Anthea ~LS~ Forte is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)"feeling the ghosts of your fingertips, lingered, lingered."

Last Active: 2022/09/18 21:03
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Game Age5,718
Karma+/Verve+7 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAfghanistan
Collectibles7 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S6/0/0
Battle Record54,950/139,101/256
Win %29%
Last KilledFeyre Noir
Last Killed ByTobias Morde†h ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent6
Coven Title (Rank)Lordess of Kickassery (55)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 2mil+



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Married to Mr. Damian Forte [Fury] (214437) for 4254 days
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Anthea ~LS~ Forte's average rating out of 113 rates is 7.17/10


Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-06-01 01:31:40

Leaves a messy amount of lovings on her profile..- pppqqqppp
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2019-05-16 00:19:03

Is that a Thea I spy? Oh my gosh. [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2019-05-10 05:22:27


Carry On! Carry On! [yay]
Alucard Tepes (M_U) (39078)

2019-05-10 05:17:15

You don't even need to download it, youcan just use the website version. :P
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2019-05-10 05:16:05

Lovely to see that name in chat. [3] [hug] Welcome back!
Alucard Tepes (M_U) (39078)

2019-05-10 05:11:37

Alucard Tepes (M_U) (39078)

2019-05-10 04:42:08

Glad to have you back dear, you should come hang about in my house chat then.
† Gengera Agares † (41294)

2019-05-10 03:53:53

*bounces at the note and runs to leave you one in return*
Alucard Tepes (M_U) (39078)

2019-05-10 02:08:19

There is a sexy woman I haven't seen in a while, you back around dear?
Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2019-05-09 13:58:56

-A light fluctuation in space rippled in mid-air, shadows coalescing to this single point to form a swiftly growing ball of night. Before it had even taken the size of a tennis ball, the shadow ball split vertically both upward and down to form a shadowy scar that pulsed a single time. From this ball, a shadowy form stepped forth, his lithe shape almost concealed by the mane of raven black locks that fell over his body and low to the ground. Flesh took shape from shadow, and cloth found form above such in the half seconds that passed and as his body become adorned in the folds of black material his head finally rose to let stormy grays eyes pass around the area before him.

Loose flowing pants contrasted his form fitting sleeveless shirt, this contrast mirrored by the pale expanses of his skin to the midnight hues of both his clothing and hair. It was this same hair that was being gathered by invisible hands whilst the male took another step forward, these spectral entities taking the extreme lengths of his hair and braiding it efficiently as their master took in the view. Seemingly content, he kept on walking whilst his newly braided hair swung behind him, ends still being locked together.

There seemed to be no intention for this male to knock on any door however, for he simply stopped before her entrance and squatted down. Free hand would extend out to his right, disappearing from sight as it entered one of his spatial pockets. From the depths of this personal storage space, the man would pull forth a bottle of Jack Daniel and set it forth before the door. From his left hand a single rose was brought forth and laid upon said bottle, a small note tied to it's stem. The note read simply..- 'Next round's on you, old friend'.

A rare smirk took the lips of the male as he stood up, his form turning before long legs would carry Phantom away from his former Leader's abode. Moments later, both male and shadowy scar had vanished completely from the residence as if they had never been there to begin with. Simply the passing of a shadow- [3]
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 10:09:37

The needing bit wasn't voiced in vain. Even if this escalated far quicker then he had expected or intended, that need part seized the upper hand competly once that daring tongue of hers deepened the kiss even more so as willing lips parted, welcoming such as he failed to properly respond to her question which in reality, was anything but such. His own, coming forward to greet hers as that hand upon the back of her neck gained in the pressure applied upon her flesh, keeping her as closely as he could and seized in the moment that was currently shared. Ending this ? It was already past that point for him as his free hand shifted along her form, exploring her frame before slipping to her back, to push her even tighter against him, as if afraid to lose her in the next moment once he'd free his lips while tugging upon her bottomlip. If there had been a glint present within those eyes of his or any unvoiced intenteds, there was a rather direct and clear look present currently as he seemed to devour her with his eyes. He didn't desire to think currently nor worry about anything that follow. The only thing that was there, was her as it was, especially with the way he could feel every bit of her skin pushing against him while he stole those lips again, eagerly going in for seconds.-
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 09:35:13

It could have been just a part of his imagination but she seemed completly conflicted with herself currently. Which only caused that feeling of something being off with her, being ever so strongly represented within him. Especially given the way he knew she was usuaully, even if such was partially a front.-

Are we, cause for me, the whole universe feels like dust to me currently.

The corner of his bottomlip was met with pearly whites as an bite was given there for a slight moment, the action hidden ever so quicly as well, to stiffle the words that threatend to slip away from moving lips.

At least, untill she voiced that familiar way she used to call upon him. Currently, he definably needed her, in every form she'd be presented as he used the hand upon the back of her neck to shift her closer, so daring lips could steal her lips the following moment. He wasn't certain as if it was to kill the way she seemed to feel or if it was to statisfy his curiosity. Or because it felt so familiar and good in the same sentence. Regardless, didn't regret such as those lips would linger.-
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 08:54:45

That faint tremble of her bottom lip didn't evade his senses. Regardless, with the way she was looking currently, he didn't want to push through it completly. Simply because she was always somebody that was precious to him. And if she'd be pushed past her own comfort, it would be her own steps taking her there. He'd only nudge her her. The distance closed even further, that daring thumb slipped up along her cheeck before vanishing within her hair. Toying with the soft strands before landing with the rest of his digits, on the back of her neck. Eyes glanced towards her lips for a moment before those blue's trailed back to her eyes.-

I'll always be here. Nor am I certain currently about who'm would need who.

Regardless, was quite aware that she'd always be welcomed if she felt as if needing him. Heh, she'd always be welcomed regardless. It wasn't easy to steal a bit of his heart but once succesfully managed, it would be there for ages to come. And she was included in that -
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 08:29:55

His own fingers would greet the almost carefull motion hers made against his, to seize her hand within as he didn't desire for her to create distance. His choice ? Surely. But only because she gave such. Not that he was one to complain as currently, her presence was more then desired. -

That tends to be how life goes, doesn't it. But then kuddos for you for pursuiting such. I hope you'll ace it. Because I know you deserve that promotion. I would inquire about what happened but if its too personal, then just tell me if you desire such.

-He would have teased and be evil was it not for her being genuine currently, or so it felt. Which caused a rare gentle smile to surface, reserved for those that where really dear to him. That inviting hand he took earlier, tugged upon lightly as he pulled her back against him. It sure seemed as if was taking liberties here tonight. Regardless, his free hand would reach, to brush light digits along her cheek before a single one flowed along her bottom lip.-

Dont ever hide yourself away. If the mood is heavy, I want to indulge in such. If its light, I will accompany such as well. But then only because in all those moments, its you. And not a projection.

As for myself, life does. But in total, I do assume you're doing better then I'm doing at that bit. Since you are learning, growing and improving.
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 08:02:20

Even if she had not forced such, he'd linger. Just to take in the familiar and trusted scent that lingered around her. Simply due to her presence being adored and something that would remain precious to him till the end of his days. Especially with the trip taken down memory lane as he recalled all the times she had been there.-

The night sky makes sense since I lingered a bit too long within its embrace.
-Could have said the same about his current position but didn't desire too. Especially not cause he was rather content in total.-

You still should tell me how you've been and what you are studying for however.
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 07:52:30

Was fine if he'd get stabbed or strangled to dead in the following moment, cause again, it was her. His form slipped within the inviting arms while his own would snake around, stealing such tightly against his own.-

I missed you. If that sounded too sappy, imagine it being about folks you'd kill randomly. -Was tired but not too tired to be too liberal with his words. Regardless, ment it anyway as a smile tugged upon the corner of his lips while he indulged in the presence currently presented. If anything, she was one of those that made this whole site feel like home.-

I use too many tabs, it was still there on mine. :P
And if you are a loser, then I'm kinda worried about quite a lot of humanity. -Winks with a grin.-
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-09 07:32:38

The rare bit isn't the special part tho.
its the bit where its you that matters. ;)
Can celebrate that. xD

pppqqqppp I'm tired, take affection. :P
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-05-02 10:43:37

Oooh! Thats awesome and great that you're doing such!
What are you learning for ?

I'm still alive and kicking. So that counts as good for me. -grins-
Seriously tho, I'm doing well. Thank you.

I will never get the bit where I see your name and then fistpump inside while shouting in my mind "THEAAAAAA" out of my system. -ponders-
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-03-29 13:12:57

Ola! I was out of creative idea's for comments so I'll leave it at an "Hope things are going great there!"
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2019-02-22 05:32:01

Antheaaaaaaaaa! pppqqqppp

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