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Dymitri Noqturnus (128457)"I have returned.."

Last Active: 2020-06-16 23:48:18
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Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Noqturnal (65)
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The Legend

Soren Dymitrius Grimrevel born to King Dragorius Lexington Grimrevel and DaVina-Belle Noqturnus his faithful concubine and subsequent bride. To know Dymitri, you would first have to delve into the history of his family and past.

First, we must begin with Dragorius Grimrevel, prince and heir to the Eastern Dragon Temple and Grimrevel throne, son of King Kyron Grimrevel. The Eastern Temple was forged under the ruling power of impetuous flame, along with its ruler King Kyron. Kyron`s Icy alliance with The Northern Temple began with the wedding of the Northern Temple`s Ice princess, Kirin Hyrodera, now Honorable Queen of The Eastern Temple. Their fire and ice love birthed a solely ice dragon as Dragorius Lexington Grimrevel was then born. King Kyron was quite displeased with the absence of his beloved fire in his first born, the one to fulfill his spot in the kingdom.

As Dragorius grew older, the art of fighting was the only thing his father could teach him, which helped to create a sort of distance between father and son. In an attempt to "correct the mistake" he made, Kyron had three more children: Aissa, Debarius and then baby Kyron. Although they all had the Grimrevel trademarked hair: Black with a streak of red above each temple, baby Kyron was the only fire offspring in the 100 years since Dragorius` birth. Both Aissa and Debarius were of Ice, known by the indicating icy blue contingency of their deep blue irises that were not hazel like his own, and now baby Kyron`s. The tension from this point only grew as the beloved baby Kyron received all the attention from the father and king.

Though he was now of 105 years and unchallenged for the spot of king, Dragorius sought refuge and solace in his most favored concubine DaVina-Belle Noqturnus, a woman of deep running and rich vampire blood. Although the blood ran through her veins, she was not Vampiri. She was merely the offspring and carrier of the dominant gene of the night`s true predator. DaVina-Belle came to Dragorius every night, both to talk and to adhere to his royal whims. But neither of this did she mind, for she fell in love with this troubled prince. Without ever being able to admit such a thing within the Castle walls, he indeed loved her the same.

One cold and dark day, when the clouds seemed to turn red in the heavens and the rain ever so present and prevailing, a ravenous war broke out within the castle borders. But this was no normal or natural war. The combatants of the war were that of family. Aissa and Debarius attempted to end the life of baby Kyron out of jealousy and, in doing so, evoked the wrath of their father and King. He was a ruthless killer, and to fight him alone would end in an utter and pointless suicide, but together they could just match his colossal power. Kyron`s rage held them both at bay for a substantial amount of time, but his old endurance could not endure the onslaught from two different angles for much longer. They soon brought him to his kingly knees before ruthlessly beheading their father in cold vengeful blood. Their next destination would be young Kyron`s chambers, where they relentlessly stormed, only to find Dragorius waiting. Even though he never would have revealed such in his father`s living moments, he was at least twice as strong as his father, which became evident in the display of immense power. The duo knelt down in reverence, accepting their big brother`s and now king`s denial of further blood shed. Though he had been too late to stop his father`s death, he would not allow innocent blood to be spilled.

Now under his rule, even with slanderous talk against him, he married Davina-Belle, his faithful and beloved concubine. To everyone`s surprise, his bride was already of child and soon to deliver.

On that faithful night, where the clouds dissipated to allow every shining star to watch, Soren Grimrevel was then born; middle name Dymitrius from the Ice King, Kirin`s father. As Dragorius` icy azure eyes stared down at him, two hazel eyes stared back, but their light twinge of red, orange, and green gave him pause. And judging by the fact that only two fangs gleamed in the moonlight rather than the dragon`s four made it clear that this child was indeed different. Only under frustration would lower canines ascend from his gums. All-the-while this was the heir to the fire throne that Dragorius felt would redeem him in the eyes of his father.

As Soren grew older, his father poured into him every art of battle as he learned to maneuver fire from his uncle Kyron. When one day, taking a break from training, Soren began leisurely forming ice crystals at his fingertips, Dragorius grew too proud of his young son and protege. All of his time and energy was then spent on Soren, teaching and mentoring him, despite his 2 other children at the time. DaVina, who saw a vicious circle forming, confronted Dragorius, pleading with him to change his tactics only to have her efforts thwarted by his royal stubbornness.

Upon Soren`s 11th birthday, things took an almost dire turn when Soren`s younger brother Mazziar begun attacking Soren at a birthday ceremony. The young ice lord, seemingly peeved at the lack of attention and missed birthday ceremony of his own, launched a jaded ice dagger into the direction Soren was seated; his eight year old anger shown upon his visage. Soren caught it before melting it between his fingers, brushing it off and continuing with his party. Dragorius saw this as a show of skill for his prized son Soren, but Davina became engrossed in worry for her sons.

That very night, while everyone was asleep, Davina crept down the long corridors into Soren`s chambers, stirring him awake. They were to leave tonight without a word to anyone else. Through love and desperation, she never looked back, hoping that she had stopped the circle`s morbid cycle. Soren, although confused, listened to his distraught mother as the tears poured from her porcelain face. From then on, he would abandon the name Soren Grimrevel to his new identity. And thus, Dymitri Noqturnus was born.

Dymitri begun tending to his mother`s frail body as she grew older. Now a strong 25, Dymitri had begun to forget he was royalty. He had become the very backbone of his his tiny family. As the darkness descended upon his tiny cottage out in the forest, the chill of night crept it`s way through through every room. Needing to keep his dear mother warm, Dymitri set out into the dense forest to retrieve firewood. He trekked wearily through the forming fog as the very night begun to come alive around him. A broken branch in the distance caused his hazel gaze to dart and dash back and forth.

"Don`t look so frightened you big burly man" a tender voice caressed his eardrums as a voluptuous woman appeared leaning against a nearby tree. Her glowing green eyes seemed to stare into his his very being. The glow seemed to hypnotize him as he continued to peer into them. She took in a huge inhale through her nose, seemingly taking in the very smell of him. "You smell so...delicious," she said through fanged smile. He took a step backwards as she begun sauntering closer to him, eyes blazing their illuminating hue. As he took another step bac, she vanished, leaving his wide eyed gaze to search once again. Her strike came swiftly and without warning, knocking him to the cold ground below.

She lifted her bloody yet plump lips from his throat in an intoxicated moan. She stared down at him through her blazing gaze. "What are you?" She exhaled the words in awe, straddling him as she brought her petite fingers up to her lips. Dymitri looked up into her eyes, unsure of what had just happened to him. Her cool smile only puzzled him more as she brought her manicured nail to her plush tongue, slitting it ever so slightly. "I have a gift for you," her lips told as she leaned down to place a luscious kiss upon his lips. The sweet taste that coated her tongue raced through him, filling him with a feeling that sent his eyes into the back of his head. As he looked back, she was gone.

Feeling like something unbelievable had happened, he gathered his wood and headed towards the cottage. As he walked to check on his fragile mother, something wasn`t quite right. The warmth of her cheeks had gone when he graced them with a kiss. The very breath of life had taken it`s leave from the only thing he had in his own. His shoulders hung low as he walked out of the small cottage that now seemed to suffocate him. He hung his head before setting his home a blaze with a flick of his wrist, allowing a tear to fall to the ground before he walked into the forest.

An agonizing pain churned in his stomach as the world around begun to spin around him, his body coating with a sheen of cold sweat. Dymitri fell to the ground as his heart begun to beat in rapid succession, his breath hitching in his chest. From that night, the vampire virus that had been flowing in his veins had awakened, a new creature he then became.

Hundreds upon hundreds of years later, Dymitri returned to that forest, exploring his old grounds. As he ventured deep within the old territories, he found himself standing in front of a massive castle that towered in a way that seemed to impale the very moon itself. He walked up to the cast iron gates and immediately felt his home again.




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Dymitri Noqturnus's average rating out of 75 rates is 8.19/10


Kitteh (185423)

2019-07-24 04:22:30

You have given Dymitri Noqturnus a rating of 10.
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-20 20:37:54

Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2018-01-13 05:27:58

-Side steps.- And it's good to know you're still alive, too, Mr. Elusive. One minute you're there, the next you've slipped off the face of the planet.
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2018-01-10 04:25:20

You tore out Dymitri Noqturnus (128457)'s heart. Keeping it!
Dreamweaver (248485)

2015-03-23 05:04:07

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2015-03-22 22:31:19

[c=indigo] You have given Dymitri S. Noqturnus a rating of 10. Welcome To The Coven Family... Feel Free To Drop Into The Family Room (Coven Chat) & Meet Us All... If You Have Any Questions Or Need Help Do Not Hesitate To Ask... @---->- [/]
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2013-05-17 02:23:29

Mm, busy. Working. Two jobs now. Been just plodding along tbh. You?
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2013-05-17 01:16:46

Hey, Mister. Long time no see. <3
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2013-02-17 21:03:43

Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2012-12-26 08:14:20

I FINALLY GOT YOU. MWHAAHAHA. <3 You tore out Dymitri S. Noqturnus (128457)'s heart
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2012-11-04 04:31:45

Welcome to TFS, I do hope you enjoy your stay.
Parasitic (242932)

2012-11-03 19:38:18

Welcome to the freak show.
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2012-10-28 23:31:33

All has been well on my end, just busy. You should settle quickly though if you need anything let me know, will help if I can.
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2012-10-28 21:34:26

Long time no see Dymitri, do hope all is well with you.
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2012-10-21 19:47:03

you know me Dymitri of the russian spelling... I had an older account we were friends in BUDS... had the same name & I was in RP chat a lot, just not these days too many rude ppl...
Sadira Ravenwolf (505430)

2012-10-21 15:23:47

Nope non at all lol just got a lil click happy while on a much needed killin spree
Sadira Ravenwolf (505430)

2012-10-20 20:30:28

Oops sorry about that I tend to forget that your stronger than I hehe
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2012-10-18 06:56:34

I am all yucky. Feel grossss. And I'm in the middle of revision.. teachers shoving tests and shit down our throats. Yuckiness.. I do not need.. And sort of. We've had lots and lots of wind. Spring is here... but it's still absurdly cold. Be getting cold for you now, right? -Snickers at- Aha! Google never fails! Good for summarising a lot of shit your teacher has been babbling on about for 2 hours. >.>
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2012-10-18 06:43:59

It lost its unique URL. So it has gone back to the original.. free URL. Knackered? Buggered? Suppose we say knackered.. prefer buggered. >.> I'm sick. Fever sort of broke this morning but I'm still shivering. If not shivering, sweating. Myeh.
Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2012-10-18 06:40:07

Yeah, understandable then. The chat was deleted. But the forums are still there. o.O

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