Aryn of Oblivion is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Aryn of Oblivion (107267)"ready for another marriage i suppose"

Last Active: 2010-12-28 07:13:41
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Coven Title (Rank)Maester of Oblivion (21)
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Photobucket This is I...and I am Aryn. I view myself as a modernly traditional vampire. Meaning i feast when i need to not when i want to. I love with a fierce passion that you would be hard pressed to find rival to but my heart only belongs to one. I live to please others because thats what pleases me. And i love the pleasures of life...eternal life...but i do not dwell on them. This is my story. This is how i became Aryn of Oblivion. :~:I stepped out into the cool night air. The sounds of the rave that i had just left pulsed like a tragic beat behind me and a soft breeze played my already teased hair. I leaned against the cool hard brick of the building and lit up a smoked. As i exhaled i could feel the tensions of the night leaving me with the acrid smoke. ~ I had just broken up with my boyfriend. Things had gotten too heavy too fast and when i had explained to him that wasnt my thing he didnt take it too well. Eh..not my problem. I raised my eyes to the smog ridden sky that was alight with the eerie glow that the LA city lights cast upon it. I had always thought of it as a dirty mirror image of what the city had to offer. The lights were beautiful of course but look beyond them and the smog made you wonder..was it really worth it? ~ By the time i had finished my smoke i decided that i didnt want to go back inside. The drama of the night hung heavy on my shoulders and i just wanted to rest. i began to walk, taking my usual route home. I walked through one of the many small parks that were scattered around my neighborhood and i realized i didnt want to go home either. life was too complicated there as well. i stepped over to one of the rickety looking swings and sat down. the cold metal chilled my palms and as i began to swing the screech of iron against iron chilled my bones. I closed my eyes and let myself go. ~ It was then that i felt a presence. One unlike any i had ever felt before. I was afraid to open my eyes yet i couldnt resist. When i opened them i saw the most beautiful eyes i had ever beheld. Fear threatened to rip the air out of my lungs so i didnt dare breathe. and as i looked the full form of what stood before me began to reveal itself from the night. Standing before me was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. The wind played through her hair with such grace so as to make me believe that she controlled it herself. She spoke no words but i could imagine the words pouring forth from her lips like the purest of waterfalls. ~ Before another moment passed she was upon me and there was a period of pain...and also pleasure? her arms were wrapped around me and her lips were pressed fervently to my neck...and then there was utter blackness enveloped in the greatest and worst of feelings that i have ever encountered. I remember nothing after that. ~ when i awoke i expected to feel weak..weary. had i even struggled with my attacker? no i think not. As my head began to clear i realized that i was seeing like i had never seen before. i smelled things i had never smelled. i felt strong. able bodied. and i felt...alluring. ~ In time i learned what my condition was called. I had become something of lore. a Vampire. and in the spirit of tradition and curiosity i went in search of the beautiful goddess that had sired me. i searched for what must have been forever but time meant nothing to me now as i was ageless. and along the way i learned that her name was Olivia. she was a great entity in the vampire community, well known and powerful. feared and loved by many. It was a fools errand to seek her out...but seek her out i did. I had experienced a connection with her unlike any other. ~ The night i finally found her i will never forget. It was almost like she had found me. She stood on a small hill on the outside of a small irish more. Her eyes were just as penetrating as they had been that first night. She led me into the town silently and swiftly without saying a word and we wound up at a small hidden pub. Here was where we would talk. I would get my answers. ~ Her words were beautiful soft and poignant. She told me why she had chosen me to become a vampire. She spoke of things i did not yet understand. And she spoke of her husband. At this my ears perked up. It saddened me to think that this connection was one sided. But my feelings should not have been so hasty. ~ I left and continued on with my "life" and much time passed im sure. I kept in contact with Olivia, growing to love her more and more with each message we exchanged. Her words twined around my heart and made it hers with each passing second. It wasnt until many years later that she became mine and i hers. ~ I do not know what happened with her husband and i do not feel the need to know. it is her story and hers alone. Now we have our chapter to write. Every morning i can wake up with my beautiful wife beside me is a morning that i praise the gods or whatever is out there for eternal life..becuase truly forever would not be enough. words cannot express the immense feelings she persuades me to feel with each and every embrace. I am hers and hers alone. I only wish to be held in her arms and as long as she wants to be mine i would have no other. My arms shall be her safehold and hers mine. Everything about her is the embodiment of heavan and her eyes speak levels of joy that only my heart can comprehend. every part of me desires to be one and only with her. and my one burning wish is her happiness. ~ You are my Olivia...and I your Aryn...and together we shall walk into Oblivion
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Aryn of Oblivion's average rating out of 14 rates is 6.07/10


Alexander `Pika` Rosand (485428)

2011-03-27 04:59:44

very very very interesting backround you have...are you a writer?i was just trying to find out who was killing my sister and her killers, and theirs and so on.i really like the story, i was interested in it enough to spend 30 mins reading it!
Desiree (88428)

2010-03-31 19:49:08

I am well. Hope things are going smooth for you.
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2010-03-30 13:35:39

curious I came to check your profile....hmm so how did you find me? Why do you wish to marry me of all the vampires in the land?
Legion, White Tiger (142699)

2009-12-10 11:23:58

Vlad is a well known troublemaker. I ignore him - He hates that.
Desiree (88428)

2009-11-20 20:16:39

Hey there Aryn! How are you? *licks*
Ariah (75682)

2009-09-08 11:07:01

hum..... curious indeed.

2009-08-31 23:33:21

I'm glad to be back. but here is another thing that may confuse you once more. im changing my whole character again, most because im trying to make a super cool page, though i suck with graphics.

2009-08-28 20:33:41

i just got my phone back, im all good now. haahaa.

2009-08-22 19:47:51

(ooc) Hey, it would be best you didn't text me anymore. my jackass father is giving my phone to my sister because i didnt want to get pants because i have twenty. my account may be deleted. sorry...bye.

2009-08-09 06:16:56

she chuckled, pressing her lower half up against her love, teasing her with a small grind. "you know, we may not be able to actually creat a child together, but we could always have fun pertending we can." she whispered, before nibbleing on her lower lip.

2009-08-08 04:05:29

((411 i got a character change. haha. she is human now. i had an idea about starting a family or whatever.)) "i always wanted to have a family." she whispered, the sweet accent floating in air. she shifted a little and giggled at her lover.

2009-08-05 06:41:52

being pinned as she has, she couldnt help but giggle. "you say you love me, and yet you wrestle me down till i cannot move?" she purred lightly, her silk night gound clinging to herself in all the right places. "i have been thinking of making a family, you know..." she allowed her eyes to shift. "like the wolfsblood or what not. we have our own?"

2009-08-04 15:21:36

Being pinn'ed she chuckled, Knowing that as her maker, Aryn could never honestly harm me, for she had held love. Olivia let her fangs slip out, as she smirked upward at her beloved. "Hmm, I dont know...You havnt been showing your love to me much at all..." she was only teasing, as her eyes flickered with amusement. She moved her fave to her loves neck, running the points of the pangs against her flesh.

2009-07-31 00:55:35

Olivia was startled at the kiss whe she turned, only to be pinned, her hands above her and her lips raped by her beloveds. with a chuckle she pressed her lower half hard against aryns own. "is that so, my sweet?" she purred. she indeed missed her love as well, but why speak it outloud when she should know it already.she brought her tongue to her neck and let a cool wet line behind as she traced upwards.
Impaler_RoB_Pimp (89075)

2009-07-28 19:17:32

Honestly, no. Nothing personal. I am surprised that no one has hired anyone to kill me for a Great many reasons. I used to kill for spite but that was childish. Now it is simply to level up on occasion.

2009-07-26 16:57:07

her body seemed weak, but as her beloved slipped in next to her, she fell even more weaker. she tried snuggeling close to her lover, letting her face nuzzle into the perfect fitting curve of her neck. laying her hand on her waist, and curlying up, looking over the face of the women she had said her vows too. she leaned forward, placeing a tender kiss on her forhead, before touching the charm she had been given. "sleep well, love?"

2009-07-23 17:21:37

Aww we miss you as well. Rawr! A lesbian vamp how intriguing. How is hat workin' out. I got re-married to my husband and things have been really really great since then. Aww yeah it was a great coven but don't feel sa your sisters will always be here. Oh btw you attacked me again. Poo! Oh btw I love the new you very sexy.

2009-07-23 05:28:54

You sounded a bit worried in the last comment and I just wanted to say calm down don't worry I won't attack you. You are after all in the fam. That's happens with a lot of people when they lvl up. I only attack really weak players that sounds bad but then I won't attack my long list of friends. As long as you weren't actually attacking me I'm ok. No worries hun. I missed you tho. It's been way to long. I'm great, really tired tho trying to buy and pack up things for the move. actually watching Goldfinger now. I really love bond. How have you been?

2009-07-23 00:38:05

she curled herself, as she was put into the embrace, the one person she actually cared about anymore, holding her there in her warm bed. she was calm, and at ease as she nuzzled closer. "And you my dear, make this dead women feel alive." her voice barley over a whisper, as her voise was sugar coated with innocence.

2009-07-22 18:42:06

I have my own coven too

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