Unenthused and Amused is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Unenthused and Amused (127974)

Last Active: 2013-06-14 07:39:53
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,692
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusAlive (28779907 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779907 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record15,753/41,542/31
Win %28%
Last KilledKevSolid
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Unenthused and Amused's average rating out of 63 rates is 8.17/10


Reokan (73133)

2014-01-06 16:28:30

Wherever your life throws you into, wherever you land...you don't really have a friend in me you little pain in butt, but...may 2014 give you all your heart knows you need, and some of what you desire too. Not that I miss you but hope you'll let us hear about yourself occasionally.
Reokan (73133)

2012-12-31 21:11:41

Another year has passed. I still don't say I like you, but I wish 2013 to bring you enjoyable times, happy mornings, sunshine in the evenings.
Dirack (150864)

2012-12-16 00:20:30

Merry christmas, hope everything is ok with you
LadyAnarchistVixen (315398)

2012-06-27 04:33:43

It's been awhile :) So how's it going for ya?
Reokan (73133)

2012-06-17 14:21:44

Ah, so you are still kickin' then. And more or less alive too. We do celebrate Father's day but not quite yet its in November, sort of to get ready for Xmas sales . It is after all a day created only to improve sales on otherwise dry season to shops. Not holding my breath waiting for our cats to even pick some flowers for me, I think they don't see me as a father but a monster.
Reokan (73133)

2012-06-04 11:57:05

Wouldn't have dared to comment on you, but...I was going through the 5 friends in my list and stumbled on Murron (WTF?) Wallace and couldn't for the love (or hatred) of God(or any other deity, or in case of severe atheism, myself) figure out who it was so I had to come and look who has infiltrated to that list without me knowing about such action. Nope, I ain't missing you, not a bit, not even slightest. You know me I don't care, right? Never has never will.
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-28 04:56:59

yes we have proved it over the years. And i look forward to our future. And what a bright and loving future it is. To hold you in my arms and show you the full extent of my love for you. To see your bright smile, and those gorgeous eyes. You make me so very happy
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-28 04:45:30

mmmm now there is a question i dont want to answer or imagine. All i know, is we have been together for 2 years and what a ride it has been. You have meant so much in those two years. You have made a huge difference and for that, I am so grateful. I know i can count on you and that is priceless. And you have my devoted love and affection
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-28 04:30:21

i was doing so so but you managed to get me to great baby, thank you. You know you are always on my mind. And it so amazing to be in tuned with another person like we are.
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-27 16:54:08

hey baby, how is my little angel doing, i want to tell you just how much i love you baby and just how much you mean to me. each and every day with you by my side is such an amazing gift. Thank you for being my wife, soul mate, lover and friend. After almost 2 years and almost 1 year married, my heart is still filled with passion and love for you. God baby, i love you with all my heart and soul.
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-02 22:48:37

i think of you all the time baby, and i love to feel your sweet presence with me. You are all that any one man could desire
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-05-01 13:09:01

Good morning my love, Yet another one amazing day by your side. How can one describe such an amazing feeling. To be beside his one true love. Each day my love for you grows, and it amazes me cause it seems never ending. You have pened up your heart and have shown me such wonders that it no surprised, you have changed my life. For the best i might add. Thank you for being that angel that has saved me. That angel that has helped me heal. Opened up my heart once again so that i could live the pleasure of love. You are my gift, my salvation, to you i offer you my love, a never ending source of love for you. I hope you have a wonderful day my love. I miss you. Your truly xoxoxoxoxo
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-04-03 13:32:26

Good morning baby, I just wanted to take the time to tell you that I love you with all my heart, you are and always will be the most important person for me. You are my angel, that guides me when i am lost in the darkness of life. Without your guidance, i would turn in circle and i would still be searching for the meaning of life. You have given me hope, happiness, love. You have given me so much, what a wonderful and amazing gift you are in my life. The words I love you fail miserably when i want to tell you just how much i feel for you.
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-04-01 15:45:25

My sweet Meri, have no fear as my love is eternal, i will always and forever love you, You are my life force. How can one not be eternally grateful when a sweet angel touches his soul and changes his life in a single moment in time. My union with you is the best part in all my life baby and i cherish each second. My love for you expands and i am in awe that such a wonderful and amazing and beautiful woman like you is at my side. for the good and not so good and yet our love grows, this is a gift from the heavens. Love you so very much baby xoxoxoxxo
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-04-01 15:30:26

Baby, i just wanted to tell you that i love you so very much. Almost 280 days baby, what a journey, a journey that seems to get better each day i am with you. Your beautiful brown eyes, your sexy lips. My love for you is like a river, flowing and strong, yet soft and tender. The day you said yes, our union started and you changed my life. thank you for being part of my life for 2 years. You are my strength, my will, my life. Thank you for being that angel that brightens up the darkest hour and show me there is a will to fight. I love you so, more then mere words could do justice Yours truly and forever William xoxoxox
Reokan (73133)

2012-03-27 14:06:41

New? Nope, I did ask for a new brain from a doc, but he told me that I'm so old model they do not manufacture spareparts anymore, and quite frankly if he could find anything from junkyard ti would be useless, there apparently was a flaw in their process of manufacturing this model that rendered almost every part unusable once removed from original body....
Reokan (73133)

2012-03-26 07:16:09

*aaaachoooo* Dhanksh mhate, I shure ahahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhccccchoooooooo apprchiathe... I'm alright, these things take few days and then go bother someone else, or a week and then go..no wait....aaaaaaaahhhhccchooooooo....well mostly go to bother someone else :).
Eric Northman (444905)

2012-03-16 20:17:11

i love you so much, our relationship is awesome and i cherish what we have each and everyday. I am so lucky to have you.
Reokan (73133)

2012-03-06 08:55:04

Shivering even. Not wasting my bamboo leaves on night gown. They are much more valuable digested. They are used in treating fever, fidgeting, urinary retention with blood in the urine. I don't have blood in urine which means they are working, right?
Reokan (73133)

2012-03-06 07:43:39

Oh yes, I was almost scratched by you. I was terrified to see you on my battle log, I knew it was close but how close....

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