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Lucidious Rage (111731)"Enjoying the good life of a coven owner!"

Last Active: 2023/08/21 16:58
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Picture Taken March 2009 at a bar in Oregon - Me, My kid sister, and some friends!

Want to join my coven? We would LOVE to have you!

Name, Age, & Family

[Name] - Lord Raven (Lucidious Rage)

[Mortal Age] - 32 Years old when Turned.

[Actual Age] - 222 Years old.

[Immediate Family]
Wife: Rhapture
Familiar: Tanuki (My Male HellWolf)
Familiar: Kitsune (My Wife`s Female HellWolf)(Tanuki`s Sister)

Human Strength: x60
Human Speed: x60
Human Senses: x60
Illusion: The power to cast physical illusions in reality, to summon images of things not truly there.
Mindstorm: The ability to flood a mind with barrage of distorted images, making them unable to focus.
Pyro-kinesis: The ability to summon or manipulate fire with ones mind and energy.
Freezing: the ability to freeze people or an objects molecules.
Materialization: The ability to make objects appear out of thin air just by thinking about them.
Teleportation: The ability to think of a place and be there within seconds.
Telekinesis: The ability to move things with your mind.
Transmogrification/Shape shifting: The ability to change yourself into someone or something.
Telepathy: The ability to read ones thoughts and communicate with them mentally.
Apathy: The ability to close ones mind off from telepathy and/or empathy.
Sensing: The ability to locate someone by sensing their essence (stronger toward familiar beings).
Basic Empathy: The ability to sense and influence the emotionsof humans.


In human form Lord Raven stands 6 feet 5 inches and weighs in at 245 lbs of pure muscle. He maintains a chiseled looking physique and is often seen In human form Lucidious Rage stands 6 feet 5 inches and weighs in at 245 lbs of pure muscle. He maintains a chiseled looking physique and is often seen shirtless revealing his rippled muscles along with several clear scars surely obtained from fierce battles. One scar is clearly more severe then all of the various wounds. It stretches from the front of his torso just below his rib cage all the way up along the side of his torso over his shoulder and meets at an adjacent location on his back from where the scar began on the front of his massive body. His hair is jet black and flows like silk. It stretches a few inches below his broad shoulders. Lucid`s eyes are a seductive greenish-blue that shift color depending on his mood. Rarely his eyes can be seen as jet black, and be warned that if you are witness to this you had better be on his good side for this is when he is at his most fierce.

Lucid dresses sharply, as he is clearly a ladies man, however he is careful to select apparel that is flexible or can be easily removed. Typically his dress attire consists of a simple pair of black designer jeans and a button down solid color dress shirt as well as any number of designer sports coats. He looks like the type of guy you might find in a very high price club with several women falling over him. There is one distinctive item that he is almost always wearing despite his outfit (as long as it doesn’t clash of course) and that is his pair of jet black snakeskin boots. From a distance they simply appear as a solid black dress boots with a slight shimmer, but up close you can see the slight auburn colors and lined details of the material the boots cut from dancing in the light. Around his neck you will usually find a uniquely shaped medallion made of rare black coral wrapped in platinum as well as a two finger black coral and diamonds wedding ring on his left hand which serves both as a symbol of love and a weapon of pain in hand to hand combats.


Lucidious Rage would like to think of himself as a simple character, however he realizes that he is likely more complex then even he may understand. He is typically a very gentle person who often finds himself accepting less so that others may have more. He is eager to explore and routinely finds himself analyzing all things to the deepest detail before reacting. Make no mistake, these calculations take him no time at all. He has spent a lifetime doing what is second nature to him. It is something that he sometimes wishes he could “turn off” but realizes that it is simply a part of who he is. He notices details, searches for hidden meanings, looks beyond the obvious and routinely is spot on accurate. He finds this to be a blessing and a curse. It is often this ability that attracts people to him. He has a way of cutting straight through any internal walls that may have been put up or emotional defenses that may be surrounding someone.

It is his keen focus on the details that allows him not to get tripped up on the obvious. Rage is truly a lover and a man among men. While he is gentle in nature don’t let that fool you. When he finds himself protecting either himself or people he cares about nothing, and I mean NOTHING can get in his way. Relentless, fearless, fierce and rage are words that could easily be used to describe his passion during revenge and defense. When he feeds for pleasure it is often a beautiful ritual. When he feeds in anger it is a scene that you don’t want to witness.

Fiercely passionate about his loyalty, trust and character, he will avidly defend these qualities against any who challenge them. Those who choose to trust and befriend him often find themselves to be showered with gifts and surprises along with a friendship of the purest loyalty and trusting nature. He is a protector of all that he believes in, including those who he loves, likes, and trusts regardless what family or coven they are in.


Lucidious Rage is a by nature Gentle and warm. He is a kind soul that is always interested in helping others in any way that he can. He often listens intently before speaking. The look you might sometimes catch from him that looks as if he is questioning the situation is just him analyzing the surroundings. He is quick to trust, but always on guard. When you are near him you will feel naturally safe and protected. He is your guardian. He is however friendly, approachable, and quite disarming. Allow yourself to open up and trust him and you will have a friend and protector for life.


Lucidious Rage was born in Europe on September 25th, 1787 to his Christian name of “Caleb Michael Smith” and was “reborn to unlife” on September 25th 1819, to the name “Lord Raven”. Sometime later Raven chose an additional name of “Lucidious Rage” to use when he needed to blend in with the townsfolk of whatever village he explored. He will answer to either name, but only his ancient friends and close loved ones know of his "Lord Raven" identity. Commonly he is known and addressed by his chosen name of Lucidious Rage, a tribute to his personality of the calm before the storm. Fully capable of both and entirely successful at either.

On the morning of his 32nd birthday Caleb awoke like any other day. He would have forgotten it was his birthday all together had his friends not reminded him later in the day. They stopped by to wish him a happy birthday and to try to get him to head to the local tavern with them for some celebratory drinks. He still had a lot to do to look after his crops so he tried to respectfully decline. Like any good friends would do, they didn’t take no for an answer, and persisted that he should allow himself to enjoy the day. After relentless encouragement from his friends he eventually agreed to meet with them later after his work was done on his small farm. He had been reluctant to agree though because he didn’t feel well. He was already tired and still had so much work to do. He seemed to have so little energy today, even less then usual.

Energy was something that Caleb rarely had enough of. He had always been very skilled with his hands, but had chosen a life of labor. He liked the way it made him feel at the end of the day. Most days he would start work at sunrise and continue working until the sun set behind the luscious green hills of his village. He loved those hills and all the thriving land around his farm. Like so many in his village he was a farmer. Nothing large, mostly fruits and vegetables but he also dabbled in grapes for wine. This is likely what made him so popular among the townspeople. He often thought to himself how humbling it was that such a simple crop such as what he grew took so much work.

He took great pride in his work. His soils were always perfectly churned and gained the envy of the other farmers. He had developed a hybrid “fertilizer” which brought much life to his soil, and always yielded him a full crop. Even in the dry years when others crops were failing, his flourished. He was often asked how he did it and he adamantly refused to reveal his secret. He had discovered it purely by accident one year, and realized quickly the potential. However, the process being somewhat gruesome, he feared that the townspeople would shun him or refuse his crops at the market if they knew the truth behind his perfect crops.

For years he would skin and clean his own deer and wild boar after a hunt. He would hang the animals from the same post which he had erected for such events on the side of his modest home. One year, while walking alongside his house with a pale of corn seeds for his garden he accidentally tripped on a rock near the hanging post. When he fell, the seeds spilt everywhere. Because the sun was about to set and he still had to spread the seeds as well as water them he hastily gathered as many as he could; replacing them in the pail to spread about his garden.

He didn’t think another thing of it until weeks later when the corn began to grow. At first he didn’t notice the stalks at the base of the slaughter stand but before long, it was impossible to ignore. He was about to pull them out of the ground while doing some yard maintenance around the property, but realized something very odd. They were easily three times the height of the other corn he had planted in the garden. He was shocked by the difference. So much so that he opted to experiment and let them grow. In a third of the time it usually took, these few stalks of corn were fully ready for picking. Not only did they ripen quickly, but they were over-stocked with corn. These new crops easily yielded twice as much as the normal stalks would have. On top of that, they were also a good four feet taller. The corn in the garden wasn’t even close to being ready to pick yet.

He had thought about this strange phenomenon over the last weeks and the only difference that he could think of, was the blood and bits of flesh that were dropped and torn from the deer and wild boar that he butchered on the slaughter post just above where this new corn grew. That’s it… That had to be it. From that moment on, he knew what he had to do.

At first, it made him ill to do it. The slaughtering part he didn’t so much mind… but the collection of the blood, guts, bits and pieces was daunting and gruesome. What really got to him was what he had to do to prepare it. Because of the size of his garden, the extra bits and pieces would not be enough. He needed more. He would go hunting, kill his prey and drag it back. He would cut everything into very small bits, not just the trimmings, but everything. He would shave the bones clean of the flesh. Once he had everything cut into pieces no larger then his thumb, he would start to grind everything with a hand sized stone to squeeze as much blood out of the bits as he could. He would still use the ground up flesh as well, every bit of it. In the end, the whole thing was a mess. And the smell… oh the smell… it was enough to wake the dead. His arms, chest, legs, would all be covered in blood from the vigorous work. However, if his theory was right it would be worth it. With his bucket of guts, blood and flesh, he went to his garden spreading it evenly, and mixing it deep into the fertilized ground. His crops were amazing. From that moment on, he had a secret, a secret that kept him in good finances and ensured his success.

So on that faithful day, his 32nd birthday, in the year 1819 he rested after a long day of working on his crops. He leaned up against one of the old oak trees on his property as he would so often do to watch the warm glowing sunset fade behind the vivid green hills of his town. He must have dozed off.

He was violently awakened when he was thrown from the tree. As he tried to let his eyes adjust to being open he was thrashed across the face by what felt like a hand, but that hand tore into his flesh as only claws could. Again he tried to adjust his view only to be met by a fist, squarely planted on his face, knocking him back and to the ground… Before he knew it, he was being dragged along the ground. Finally, his eyes adjusted and he found there to be two men and a woman focused on him. He was being pulled along by the larger of the two men towards his house.

In a flash, the second man ripped Caleb’s foot from the first mans grasp and took what could only be described as ownership of Caleb. The woman swiftly did her best to attack the first man to keep him away from the second, but it did little good. Without notice the second man bit down on Caleb’s leg with the pressure of nothing like Caleb ever knew. The pain quickly spread from the bite up his leg like snake venom infecting it’s prey. With that, the first man swooped down, and with one single thrust of his arm sent the second man flying. The first man landed squarely on top of Caleb pinning him to the ground. Caleb was defenseless and had never been so terrified. Looking up at the man he saw a shimmer in his eyes that terrified him. They almost glowed in the darkness, yet looked hallow.

Caleb tried to beg for freedom but was quickly silenced by the shock of what he saw. Fangs. The man on top of him, which Caleb could only refer to now as a beast, opened his mouth to reveal extraordinarily white teeth with two fanglike teeth on the sides of his powerful mouth that were easily an inch longer then the line of the rest of his teeth. They were very sharply pointed. In a flash this beast sunk his fangs into Caleb’s shoulder near the base of his neck. Caleb felt paralyzed as if he couldn’t move no matter what his mind was telling him to do. He felt warm blood leaking from his body and knew his life would soon be over. He could not survive this event. No one could. Suddenly the man unlatched himself from Caleb. The woman, who was now looking into his eyes, seemed to be talking to him, only not a word was spoken. After a few moments, the man looked back down into Caleb’s blank stare of shock. Caleb’s blood now coated what was only a moment ago white teeth.

Suddenly the beast on top of him grabbed Caleb’s arm and twisted it, turning Caleb onto his side. Caleb felt a ripping sensation from the front of his stomach off to the side. He looked down to see the man slicing a path along his chest with what could only be described as a claw on the man`s hand. Caleb had never felt such agony. The slicing continued towards his shoulder and then along the same path of his front, only then heading down his back. Caleb knew what was happening from his own experience of slaughtering the deer and boar he hunted. This man was preparing to rip Caleb’s arm off, presumably to give to the woman to feed on. Caleb started to black out, but heard the familiar voices and shouts from what were certainly his friends and half of the town with them shouting out things like…

“If you’re not going to come, then we will bring the party to you!”

Other things were said but Caleb couldn’t make out the words, they were still some distance away. Suddenly just as quickly as it had all started Caleb saw a disgusted look on the face of the beast as he looked in the direction of the approaching crowd, and with a deep compression off of Caleb’s body the Beast leapt up and fled along with the woman. The last thing Caleb remembered was seeing the scowled look on the face of the second man, from a distance as he too turned and fled. Caleb then blacked out.

When Caleb woke, the light was blinding but it didn’t just make him squint. His eyes felt like they were burning. Every exposed part of his body for that matter, felt hot, beyond hot… on fire. It felt like he needed to escape from his skin, but he couldn’t.

A gentle voice broke the shock… The woman spoke.

“Careful, you were hurt badly, save your strength.”

He can still hear that voice today when he thinks back. So sweet, gentle, and understanding. She must have been aware of his clear discomfort because the figure rose and almost glided to the window to cover it. As his eyes adjusted he realized he was in a strange room, and he didn’t know where he was. Though he felt as if he knew this woman somehow. Something told him he had seen here in the village in the past.

The woman spoke again, “Does your flesh burn?”


His speech was slow, almost drained.

She slowly explained,“The change is almost done then… you are going to make it. I know you won’t understand this now, but I am going to bite you. I am not going to hurt you love, but you need what I have to give you or you will not survive the sun tomorrow.”

The woman lowered herself to Caleb and he felt a slight tinge as she bit his neck. This was a much different feeling from the fight he had been in, almost comforting. It was gentle and somehow felt natural. She removed her teeth from his neck after a short time, and when she moved to sit back up he could swear that he could smell his blood on her breath as she passed by his nose. It wasn’t the normal smell he was accustomed to though. It was more detailed then that. He could pick out subtle differences, almost like a fingerprint would be different from person to person the smell he inhaled that day was unique, special, his.

“Now rest,” she spoke as she moved her hand over his eyes.

He instantly fell asleep.

He woke again in what seemed like only minutes, but later was found to be days. When he awoke he felt refreshed. So much so that he actually thought for a moment that the whole thing had been a very bad dream. That was, at least, until his eyes gained focus and realized quickly that he was in the same room. He moved his hands to his face as if to wash his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. Slowly he lowered his hands and noticed that he was feeling everything more then he ever had.

He could feel the individual hairs on his face, the imperfections as if they were painted in front of him, only through his touch, and something dry, out of place near the edge of his mouth. He picked at it to remove it and examined his hand of the contents. It was blood, dried blood. He felt his face for cuts and realized there were none. He thought to himself, "Where did it come from?" It was on his lips as if he had eaten something and it left a trail.

At that moment the woman from before walked into the room and said, "I’m glad to see you’ve awakened love." Caleb thought to himself,“Who is this woman?” He was shocked when she answered his thought.

“My name is not important now love, but what I have to say is. You have been transformed. You are not who you once were and you never will be that person again. You were attacked by three vampires who had no intentions of letting you live. I was watching you sleep, and saw the whole event.”

Caleb broke into her words,“There was no one there, I looked for help and saw no one. What lies are you speaking and why?”

The woman continued, not even annoyed by his accusation.

“I was there Caleb. I often watch you as you are watching the sunset. You couldn’t see me because I was not in the form you see before you now. I was in the shadows. You will understand what I mean later. It is important for you to know who attacked you. It is part of our past, and all of your future. You were attacked by three after-life beings known commonly as vampires. The larger of the two was a Rakshasa. He is a powerful Indian vampire and magician. Often times a Rakshasa will appear as a human but will also have animal qualities. The talon he used to cut into your flesh was that of a bear claw which he morphed onto his hand. The second, smaller male was an Incubus. I’m surprised I saw him. They are purely sexual vampires only visiting and attacking in the passion of making love. He must have been desperately hungry. The third was an Upier. I wasn’t sure if she got a bite in or not in all of the confusion. I don’t believe she bit you, because you were sensitive to the sunlight. Upiers are also known as Vieszcy and Uperczi. They are the day walkers. Because you were sensitive to the sun, I would believe that she did not bite you. However, I have given you that gift when I connected with you on your last wake. I know how you love to farm, I have spent many years watching you from a safe distance. If I didn’t give you the gift of a day walker you would never be able to farm in the daylight again.”

Again Caleb broke into her speech, irritated and in disbelief.

“If you were watching, why did you let them attack me? Why did you do nothing?”

The woman answered his query, “I am not strong enough to protect you from them or believe me, I would have. All I could do was to send a telepathic signal to your friends to come looking for you and hope that it would discourage the three attackers. When they fled, I quickly picked you up and moved you to a safe place, here, to my house.”

Caleb replied, “What of my friends, where are they? Why are they not here?”

The Woman said, “I moved you before they could see you. They wouldn’t have known how to help you. I was the only one who could.”

Caleb asked exasperatley, “How long have I been here?”

The Woman solemnly said, "Three days.”

Caleb raised his voice saying, “Three days!!! And no one has come looking for me?”

The Woman said, “No. They were confused when they couldn’t find you the night of your birthday but assumed you would find them later. After I made sure you were safe and stable, I wrote a note in your hand writing and placed it upon your door. It spoke of your need to spend a few days exploring and that you would be back in less then a week”

Caleb, starting to get angry now, “Why in the hell would you do that? Who are you? I demand answers.”

The woman firmly said, “Settle your rage young man. I saved you, and you will learn in time to thank me for the gifts I have given you.”

Caleb replied, “That may be true woman, but right now I just want the hell out of here.”

With that, Caleb stood and walked towards what he assumed was the front door. Opening it, he was startled by a bird that swept down on him almost as quickly as he had opened the door. It landed squarely on his shoulder which stopped his motions instantly. He attempted to shake the bird off of him but it simply squawked in reaction to his attempts.

The woman said, with a slight laugh to her voice, “It seems you have a new protector Caleb. In time you will learn to appreciate those who are here to protect you. Your name to me and to your true future will be fitting of your new protector. I will know you from this day forward as Lord Raven. When you are ready for more answers Lord, return to me. Do not return to me until you are ready to accept what you are.”

With that, the woman snapped her fingers and the Raven jumped from Caleb’s shoulder and hovered outside the door as if waiting for him to follow, which he did. He quickly realized where he was now. He wasn’t far from his own home at all. It felt good to see his home. A sense of security washed over him.

It was late though, and he felt like he needed to rest. Looking around he was disappointed in the condition of his property. The fight had made it a mess, at least to him. Others may not have noticed but to him, every twig that was moved drove him crazy with frustration. But he knew he needed to rest more and would save the clean up for the next day.

As he approached his home, the raven flew in front and landed on a perch near the door. Walking past it to open his door, he felt oddly protected as this large bird seemed to be standing guard outside his home. He went inside and straight to his bedroom. He undressed for bed. He always slept naked and tonight would be no different. It was then however that he started to accept that something in him, something beyond explanation had changed. He was practically torn to shreds only three nights before and here he was now, naked and ready to climb into bed when he realized he had no wounds. In fact the only sign that what happened was a reality was a scar along his body from where the Rakshasa attempted to cut and tear his limb off. It was a scar but looked as if it had healed years ago instead of being fresh from just a few days. He climbed into bed and fell fast asleep, comfortable for the first time in what seemed like ages.

When he woke in the morning he felt refreshed. Again wondering if it had all been a dream he checked his body for the scar. It was there, as a clear reminder of what happened. It had been no dream, but a harsh reality.

Not knowing what else to do, he did what he did every other normal day. He had work to do. He had property to clean, and a crop to tend to that had been neglected. He set out to do just that. When he opened the door his eyes focused on the perch where the Raven had been the night before. A blanket of ease washed over him when he saw it was still there. He couldn’t explain it but he somehow felt connected to this creature as if it were part of him.

He went about his chores, getting the crops back to his standards. Occasionally a friend or two would stop by through the day having seen him working and would express their concern about his vacancy. He didn’t know exactly what to say, for the first time in his life, so he kept the conversations short stating that he had to get back to work.

This went on for several days, but there was one noticeable difference from before to now, his energy level. At the end of each day, where he would normally be worn out, exhausted even, he didn’t have that feeling now. As the day grew on and night grew closer he actually felt more energetic, if anything. It was a strange feeling to him, and he didn’t know what to make of it. On the fourth day however, he awoke with a new feeling. He didn’t have the energy that he had enjoyed the last few days. He felt a little weak, a little tired.

He was used to fighting through that feeling though, so he went about his day. Plus, he had run out of food for his earth. He needed to hunt today to build another batch to feed his crops. He set out to hunt, and returned hours later with two large wild boars.

As he went about his business of shredding the flesh from the bones, and grinding it to make his food, he felt an irresistible urge to drink the blood. He spent hours fighting with himself internally about the topic. Eventually he reasoned with himself. I’ll just taste it so that I know how disgusting it is.

Lowering his lips to the pail which he had used to collect the blood he got his first conscious deliberate taste of blood. As soon as the warm liquid touched his lips his thirst for it grew like a raging fire from the depths of his stomach. The urge for more overcame him and he drank. His first was just a small gulp, but he wanted more… rather, he needed more. The warm liquid coated the lining of his throat as he drank. It felt to him like the more he drank, the more energy he had. He realized quickly that he needed this blood. He needed to feed to survive. Much like the earth of his crops, he needed blood to thrive.

This taste for blood scared him, and he refused to believe in the fact that vampires existed, and he was now one. He was sure it was just a phase he would work his way through. That is at least until he would find himself on a date with his long time lady love. He had offered to take her out to dinner to apologize for his disappearing act from before and to try to explain what happened.

While he was at dinner he quickly realized that he had no interest in telling her what happened… all he could think about was getting her back to his home to make love to her through the night. Fortunately, she clearly missed him just as much because once she realized he wasn’t paying attention to her words, she suggested to him that they go home to make up for lost time. Caleb quickly agreed.

It was then, in the passion of making love with his beautiful woman that he realized there would be no turning back. Her skin was velvet soft against his more rough, labored skin. She felt like a rose petal on a blanket of silk as their bodies glided in unison together. He was kissing her passionately and followed her jaw line with a trail of kisses on a path to her ear. He knew how she loved for him to speak of his love for her. He let the warmth of his breath pour over her ear, sending chills down her spine, but at the same time making her feel like she had a blanket of passionate warmth covering her delicate body.

It was then, as he approached her ear that he could hear her pulse. He started to get the same taste in his mouth as when he was near feeding on the boars blood. Only this time, the urge was a hundred times as strong. He was so close that he could smell her blood through her veins and he wanted it. He wanted every last drop of its sweetness. Just as he was about to bite into her neck to take what he deemed to be his he resisted. In the suprise of his thirst he removed himself quickly from his lady with a shocked look of self inflicted terror on his face.

He yelled to her, “Leave NOW!” he shouted, “for your own good, my love, please, please just leave now! I can’t explain, I don’t have time. You need to go, you need to leave. NOW!” he continued with a hint of fear in his voice.

He picked her up, naked from the bed but with the quilt with which they had been laying on. He proceeded to carry her to his front door.

“Leave now, go home, for you own good, go home! Raven, I command you see to it that she makes it home safely.” He yelled into the night, knowing the Raven would adhere to his wishes.

With that, confused and in tears she fled away from him. He knew that would likely be the last time he would ever see her again. Not even bothering to dress, he stormed to the house of the woman who had saved him. Pounding on her door he demanded entry. With each thrust of his clenched fist against the door it weakened. Had the gentle woman inside not of opened it, he likely would have broken it down. He spoke in an urgent voice to the woman.

“I want answers. I need answers. I am ready to listen.”

Metal Guy Quest!

I`ve finally finished the metal guy quest!
It took so long it feels only correct to give it a home on my profile!

Thank you, you got me all the metal i need. Here is a little something for you.
+10 QP
+1 Plasma

*Lucidious Rage Stabs the Metal Guys eyes out...
with a dull piece of PLASTIC!*



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Lucidious Rage's average rating out of 157 rates is 6.60/10


Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2019-01-24 19:02:42

I just teared up no lie!!
My very first, very dear friend here..
You are so missed..
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2019-01-24 17:49:47

OMG [hugme] Hope you have been well!
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2013-06-16 18:21:59

oooh! I've missed you Sir Rage! <3 -Greets either cheek of her dear friend with kisses to; beams. Hugs!- I am! Better than I have been in a very long time!.. I hope you and yours are doing amazingly!
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2013-06-16 06:18:42

Raaagggeee Yes, all is fine :) <3 Hope on your end as well! :)
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2012-12-10 23:23:05

Sir Rage! <3 Merry Christmas!! :)! I hope yur having a blast this Holiday season with thee lady and tiny Princess! My best wishes to you and your family!
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2012-12-10 18:54:33

Merry X-mas! :) OMG is is sooooo good to hear from you! I have been fine.. Finished school and started Uni ;) economics and chinese.
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2012-11-09 17:41:30

Miss you hope you are okay
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2011-10-18 06:10:45

Last Killed By: Contessa C-S. BlueMoon (215182) - Intense. <3 xoxox Miss you.
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2011-05-14 12:06:53

Sir Rage! -Smiles, ohso wide like and HUGGGGSS!- It's been forever! Life is good here on my end, keeping busy with working and on occasion, playing. Hehe. I'm sure you know how it is... HOW IS DADDY LIFE and how is that litttttllleee girl of yours? Can't wait for you to catch me up on the size of her!.. Hope things are going awesome for you and your family. Say "HELLO" to the Mrs Rage for me!... Totally made my day popping on to a hug and 'hello' from you! <3 xoxox Be well and happyhappyhapppy!
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2011-05-14 09:13:07

Raaaaaageee! OMG How have you beeeen? :) I am okay, just trying to survive school :)
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2011-01-03 03:28:26

<3 Happiest of New Years, Sir Rage! xoxox
Raistlin Majere (88902)

2010-06-19 14:44:43

Whats up!! Yea its been quite a long time for me as well. My absence was to do with personal life stuff. I missed RoB in some parts, and didn't miss it in others. I just came back on about 4 days ago. I logged in every once in a while as well. Lots of changes, some really good. I hope you are well, and your family is good. Take it easy.
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-06-18 21:02:26

awwwww Congrats on that!<333 Give Rhapture a hug from me as well<3 Missed you two
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2010-06-18 16:47:52

*hugs tight* Congratulations, love! She is going to be as beautiful as her mother and as feisty as her father! Better get a shotgun now! (future boyfriends of the world, look-out!)
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-06-18 08:41:48

You have given Lucidious Rage a rating of 10. Haven't heard from you or Rhapture in ages! Hope you are both okay <3
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2010-06-18 05:02:18

Holy crap... ! You're not dead! <3
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2010-06-18 04:04:23

OMG A DADDY!? -Squeals.- That's soooo exciting! I just BARELY, not even a FEW MINUTES AGO, got the call that I am now an Aunti to a beautiful baby girl named DeLaine! -Bounces oh so very excitedly!- CONGRATS to You and thee Lady! I'm thrilled for You Both!
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2010-06-18 03:46:20

It has been much too long indeed! Life is treating me well, t'is the Summer! What can possibly be better than that? -Grins wide. Happy.- I do hope You enjoyed! I've been training... -Flex.- And am now ranking to be more and more tasty. -Giggles.- Was just the other day I was a newbling in Your care. <3 I wont forget how and when I started. You are much credit to the epic upbringings of my character. -- How oh how have You been Sir Rage? Life treating You well? How is M'Lady Rage? And my vehicles? Hehe. Do write back soon, as I do much enjoy Your visits.
PYRO (183844)

2010-06-17 14:41:25

Yep! Primal Chaos & Congrats!!!
PYRO (183844)

2010-06-14 09:48:31

Congrats on the New Coven!

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