BON APPETIT is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!


Last Active: 2011-06-13 02:45:06
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,715
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationJapan
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record23,268/33,303/160
Win %42%
Last KilledCramchokeus
Last Killed BySage
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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VIP Member DarkAsh
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss

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I`ve quit this site over a year ago so a goodbye is way overdue. Originally joined as something to do with my daughter, who was treated horribly here and left. Her account has long been deleted, and i have no reason to stay anymore. I do have millions in the bank, increasing daily with the interest, so i will probably come back eventually to gift some newbie player/s someday... i`ll think about it.

This game could have been fun but honestly the idea of vampires feeding off of each other is too nonsensical for me to tolerate. Vampires are, by definition, (un)dead, therefore have no life in them... as such, the concept of deriving BLOOD from other vampires is absurd. Had there been just a slight tweak in terminology -- call it a duel? and say the opponent is `defeated` in battle, not `killed` -- i could have been fine with it, but it`s the principle.

Then we have the continuing parade of fools who create multiple accounts, use them to make money to buy plasma, advance at ridiculous speed and somehow take months to get caught. Hard to understand why anyone would consider this a victory when achieved in such a low-class, cowardly manner, but it is no surprise that these are also the people who will arbitrarily choose some lower ranked player and make him/her their bitch for months at a time. Amazing how these people manage to be online every hour on the hour around the clock, to attack within 10 seconds of every revive.

Perhaps if all the losses we rack up at the hands of cheaters were removed from our battle records and, more importantly, the WINS removed from THEIR records after they are finally caught (shouldn`t those wins be disqualified?) i might not have minded so much. But no, the cheating scum is left with a glorious 99% win rate so that even while jailed, they have the satisfaction of gloating over their `victories` forever.

I`m done. For the multi-account using, 24-hour botting, ass-raping bullies, here`s my vacant account. Use that turn to attack MY lifeless carcass instead of some other poor slob who actually gives a crap. Hello, current incarnation of Bella or Yinai, or whatever you`re calling yourself these days.... Go ahead, attack me at :01 after every hour. Of course others are welcome to train on my rotting corpse as well, if you can. Have fun draining the nonexistent blood out of a fellow vampire, i`m sure it can`t taste very good nor could there be much of it since the heart stopped pumping 432 years ago... but enjoy.

Thank you Paradox, for your support and encouragement and for being the coolest person we met here. Thank you, former leaders and staff of Obsidian, back when it was Obsidian, for everything you did for us while we were with you. Thank you Ash, for creating this game and always trying to come up with new features and fun competitions and activities... and please consider doing something about the vampires-killing-vampires thing, as it is only a matter of annoying terminology and gameplay would remain the same.

Happy gaming everyone. *rings dinner bell* COME AND GET IT!



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BON APPETIT's average rating out of 47 rates is 7.66/10


Wolfpack (151200)

2011-07-13 10:43:21

dunno how i ended up on your profile, maybe you were alive and i was interested to see who the person behind bon appetit was. anyway, very wise words and i hope you fare well.
D-Slayer (230136)

2011-01-17 01:11:06

Giving u a ten
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2011-01-14 23:24:01

Yes, I think I might be going to hell now. Know of any other deities that I can nibble on?
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2011-01-04 01:35:16

Nice place it darkly...
†Ðeamon Whispers† (163379)

2010-07-07 00:17:52

Its happens from time to time your getting it and **BAM** out of know where it just happens
chippy (9794)

2010-07-03 16:09:53

Saphira C. Soulfire (183962)

2010-07-02 03:30:51

Not just any ol' cupcake, a hardcore cupcake
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2010-05-20 23:18:07

it was delightful...the honor is truly mine Ms Vinushka the profile pic : )= You have given Vinushka a rating of 10.
Armitage (64144)

2010-05-04 03:58:52

Thanks, I gave you a 10 too!!
Black Rose (304088)

2010-05-03 06:41:44

+is that your pic.?+-
¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥ (71016)

2010-04-15 19:25:13

Thank you, dear heart. it is nice to hear those words.
Dae Dae the Thunder God (336729)

2010-04-07 10:57:09

thank you for the snack, my sweet. *smiles as he walks into the shadows and disappears from sight*
Luvarian (237339)

2010-03-25 07:15:05

Profile pic +3 || Pictures scattered on your profile + 2 || Dir En Grey + 5 || For the total awesome of it all +10 ^^ Really nice work for sure.

2010-03-18 04:15:44

-blinks then runs after you-

2010-03-18 03:27:24

No you! lol ^.^

2010-03-17 22:02:40

s you
DarkAsh (1)

2010-02-15 15:38:54

Teada Moon Night (159671)

2010-02-09 05:04:32

A kiss for you for Valentine's day Vinushka!
Legion, White Tiger (142699)

2010-02-06 00:38:50

Love the pic. Rated you 10.

2010-01-23 20:56:24

i do love your username and profile!

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