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Malice (123049)"Eating children"

Last Active: 2020-05-25 10:33:32
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Game Age5,702
Karma+/Verve+-20 / 0
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record1,882/38,952/307
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Last KilledCramchokeus
Last Killed ByTine Darkheart
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Coven Title (Rank)Malice (61)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 120k+



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VIP Member DarkAsh

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When I was still an animal with a heart beating within the cavity of a warm chest, I came across a "dirty old and useless clown", who smelled of rot and cinnamon. At the time, I was completely unaware of the darkness hiding behind his smeared cherry lipstick. He looked slow, but he moved up to me fast, and offered me a drink. The liqueur had something different in it that night, but I kept drinking. Soon enough, something foreign was dancing within my blood vessels, jumping my synapses, and pulling pieces of my mind apart like an old fruit. My bones became heavy, and my skin cold. The music became twisted and fierce. The vocals began to egg me on, "Satan begs to save us, as Jesus cannot please us. Tequila, a little more lime. A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine". My new companion looked over at me with a grin so big and twisted it looked like his face was taped to his skull. He told me "All is black. But I still see". I needed to get out of here, my pseudo-charming friend was turning on me. I began looking around for the exit, but everything was moving so strangely now. There was someone else like me here, who I saw falling to the ground. I tried to help her up, but her limbs were limp like a ragged doll. In the struggle to pull her up, she mustered enough strength to press her pale cold lips against my ear... and whisper... "I`m dying. I hope you`re dying too". I can`t be here anymore. I let her go and ran outside as far as my shallow breath could take me. When I could no longer run, I hid "behind the boathouse". But as I caught my breath... I saw his face emerge from the shadows, as if he had been waiting there for me all night... He pulled me near and vomited blood into my mouth. "A secret never wanted". I couldn`t breath. But now I could see. "Cut the apple in two, oh, I pray it isn`t true".



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Malice's average rating out of 17 rates is 6.24/10


Scarlet LaVey Nightlord (692717)

2017-02-04 03:53:25

Nice status! [y]
Ala D.Cavara™Blackthorn (627505)

2015-03-10 14:39:38

Awww [;O] your profiles nakie :o :e :(
Bux (8544)

2014-12-07 12:00:00

Quite the philosopher :)
Lydea Mey (292043)

2013-08-19 05:33:24

It's always a pleasure reading over your responses in the philosophy forum. You have a distinct habit of forcing people to stop and think. It's an admirable trait, even if it can be sorely misunderstood by some. A '10' just for that reason alone.
Makayla™ (559963)

2013-06-01 18:34:52

You have given Malice Rankor a rating of 10. That's one eerie clown.
Quest (289510)

2012-12-16 18:08:30

It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! ---==O Got you!
Achlys Masalis (376116)

2012-11-08 04:49:13

BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-10-27 01:21:19

hold on, i bl ya.
BabyG Whispers (603436)

2012-10-26 14:39:17

commented you in help threads .
River Garner (568827)

2012-07-21 09:32:36

You have given Malice Rankor a rating of 10. Love it.
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2012-07-05 22:35:49

lmao, its a nice blob
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2012-07-04 16:33:10

lol, who doesnt
anne (135040)

2012-04-09 20:35:32

Ah yes, I put a lot of thought into it. :)
anne (135040)

2012-03-02 00:35:14

Happy to be of service mi lord.
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2011-06-11 04:58:00

You have given Malice Rankor a rating of 10.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-12-12 15:04:54

Giggles, it does sound rather good. lmao I like mine with some garlic and butter.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-11-06 05:14:10

I must say I do love your status!
fancy (251296)

2010-03-01 17:13:08

you sir are a badass
Stay Tuned (118070)

2009-07-02 00:16:42

I've seen your responces to threads here and there, but it was your responce on the love thread, and then the brief bio I see that I like best. Your prose and intelect are stunning and fresh.
Bux (8544)

2009-03-22 11:05:05

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