LyRa de Suaste is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

LyRa de Suaste (116826)"*Yawns and stretches*"

Last Active: 2023/02/15 17:40
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,719
Karma+/Verve+31 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles12 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record55,533/133,064/431
Win %30%
Last Killed751612
Last Killed By†Amia Wolfen™†
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent3
CovenHouse of the Fallen Raven
Coven Title (Rank)The Original Wolf of Raven (75)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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Rank 100+

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LyRa de Suaste's average rating out of 107 rates is 8.86/10


Alegna McClellan (520460)

2014-12-04 18:41:48

:o LyRa!!!! [hugme] qq
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2014-04-02 01:10:04

You have given LyRa de Suaste a rating of 10.
Darla D`Oreb (594697)

2014-03-23 09:25:53

Congrats on winning the lottery !!!
Demetreus¹ D`Spartan² (612013)

2014-03-11 01:47:52

LOL i know, that's what keeps so many people from actually playing this game :p But it's part of how to grow fast, and anything over rank 100 still gets killed in the first ten minutes anyway, regardless of power...And only a few actually kill all the time, so many are still worried about power to rank ratio, when it's power for game age that really matters...Many who have been training and spending, went from attacking me now and then, to suddenly losing...And i give away most of what i earn, i could be twice as powerful, but investing in the future, helping new players, and even some old ones get a foothold on the game, helps everyone in the long run....Tips and tricks, strategy refinement, even staying vip :) Oh, and i revive at about 5 o the hour, and i plan on staying alive for a while LOL i am probably one of the best kills you are gonna find, so take advantage while ya can hehe *Rates her profile a ten*
Demetreus¹ D`Spartan² (612013)

2014-03-11 01:12:44

Woot Woot! [rockon] Haha awesomeness qq i just go at a nice steady rate, been saving my AP for the next AP rage event, double turns, blood and exp, and the extra thousand turns is nice. Training will not keep ya ahead for long, especially since soon i will be starting to get those drinks at the bar for extra NPC blood each day, and there are so many perks to having a high rank like that. This is going to be fun, and it's very nice to meat you qq
Demetreus¹ D`Spartan² (612013)

2014-03-11 00:56:35

LOL two years of training? No wonder i passed you up so easily, and plasma on stats is a waste, it's worth more than five times as much if used on vip, each rank is 3 AP not to mention all the stats from the daily quests. Well, now that you actually play the game again, you might be able to keep up...i totally would spend if i had a way to, but i have done it all in game as well. Hey, i should be on you list :p you could rank up five times day just from me [roll] or should i help ya by giving ya free blood? :p I look forward to a long lasting friendly rivalry qq
Demetreus¹ D`Spartan² (612013)

2014-03-11 00:44:36

Oh wow, nice qq you must have powered up a bit since i added a while ago LOL i try not to kill so low like i said, so i could get surprised like that :) Well, keep up with whatever you have been doing [y] i don't want to blow past you again too soon :p
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2014-03-11 00:13:36

You can't fix fools nor suffer them to live. :d
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2014-03-10 23:56:51

[hi5] You Bad Ass Coven Leveler, you! :d
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2014-03-10 19:09:23

*looks down at previous poster's comment* Not sure why he considers you to be 'low' other than your rank, LyRa. Even with his Coven Boost you can knock him off of his branch with a half hearted swipe. Pity how so many Buds underestimate not only Ravens Power but our weapons as well. :d
Demetreus¹ D`Spartan² (612013)

2014-03-10 17:33:03

Haha, i know, i should really watch my health, by the time i get that low on my list, i usually need to heal..i don't remember to, because i don't usually kill so low :p
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2014-03-10 14:00:05

Most wins today 1365 wins: LyRa de Suaste (116826) Very Awesome number there... Congrats at your killtackler day.
Sister Lavon Poundslag (250413)

2014-03-10 00:25:05

My half human half donkey hybrid minion Lord Farqyew.
Sister Lavon Poundslag (250413)

2014-03-10 00:21:30

Well I'm over the donkey, I don't even stalk his Facebook or anything anymore :p How are you?
Sister Lavon Poundslag (250413)

2014-03-10 00:14:36

I drank like a crate of gin you're probably getting some residual effects from my blood.... Omg this font is amazing !! I want to write a really long comment just so I can revel in it's amazingness! You're probably going to have to get a new liver now.
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2014-03-04 05:14:16

Rating of 10.....nice profile:)
Shár†MýstíçBládé†Lýonésé (531921)

2014-02-17 03:44:44

Shár†MýstíçBládé†Lýonésé (531921)

2014-02-17 03:43:09

Right back at you sweety . You have given LyRa de Suaste a rating of 10.
Shár†MýstíçBládé†Lýonésé (531921)

2014-02-17 03:39:32

Nice Killing
SouxieMentia Draculesti ™ (183686)

2013-12-24 17:07:30

Hope you had a nice Yule and a Merry Christmas.

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