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Artemis (120487)"building Rome"

Last Active: 2012-04-24 02:21:32
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,709
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record8,195/38,484/3
Win %18%
Last KilledDathyl
Last Killed ByAlpha Killa Sa ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenMount Olympus
Coven Title (Rank)goddess of the wood (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 14k+




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"One may have a blazing hearth in one`s soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way." - Vincent Van Gogh

" Wonder and love and great sorrow shook Schmendrick the Magician then, and came together inside him and filled him, filled him until he felt himself brimming and flowing with something that was none of these. He did not believe it, but it came to him anyway, as it had touched him twice before and left him more barren than he had been. This time, there was too much of it for him to hold; it spilled through his fingers and toes, welled up equally in his eyes and his hair and the hollows of his shoulders. There was too much to hold — too much ever to use; and still he found himself weeping with the pain of his impossible greed. He thought, or said, or sang, I did not know that I was so empty, to be so full. " — Peter S. Beagle

In Santa Cruz there is a small yellow wedge of a house with a staircase curving up around the outside. Someday, I’m going to buy that house. I’m going to surround it with wisteria, jasmine, and honeysuckle that will climb the sides and fill my house with their sweet fragrance day and night. I’ll put a rose garden on the roof, with a hammock in the middle, so that I can listen to the ocean, the birds, the laughter of the beach people, as I enjoy the warmth of the California sun shining down on my skin in a way that I’ve found is peculiar to California’s golden beaches.

In the mornings I’ll walk along the beach, looking for sea glass that will slowly grow into a mosaic of Monet’s water lilies. In the afternoons I’ll drive down the coast, toward Monterrey, where I can immerse myself in the scent of eucalyptus. I’ve decided that there is nothing in the world like eucalyptus, even the word gets me. I will never again choose to live in a place whose environment is prohibitive to those wonderful trees. The invigorating scent, the long, silvery leaves, the funny little pods, there’s nothing like it, no acceptable substitutes.

If you ever happen to be walking to the boardwalk in forty or fifty years, when I’ll finally be able to call it my street, feel free to stop by. You’ll know that it’s me by the white lace curtains with small blue flowers drifting in and out of the open windows and by the Russian Blue lounging on the porch. I’ll make you hot cocoa and we can sit outside and listen to the ocean and the sounds of the boardwalk. In the summer there will be live music on the beach, and we can go swing dancing at the hotel up the street where they give lessons. Later on we’ll make a bonfire in the sand and watch the waves break on the shore, the white foam glowing against the pitch blackness all around us. Then you will love my California too. Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones



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Artemis's average rating out of 16 rates is 7.63/10


Bloodlet (79019)

2011-03-11 13:47:19

I've been around, just no on as much these days. How have you been?
Bloodlet (79019)

2011-02-17 14:51:22

*Looks down your profile comments* Geez very long over due for a hello. How have you been doing? :)
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-12-19 21:44:49

I came across your name and I just had to come.Hello
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2010-02-14 07:27:54

Happy Valentines Day! <3
The Cyn (212530)

2010-02-08 04:46:40

-smiles to the Lady of the Hunt-
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-12-25 06:15:19

Happy Holidays! *Leaves cookies*
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-10-13 05:38:53

Stops by for a long over due hello Hope things are going well for you. *Rushes off to read your latest blog*
Casimir Goetschl (225114)

2009-10-03 00:47:43

You have given Artemis a rating of 10. ((Pleasure meeting you Ms. Artemis))
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-09-22 21:07:12

B-52s... Things are good. Coven is doing well. How are things going for you guys?
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-09-22 00:36:35

Hey! Happy Monday to you. I'm doing well, how are things going for you?
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-09-18 21:04:10

Why thank you dear! Ahh~ I see. It's always good to prepare in advance. Well, I hope you enjoy it when it rolls around~ keep me updated.
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-09-18 20:55:17

It was nice, but now I'm in the middle of a hectic move! How was your road trip?
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-09-18 19:22:51

It's been forever since I have chatted with you! How have you been dear?
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-08-10 20:24:09

Glad things are going good for you. Cool mix of tunes in your music player list...little bit of everything. Of course that Offspring song always cracks me up
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-08-10 20:13:55

*Smiles* ok for a Monday. Just getting things going for the week to come. How are things going for you on this fine day?
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-08-03 20:54:47

Thank you honey!! I hope you have an equally awesome week. *hugs*
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-08-03 15:38:41

I hear you! I'm doing great honey. I just got off work not too long ago and am off for the next 4 days. O~ the good life!
Selena Valkyrie (89492)

2009-08-02 12:49:24

Artemis! I hope you are enjoying your weekend dear one. Don't be a stranger! *hugs*
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-07-24 20:05:49

*Smiles*, well I'll have one glorious day in the city this weekend. Then back to my wooded abode. Hope you have a good time.
Bloodlet (79019)

2009-07-24 19:06:16

Dropped by to say hi...hope your having a great day...yay only three more days til Monday

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