Devlynn DS LS Eternal is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)"His and his alone."

Last Active: 2013-07-19 01:43:30
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,740
Karma+/Verve+4 / 0
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record30,173/77,728/211
Win %28%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed BySage Rozenkran ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenThe Den Of Debauchery
Coven Title (Rank)Owner (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 98k+



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Rank 75+

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¥†Malachi Hellshade†¥™
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa
¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥
Theo DeathSpirit

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Devlynn DS LS Eternal's average rating out of 108 rates is 9.01/10


Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-06-02 04:57:03

Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2019-04-09 11:54:51

It's been a while, Devilish One. I do hope you're safe wherever the pathways have taken you. A Crow keeps an eye out to wait for when you eventually come home. pppqqqppp
Naz Asrai (243761)

2016-01-08 11:06:13

[i]Leaves his personal mark for reasons only she would know[/i] Take this and you'll never fail.
Ethan Ivy Stryker (86437)

2015-12-15 20:37:39

Miss you Dev :(
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2015-07-10 06:31:07

Two years.
I'll never forgive you.
Raine Blacksoul Mayhem™ (629876)

2014-05-15 06:12:41

Dev!!!! Why you leave? Geez, I take a leave from the coven and everyone disappears when I come back. I have so much to tell you too!! Get yer ass back here before I have to track you down and drag you back.
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2014-01-01 18:42:14

Your presence is still missed. Meh. Hope 2014 will be an awesome, wicked, happy, loving year for you. Cause you's definably deserve such. Much love. Moi.
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2013-12-28 02:22:01

Missing the shit out of you Aunty Mine.
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-12-23 02:17:06

MMkay. I'm giving you until Valentines Day to return, (as there's zero excuses to not have left a message), before I return to empty out the Den and call it the end of an Era. 5 Months now...again. Really? Phones have the internet. It would take you 2 minutes to borrow a phone from a co-worker or the bum waiting outside Walmart to drop a quick line. So "not having a phone" is an invalid excuse at this point. Everywhere has the internet, so that's an invalid excuse as well. So, no more waiting, you'll show up when you show up, and when you do, drop me a message in the event you wish any of this cash and equipment returned. Oh yeah, and Merry Christmas or something
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-12-19 12:41:40

Get the fuck back here woman. A twin cannot survive the loss of her other half!!! I swear I will kick you square in the cunt next we meet!!
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-11-27 23:22:30

......4 months now Dev. Really?
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2013-11-27 22:08:27

Buh. I miss ya. If only just to chat and laugh. Been ages since i caught a glimpse of your wonderfull self. <3
The Legendary Rue (204834)

2013-11-25 05:13:00

You smashed Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796) You tasted good my devy. <3
Beverly Darkshadow (428909)

2013-11-20 05:44:25

Dev! <33
InfernoDrogamir (75128)

2013-10-16 17:21:11

Hey Dev baby ... you look hot ... *Kisses the woman* ... missed ya ...
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-09-25 11:12:08

Over 2 months now. And I called you. So either it WAS you answering that phone and blowing me off, or, you gave me another wrong number. Both equally infuriating. Just so you know. Not pleased.
Jamie Price (508506)

2013-08-30 14:29:11

Lavishes you with affection xxx
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2013-08-26 09:07:15

At least i could take a nice bite out of you to quench my thirst for you a wee lil bit. Still missing you dearly wicked wifey mine. <3
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-08-13 12:51:40

Going on a month now. Hellloooooooooo!!
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2013-08-06 15:44:24

If you dont appear today, i'll be sacrifising a kitten! Just saying. You can save its life! Miss you crazed self love.

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