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Stay Tuned (118070)"Clearing out the webs inside my haunted head"

Last Active: 2016-11-29 03:16:48
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Family tradition has a way of stating who and what a person is, and who they sometimes become.
So I ask you, what`s in a name?

It all started a few generations back with a drunken expectant father being drug by his ear into the delivery room by his mother in law. That`s how the late, great, John Le`Boe came to name his son Jim Beam Le`Bou from the bottle in his hand, and slur to his name. The new tradition carried on to his son who was named Jack Daniels Le`Bou. But then came the first baby girl into the mix. What to name a baby girl and still keep the tradition going, especially when the mother just happened to be a deflowered belle of the south. And so; Shasta Pop Le`Bou became the last of a very short line, but we`ll get to that shortly.

The Curse was in the name Le`Bou from the start, and no one escaped it. It all started with Jim Beam Le`Bou, who true to his name took up the bottle from and early age, and got himself eaten by a gator while hauling one up into his boat. True he had fallen out of the boat reeling the one he had shot in; but who could or would have ever guessed that he would have been eaten by what he was aiming to eat. One would have hoped that with the passing of his father at four, Jack would have learned a valuable lesson when it came to the poison that he was named for; but he too fell victim to the bottle.

People had hope for Papa Jack. That was the worst crime of it all. Young Jack had started working in his early teens. He nearly finished school. As a drummer, he was an exceptional musician. He toured and opened for a few major bands, but that all came to a halt when he knocked up one of his groupies. He married, and he even settled down. He took up roots, and worked his way up from the slums and the wrong side of the tracks to be accepted by the mucky mucks. But that all ended in the swirl of the mud and blood in the wake of hurricane Katrina.

Most people think the worst tragedy Katrina could claim was the flooding and loss of life that came from it, but Shasta can tell you different. No, the true horror show was when the convicts escaped the prison and made best of their new found freedom. Papa Jack was a good father, really he was; but the love of his life was always Anne. And, Anne and Shasta were downstairs scavenging what they could for food when they came in through the front window. It was the splashing in the knee high and slowly rising water that had alerted Anne to the intrusion, and Anne`s calling out to Jack that had alerted them to her.

I could stop here, and you could guess how the story goes; but to feel the heartache that claimed two more lives, one must read it for themselves. Turn back now if don`t want the details.

They laughed and caroused as Anne worked against a struggling young Shasta to force her into a broom closet. There, closed in the tight space, a thin shaft of light sifting in through the crack of the door eclipsed by the weight of her mother; Shasta heard them come into the kitchen. She cringed and fell back against the sagging wall as the light came flooding back in through that crack when her mother was yanked away, her movements lost in the rolling thunder that was her father rushing down the stairs.

Her hand came to her mouth, her eyes blinded by tears. the words and the sounds muffled by the door, the sloshing water, and the roar in her ears. But, even to a young mind riddled with fear, there was nothing her mind imagined that could have prepared her for what she slowly began to understand. Papa jack`s rampaging was the first thing to stop. Then Anne`s shouting had given way to sobbing and pleading. Some of the words she was given to understand along with the rythmic slapping, so she covered her ears and lowered herself down into the water until it was chin deep.

She might have escaped untouched had she not clung so desperately to hope, but when she heard the gunshot, she choked. She screamed, and scrambled, back against the wall of the box she was in. They heard, and they hauled her out to pin her face down on the table as they slid her mothers corpse down off the table to sink into the muddy water. Sightlessly she had stared at her from a similar position for a single second, and then she was gone. Her own hand was forced down into the sticky mess that had once been her mothers brains and blood.

The shock gave way to pain and then back again, as they used her one by one. Her prepubescent body was not ready or easily yielding. Things ripped and tore to make way for the violence, but nary a sound fell from her lips, save her occasional choking for air. They soon tired of their game since she proved to be of little sport, and one by one they started to wander away as the water crept up to the backs of her thighs. It was down to the last two, the one waiting his turn, and the one finishing up, when the one leaving told the other to "finish the job". It wasn`t the relief it was meant to be when the remaining man wrapped his hand round her mouth, and shot up into the ceiling.

Everything can change in the blink of an eye. When jack woke, he was on the roof. Drug there, by the still bleeding, and now unconscious ruin there beside him on the roof. It didn`t take a genius to figure out that Anne was gone when he crawled to the hole in the roof to stare down into the Black waters just a few feet below. He was badly beaten, and it took a few confusing minutes for it to all come flooding back. The last terrible memories of his sweet, precious, Anne. The fact that Shasta had been mauled, and yet had still managed to haul them both to safety didn`t even register. There among the meager provisions was one saving grace. A bottle of Jack to crawl into, and never come out of.

Three Le`Bou down, and only one more to go.

In an institution

The girl sitting across from her had been beaten to a pulp. Bruised ribs, fractured jaw, busted lips, and one terribly swollen black eye. The problem was, the girl wouldn`t tell anyone what had happened to her. In fact, according to the report before her, the girl hadn`t spoken a word in well over a year. She was despondent, but she had a hard time believing that the girl was the catatonic that her grandmother had claimed her to be. She showed the occasional twitch of irritation, and cringed as if expecting to be hit when she heard loud noises or raised voices. She started at the sound of a chair scraping on the floor. No, to her it was very clear that there was in fact, something there. Buried somewhere deep beneath the surface.

Days passed into weeks, and the weeks into a month when a pattern emerged. The only time that Shasta refused to make eye contact, was when her grandmother was in the room; and her grandmother was always in the room. Today Shasta sat across from her with her head turned to one side, her vacant eyes staring off at some unseen spot on the wall. It was a bold move, one that could give her more grief than she cared to get a lawyer for, but she herself was loosing sleep because she had to know her story. The girl was like a book on the shelf at a good coffee house that simply needed to be cracked.

"Shasta, today we are going to try something new. Today your grandmother will not be joining us for session" It was a long shot, such a long shot with the prim old woman in the observation booth behind her. She had to watch every word, and make every one count, and something told her that she didn`t have very long to try it. The silence drew on to an almost irretrievable point, when the corner of her eye pinched and her head slowly swiveled around to face her, but those haunted green eyes flit to the big mirror set into the wall behind her, and Shasta looked away again. She had to act on it, before the window of opportunity closed.

"Shasta.. I can`t give you this opportunity again. Please.." *there was an unwelcome crack in her voice that she cleared away and replaced with a professional tone as quickly as she could manage. "please let me help you." The girls head whipped around, her eyes were filled with hate and rage when she looked at her again, and a voice came out over the intercom. It was the old woman. She said "enoughx!" She should have stopped, but she had to try one last time. Just one softly spoken and earnest word. "Please!"

No one could have predicted the evil twist of a grin that lit across those lips as she began to open her mouth. Her first words, the first ones she had spoken since she had given her name at the Louisiana Superdome so long ago, came horse and sadistic from her mouth. "Shall we start with why I`m really here?" Her arms pressed against the table as she leaned in, and what she had to say next was almost lost by the crackling of sound that was now coming from the speaker as an attendant clearly struggled with the old woman to keep her from silencing the girl over the intercom. "Do you think it was by some accident? or do you really believe someone beat and raped me when I was never even let out of the house?" The girl was only 14, yet she was speaking as if she were a scorned and bitter woman fully grown!

Dr. Jetta Stone was near tears of frustration herself when the old woman came scratching and clawing at the door. She was so close. Just as close to a lawsuit as she was to the truth. It took everything she had to tear herself away from the table, and go with the orderlys and the old woman down the hall and into her office. It was over before it had started. Donna Gentry was demanding to have her Grand daughter released or she would sue. But back in the interrogation room, (for that`s truely what it looked like), Shasta lifted her head and locked eyes with the gleaming red light inside the grey plastic dome in the corner of the room on the ceiling, and began to speak yet again.

She recounted then in ghostly and cryptic tones the entirety of her tale. She told of how she had come to only to find her father dead on the roof that evening after she had struggled so long to bring him out of the death trap that had become their home alive. She told of her panic with detachment, but in detail. She had swept the puke out of his mouth, she had breathed into him and pumped at his chest in a vane attempt to restart his heart, all of this only to fail. He had drank until he had passed out, and then he had asphyxiated on his own vomit. She told of how she had rocked herself, begging and pleading for death to come to her too, how she had fallen asleep crying; only to feel utter betrayal upon waking.

her eyes clouded for only a few moments as her story gave way to visions of remembrance, and the emotions crossed her face like clouds across a blood moon. Sucking in a breath and blinking she focused on the camera again. She told of how she had used a bag of flour to spell out the word help on the roof after rolling her father off the edge. Then the brief details of the airlift and her ride in a helicopter, only to be made part of the wretched and stinking zoo of the dome. She drifted some as she recounted how she had struggled to clean away all of the dried blood and how once she had fresh clothes she had burned the others and warmed her hands over that fire. Her smile then grew ugly again, and her tone took on a sarcastic lilt as she explained how her grandmother had come to get her and take her to her home.

At this point the door to the room opened and Shasta gripped the table that was bolted to the floor, desperate for it all to be told, to let it all out. A voice cut across the room just as the young man reached for her. "Leave her be, let her finish"

Proud player of R.O.B. since Sunday, January 18, 2009

2013-04-30 19:03:00 Shasta Le Bou (118070)s battle leveled up the coven



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Stay Tuned's average rating out of 83 rates is 8.45/10


†Damon Whispers† (616405)

2013-07-03 19:40:16

Rinnie Aspicio (321449)

2013-05-22 14:54:48

Welcome to the Asylum! Please check out the forums for help and any questions you might have. If you have time, join us in chat, or ask any of the staff here regarding any questions you come up with. Let me know what you would like your coven name and color to be. I hope you enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you around. Have fun!
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2013-05-22 09:32:45

Well good morning Shasta
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2013-05-16 22:44:08

-blinks then quirks a brow- Eh? What's up Shazz?
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-05-16 10:35:46

No they just list who they want in the forum and the rules are there
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-05-16 10:29:22

Just one darling but I need three *Winks* as does Dolly
Zeffer ToA (256156)

2013-05-15 16:36:03

Dressed all in black like a ninja, he creep all over her profile. pulling out several sticks of glue, he be quick at his work as not to he caught. moving around in odd patteren he coat he profile with the glue. He dash out and return with a bag. reaching in he grab hand fulls of what was in side and toss it around her profile. waiting some time he gather up the lose rose petals as the ones left formed two interconnecting hearts. taking the glue he start writing inside the heats till he was done, reaching back into the back he pull out an assortment of glitter, taking each bottle he sprinkle it over the writing as he make each letter a different color, cleaning up his mess he dash off leaving this said, "I wonder who it be that is crushing on me"
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2013-05-13 04:27:04

-Sneaks onto her profile while dragging a large bag behind him. Reaching her wall, he'd stretch for a moment before getting to work. Reaching within the bag, a neon green spray can of paint was was fetched. Which he used the following moment to spray "Welcome to the Den, Shasta! Good to have ya there." Glancing across the sprayed bit, he finished by adding a <3 to the end of it before he tossed the can back into the bag. Reaching into it once more, something appearing to look like a large fruit basket was pulled out of it. Yet on closer inspection, it would be completly filled with all sorts of candy. Including enough lolli's to last her a while. Casting a glance around, he was content with his handy work. Hence why he grabbed the bag again to sneak back to his own profile.-
Shazar south Impaler (160367)

2013-05-10 04:44:03

thank you darling...and you so know!
Shazar south Impaler (160367)

2013-05-09 04:35:46

ure gonna make me use a stronger weapon aren't you?
Shazar south Impaler (160367)

2013-05-06 01:54:17

nothing it's just your a cutie
Shazar south Impaler (160367)

2013-05-04 23:40:18

Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2013-05-02 09:57:43

My tea? Cold? Where have you been?! :/
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2013-05-02 09:50:41

Shasta! <3!
Dev Bloodrav (166493)

2013-04-28 18:41:33

welcome to the coven if i can get you anything to make your stay more enjoyable please dont hesitate to let me know
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2013-04-20 06:13:23

This girl needs more love! couldn't help myself, stopped by and had to spruce the place up a bit! Look for me online sometime.;) miss you!
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2013-01-17 10:23:26

Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2012-09-19 09:31:59

N'aw a missed you too (: glad you're doing well <3
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2012-09-18 09:28:20

Well hi there shasta (: Been a while how are you?
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2012-06-06 04:38:17

Still ringing your doorbell. Come out to play!

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