen her however were cast off as crazy and lunatic. If they had seen her, it was merely the moving glistening wisps of cloud with the upper atmosphere in the darkest of a full moon night. Polaris` species was simply cast off as legend and myth, however held in high regard within the inhabitants of the arctic-like conditions of the northern Asian continent.
The Ice Drake

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She grew into a mighty sixteen story tall pale blue dragon with scales that of diamond and retaining hundreds of times the hardness. Being as how her whole body is covered in these diamond-like scales, any formidable enemy was likely not to be found. Fin-like spikes lined her body reaching from the back of her neck to the tip of her tail. Massive horns made of ice flare from the sides of her face resembling an arrow’s head however in different layers of diamond-like spikes. Her eyes were born similar to a feline’s but soon turned a solid white with a pale blue hue to them. Dragons never quite had the greatest vision thought to be given by Mother Nature, however, her arctic cloudy aura surrounding her does more for telepathic vision than her eyesight ever did. Her wingspan stretches nearly twelve hundred feet as her length equals twice that from snout to tail. Being an Ice Dragon had enabled Polaris to inherit certain traits. Not only could she control the frigid element of Ice, but she could create it as well with a mere thought. Within the back of her throat grew two glands, in which grew into two mighty sacs protected by the spikes flaring from behind her jaw. Each sac contained a few thousand tons of liquid nitrogen, able to instantly freeze anything into solid ice, inside and out. Due to her arctic temperatures, her breath resembled that of a blizzard. Arctic winds and icy snow were any foe’s doom, especially if Polaris drew strength from her inner gullet, a sort of psychic center within her. The form shown is often used in her quarrels and spars with fellow occupants of the Dead City, using it`s large stature a decent advantage, however, this colossal body of Polaris` is often mistaken for the proverbial term "The bigger one is, the harder one falls". Although her large full breed self is rather slow in her attacks, her breath of blizzard and spit of Liquid Nitrogen quickly makes up for her slow speed while in this form. Able to freeze anything and everything almost instantly, she rarely uses her Liquid Nitrogen attacks for this very reason, merely afraid of freezing those she cares about within seconds and unable to free them if so.

Polaris was born into a peculiar breed of Dragon, known as The Great Drakes. These legendary Drakes are born only a few trillion years at a time, if at all, in order to over take and maintain the balance of nature; listening, speaking, and understanding the wisdom in which the planet provided. As the knowledge of the planet grew within each Drake, they aged until they could no longer survive the eternal river of wisdom, thus passing it onto the next generation. Each Drake held a distinguishing element in which to maintain within nature. Fire, Ice, and Lightning in addition to Water, Earth, Wind. Light and Darkness were held as eternal elements, forever locked in an eternal war of who will reign supreme. Each Drake was born with polar opposite siblings. Fire and Ice; Water and Lightning; Earth and Wind. Each pair of polar siblings, often being brother and sister, would mature to either destroy or cherish the other. Polaris` ancestors, the original Great Drakes, had watched over the earth since it`s birth, the moment each element was created and mastered. Polaris, as well as her polar sibling, Infernus, were to over take and inherit the wisdom and continue to tradition of maintaining the natural order of balance regarding their distinguished element. However, this great clan of elemental Drakes was soon to be intermittent by a foretold darkness. A plagued history in which began long before Polaris` birth.
The Fire Drake

Infernus, a Drake born of the flames of Hell and Heaven`s rage toward one another, grew into a similar Drake as his twin, Polaris. Standing sixteen stories high, he matched his twin in every prospect of physical and mental strength. He grew into a mighty sixteen story tall burnt red dragon with scales that of hardened molten rock and retaining hundreds of times the hardness. Being as how his whole body is covered in these molten magma-like scales, his foes would have a very long and hard time attempting to pierce him. Fin-like spikes lined his body reaching from the back of his neck to the tip of his tail. Flaring from the sides of his face were two colossal fins resembling wings jointed at just behind his cheeks. Two massive horns reached from his forehead in thin spirals of harden volcanic ash. His eyes were born as similar to his twin`s sight but soon turned a solid pale red with serpents of pale pink swirling within their depth. Dragons never quite had the greatest vision thought to be given, however, his volcanic aura of immense heat surrounding him does more for telepathic vision than his eyesight ever did. His wingspan stretches nearly twelve hundred feet as his length equals twice that from snout to tail. Being a Fire Drake had enabled Infernus to inherit certain traits. Not only could he control the raging unpredictability of Fire, but he could create it as well with a mere thought. Within the back of his throat grew two glands, in which grew into two mighty sacs protected by the fin-like wings flaring from behind his jaw. Each sac contained a few thousand tons of Molten Magma, able to instantly melt someone in a pure and painful burning Hell. Due to his immense temperatures, his breath resembled that of a volcanic eruption, shrouding his foes and enemies in an eternal casing of immensely heated volcanic ash only to encase them in an eternal prison of harden rock. Although his large full breed self is rather slow in his offense, his breath will most certainly encase his foes in the mass of immensely heated thick fog of ash and a spit fire able to burn Eden itself.

While the beginning Drakes were at their peak of peace and prosperity, the Earth just beginning to first develop other life, the Fire Drake, Siphirius, had grown powerful, not only able to control the violent element, but create it as well and breath it as though it were air. Siphirius had grown too powerful, demanding that he reign over the temple in which was built in order to watch over the on-coming era`s Drakes. Oblivious to the Flame Drake`s original idea, his fellow Drakes refused and exiled him to the darkest reaches of the planet; a desolate and barren wasteland surrounding a massive volcano. This territory was void of all life within a 10-mile radius. The remaining Drakes came to know this place as Mt. Volcanus. This is where Siphirius schemed and pondered, gathering strength and endurance from the Volcano`s intense heat. When the second generation of Drakes was born from the elements in which each was to oversee, Siphirius instantly was aware of this fact. He knew the Drake temple stood no chance if he were to gather all enemies in which despised them. He created an army of diverse leviathans including Demons, Faeries, and even other inferior dragons. It was merely years before the hatching when Siphirius made his advance, destroying all but two eggs, and leaving the temple in ruins. The last remaining elder Drake, Darius of the Darkness lineage, took the surviving eggs and fled, masking them within the hatching grounds of the appropriate element. Siphirius chose to simply allow the remaining Drakes to survive, to grow into the mighty dragons they were destined to be, just so that Siphirius may destroy them at their peak.

Infernus and Polaris had never met before Siphirius had chosen to raid the entire planet in his search for them, however each knew they were being pursued by an unknown entity. Siphirius had searched, raided, and slaughtered in his search for the last Twins of the Drakes, forcing them to take the offense located at the only place remaining; Mt. Volcanus. It was within this colossally massive volcano that Polaris and Infernus had first met. It was here where they discovered another Drake like them-self. Siphirius had attempted to use that first belief, the belief they were eternally alone and forgotten by their ancestors, to his own advantage. Filling both Infernus` and Polaris` ears with lies and deceit, lies of their ancestors abandoning them when in fact the night of the raid was engraved on their eggs and magically burnt into their minds. It was this night, the Eternal Night, that the known last Twins of the Drakes joined to vanquish the once known evil of Mt. Volcanus. Unfortunately, the deadly cost of using such Draconian power was a life, a life in an Eternal Quarrel between King and Heir encased in a crystallize Fire. Infernus had instinctively chose that Eternal nightmare in his rage. Polaris attempted to interfere, however, she was forced miles away from the volcano itself due to the immense heat and sudden explosion that rattled the Earth itself. Mt. Volcanus was destroyed only to be magically drawn to it`s Molten crater like magnets, hovering in a slow Eternal twister of magma dripping isles.

The legend of the Great Drakes is simply that now; a legend. All that remains is Polaris. Her brother had been banished by his own ancestor, in which had destroyed Mt. Volcanus and turned the structure into a mass of floating islands dripping in magma. Infernus had imprisoned Siphirius within the very darkness he`d mastered. Unfortunately, Infernus had succumbed to the very darkness in which Siphirius was imprisoned in. Within the center of the slow twister of floating isles, was a massive island on which held the remainder of Mt. Volcanus. Within this colossal isle, held Infernus, in which had put himself into an eternal slumber as to not cause the same in which Siphirius had done. Polaris merely wanders the planet now, gathering wisdom and learning from the mistakes upon which others put themselves through. Soon came another dominant species of creature; Humans. Within mere millennia, this naive species civilized and created a life for themselves, unaware of Polaris` existence. Her kind is considered mere myth now, stories passed down through the Humans` generations. Those in ancient Asia claim to have seen a glittery fog moving through the upper skies upon a full moon night, however, were passed off as anomalies and illusions. She`s made friends, however, holding a mere handful of those friends dear to her. Partially blaming herself for what had happened whilst still in her egg, she refuses to let another close to her heart to abruptly be taken yet again like her fellow Drakes.

The Half Breed
Mostly used as a social form, Polaris is often seen in this half-breed of dragon and human. Standing upright at about six feet tall much like a human however her physical features are that of a dragon, including a snout, a pair of Draconian wings, and tail in addition to her paw-like hands and feet. Her eyes resemble a feline`s however icy blue with a deadly shine to them when her temper rises. She refuses to use any sort of physical weapon such as a sword or firearm or anything in between, only relying on what her mind is capable of. Over the millennia of her living, she`s grown to control the element in which she was born as with a mere thought and wave of her hand. However, she does well in keeping her calm in such terroristic situations, simply using the power of her mind to either destroy or attempt to control another`s mind. Often making small conversations with those around her, she seems far wiser than any other her age or older regarding the important issues of pain and anguish, aiding those she knows and those she does not to the best of her ability when needed. Her usual attitude revolves around sarcasm since it seems to be the only method to properly speak the truth so that the other individual can understand, in the harshest of ways obviously. Regardless of her cold posture, she`s considered more helpful and friendly than most who dwell within the limits of the Dead City. She`s come to realize those who are stronger insist on pushing their strength upon others are no different than a king or queen would.

The Blue Phoenix is merely a symbol by which few humans know Polaris as. However these few humans are mere nutcases, swearing on their lives they have seen a great and majestic bird of Ice with feathers of a strange flexible diamond and tail feathers so thin and transparent, they are thought to be able to slice through reinforced steel like butter. Rarely seen as this great bird of Ice, Polaris chooses to take this body only when she needs to clear and calm both mind and body. It is said that on nearly frozen clear nights of winter, a great bird with an aura of mist and thin fog shall soar through the sky, leaving behind a thin stream of glitter and fog and making it appear as though a transparent comet has passed in the sky. Her flights usually took place in the uninhabitable regions of the polar ice caps, however the human race has ventured far into the planet`s treacherous territory and thus swearing to have seen such a great bird however these accusations are cast off as myth and legend. Some have even resided within an institution on such strong and definite accounts to have seen a large blue bird while on vacation in northern Alaska. If these theories were true, it was mostly likely because Polaris had softened for a split second to save a child or toddler, of course shrouding herself in her aura of mist and fog. If this were true, the child or individual remembered such an account and thus assumed this shrouded winged shape of fog and mist was, in fact, a protective majestic bird of Ice.
The Birth Mark of Ice
"Do unto other creatures of this world as you would expect others to do unto you." ~Great Drakes~
All who bears this mark is proven by Mother Nature herself that those who carry this symbol is a being of Ice and all relating elements, including Water. Seen as almost a faint blue tattoo painted on her left shoulder blade, this birthmark is rarely seen due to Polaris white mane of ponytails varying in length and thickness. Each of her Drake siblings would have had bared a similar birthmark however representing their own element; unfortunately, an relentless evil destroyed most of the Drakes before she was even hatched. It is by this birthmark only is she seen by Mother Nature herself that she has claimed the element of Ice and all relating elements; it is by this birthmark that she is, in fact, Ice Empryss Polaris.

Only visible by her Drake siblings, this mark of Ice is said to be proof of her claim over this horrid and cold element. Any others were seen as inferior, over exaggerated, and simply unimportant by her species however Polaris rarely cared about these minuscule rules of her species. Her lineage was near extinction in her view; never expecting she would survive long enough to see the third generation of Drakes therefore she saw no need to uphold the old traditions of her ancestors. She held in high regard only one scribe, one mere quote in which was inscribed upon the Great Gates of the Drake Temple. By baring this birthmark, she has a born oath to uphold this one law above all others; to uphold this one moral that which is the only belief she holds from her once Great Drake Lineage.

It seemed simply amazing she’s remained hidden from the human’s naked eye for the many millennia she’s roamed this planet. However, with her gift of flight and surrounding aura of a cloudy mist, she blended well into the wispy clouds of the upper atmosphere, often creating small trails mistaken as jet streams made by the humans’ creation of flight. Over the millennia, through the evolution of man and their growing so-called `knowledge`, Polaris began to think of the human race as naive, single-minded, and greedy. Her instincts told her that this race would be the end of the planet however, that end was quite a long ways away. She never judged them, merely ignored them. They considered themselves superior. She did not care. There were other species around this world; before the humans; who considered themselves superior as well. She could easily freeze most of this world if it had not been for the mass population of the annoying race within a few million years, along with other unknown species. These species could easily over power her if they gathered. However, she chose to simply not care and worry about her own survival. She`d made friends, and lost friends; held ones dear and lost those close to her. Due to her experience and `life`s lessons`, her wisdom surpasses most Dragons her age. She had always been rebellious, refusing to serve anyone except herself. She had once come in contact to one certain entity that thought he could control her, and sadly found out otherwise.



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|*~Polaris~*|'s average rating out of 45 rates is 8.00/10


Rotten Blood (708775)

2016-09-03 06:20:28

Nice hit Polaris, ur wall will be rated a ten,have fun :o
Forgotten (570708)

2016-09-03 06:11:01

WOW that hurt and your hafe my size (level) what did I do to you or are you trying to get a rose?
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2011-06-26 20:52:45

Hey Polaris, how are you doing? I was just going through and browsing old members of Primal Chaos, good to know you're still around here. Hope you're well, stay well, and be safe...and I think my name at the time was either Risika or Lady Katherine...hmm...anyways, thought I'd leave a comment on your profile! :)
Braeden Acosta™ (107587)

2010-05-28 19:06:17

Hello Ice. It's been quite some time since we've last spoken. You were in Primal Chaos last time actually. I was browsing, and just so happened to have caught your page. I noticed you were in buds, and as a former Bud off, and on now. I know how boring that place is. If you'd like a place that actually has some interaction come check out Fallen Kingdom. But now to get off all the coven stuff. How have you been?
~*Åbb!gâlꆧhâdøwBløøð*~ (239266)

2010-05-11 03:27:20

Totally love your profile ^^ You so get a 10 ^^
Lady Laurel (102059)

2010-01-18 20:12:20

all is well.. well i can tell you that some people have grown. Draco now doesnt cause any trouble hes not even in the middle of it... i just deliver two pupies in Rl so i got my hands full with them
Lady Laurel (102059)

2010-01-18 19:52:47

yes there does seem to e alot of drama around of late. even som of the older players causing it. you would think they would grow up just a bit as they continued playing..
Lady Laurel (102059)

2010-01-16 23:43:39

*she smiled as she rememberd her old friend and wonderd how she could have drifted from such a loving soul. the name she would reconise her by was Gothic Vampire. she had changed her name as well as herself* hello. and how would an old friend like you be after all these long days

2009-12-16 19:19:44

King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-15 22:31:18

Ello love, nice ta see ya name in me news
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:58:08

Just call it like I see it
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:53:10

You have given |*~Polaris~*| a rating of 10. That's not even for your profile
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:41:20

I think it's really nice. Nice pic btw
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:34:57

I may like you keeping track o me
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:31:07

And on your enemy list for some odd reason
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:28:49

*Is flattered by the actions of Polaris*
King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:24:20

King Conchobar (207030)

2009-12-14 02:19:39

you keep killin me why?
WolfeHeart WolfsRaine (234700)

2009-12-13 04:07:43

Thanks polaris...I'll probably need it lmao!
The Hanged Man (231087)

2009-12-11 23:52:25

awesome looking profile polaris. i'm going to give you a perfect 10

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