Tactitioner Moon is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Tactitioner Moon (129160)"finding peace with my beloved mate"

Last Active: 2022/05/27 07:48
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,689
Karma+/Verve+27 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAfghanistan
Collectibles16 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S292/2/10
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record117,575/173,239/371
Win %41%
Last Killed.The A l p h a ...
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent94
Coven Title (Rank)Elder Warrior (70)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 12mil+



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Married to Sinful HellCat Moon (467800) for 2187 days
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Airabeth Moon
VIP Member Cae Stryker
Sinful HellCat Moon
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Name: Tactitioner Moon

Birth: How am I to remember that?.

Age: Forgotten

Race: Vampire

Sire: Odin

Bloodline: Moon - Patriarch House Moon

Haven: The Sea

Coven: Makaron Nesoi - Home of the Renegades

Appearance: Looks to be in his early to mid 30`s. Standing 6ft 5inch tall, Toned very muscular body but not bulky, large hands that could easily palm a full size males head. Has shortish dark hair with a full dark beard that he keeps well groomed. Sea blue eyes with a striking masculine face that seemingly can see right into the soul of another. Has darker tawny skin with full sleeve tattoos on both arms as well as his chest.

Clothing and adornments change to suit his mood but most often you will find him in black jeans, t-shirt heavy leather boots and a seaman`s trench coat

Nature: Is a stone cold killer, a complete Alpha male takes what he wants how he wants when he wants. Would force his will upon another to get what he wants Full of a raging passion and anger that sometimes comes out in devastation all around him and will kill for the sheer pleasure of it.

Demeanor: Very calm and quiet with a piercing gaze that feels like it sees right into your very soul. Around family and friends he is relaxed, quick with a joke and a bit cocky at times. Is caring nurturing and very protective with those he calls his. His family…His friends…His childer…

The Viking & The Cat:

Her voice purred through the air, her eyes dancing with flames. “You could slake my thirst for all time if I let you…”

A small smirk played across his lips as his gaze moved over her possessively- “Let me…What makes you think you have a choice? You’re already Mine.”

Tact & Kitty: From the moment they met desire and passion blossomed and consumed them both- neither expecting the treasure they were given but both grasping on with both hands. His turbulent ways finding calm within the depths of her fiery soul. She finding the flame deep within his soul igniting her spirits once more. Two souls damned to their solitude, their own personal Hell that they could never escape, Tempest of the Sea and The HellCat finding more than they ever bargained for- passion… seduction… temptation… hell… desire… chaos… heaven… hunger… and Love Undefined and Infinite…

Her voice was steady yet soft as she spoke- that slight purr hidden in the depths. "My fire was mere but an ember when you came into my life- rekindling the flames and sparking a new path for us both. You have become my fire… my flame… I will forever protect that which you have given me so freely and wondrously- Your Heart. I make this unending vow to you; my heart, my soul, my fire…it will follow you, always at your side, always there to warm and brighten your path."

She slid the ring onto his finger, feeling everything in her being settling right there with him. Knowing he would be her forever…her always. She had tears in her eyes, biting her lip lightly as her eyes met his."I love you, My Viking- for always and so much longer."
His voice was strong as his eyes met hers and held them- a force to be reckoned with- devouring and all consuming. ”As the flame of your soul gets encapsulated by the will of my desire; weaving together knots that will forever bind us… mark us… consume us to our very foundation- filling in the void of darkness and despair, loneliness and sorrow. With the strength, power, and raw passion to light the path on our journey that we will be taking together. Now and Forever. This vow I give to you.”

He smirked lightly down at her, finally getting what he said he would have from the start, sliding the ring over her finger, caressing her skin, tangling their fingers together, keeping possession of her hand. "My HellCat- from the moment I saw you to the day we become one with the Heavens- you shall be Mine. "

Tactitioner & Airabeth

She said…"Don’t get too close its dark inside. It’s where my demons hide."

And he answered… "Get too close, there is a hell inside me, it’s where your demons can live."

Tact & Aira: She is the Moon and he is the Tide that bind her to this world- the gravity that holds her in place. Chaos rages within the depths of her heart and soul and he is the Anchor and Safe Haven she needs and seeks out. Always protecting and looking out for what he has laid claim to- He protects and watches over his Childer always.

Makaron Nesloi: West of Dead City, off the tip of a peninsula a small island rests in relative obscurity; quiet, seemingly uninhabited, Its anything but. Home of the Renegades, a band of pirates. MN was carved out long ago by Goddess Peitho then given over to her sister Airabeth. It has become home to many that have found the mainland to busy or to overgrown for their liking. A safe haven for those in need of rest and a jumping off point for those that wish to strike the mainland at will...



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Tactitioner Moon's average rating out of 490 rates is 8.99/10


Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2022-12-26 05:28:50

*blushes deeply as she watches him as he rests, caressing along the beloved angles of his face, touching him lovingly, missing and longing to be in his arms once again* A most blessed and happy belated anniversary of the day we met, my Alpha...5 years later and I still have not had enough with you...always craving and longing for more...needing you in every way and in ways I dont even understand yet you seem to know and have mapped out. I love you, my Wolf...here is to 5 years and another year to come and many many more. *brushes her lips along his softly, teasing him, hoping to rouse him*
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2022-09-24 00:07:59

Happy anniversary, my Beloved. To four amazing years of disappointing one another and continuing to beat the odds that we have faced in every other relationship we have held on here...and to many many more I can only hope and strive for. I love you, my Husbeast...all my heart and fire are yours eternally.

(Missed it on our actually day by 8 minutes...ugh)
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2022-06-27 00:29:21

Tact [3] I hope you're well old friend
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2022-06-02 01:13:45

I am a touch late on here, my Only. Have a very happy and wonderful birthday.
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2022-05-19 01:27:15

There will never be a day when your claim on me will lose its hold on me, my One. You have left your mark on me for all time.
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2021-10-25 21:11:18

My love is sneaking around I see...*purrs and smiles, blushing deeply at his praise, nuzzling his hand as he caressed her cheek* I love you, my Only...and I have missed you much around here.
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2021-09-24 03:38:54

Three years of wedded bliss and somehow you are still not bored of me....My Viking, never in a million years would I have ever dreamed of you- you are constantly amusing me and defying all odds that are against us. Thank you for being my love, my Mate, My Heart, My Soul, My Dreams, My Moon, My Viking...my Best Friend and Hus-Beast. You are my dreams come true and the love of my life, my Viking...

Heres to three years and many more to come...
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-12-26 21:34:32

3 years of knowing you, my beloved, and I still cannot believe how lucky I was that you happened upon me that Christmas Eve. *chuckles chewing her lip, smiling up at him* You have completed my life in ways I never knew I needed and now I cant bare the thought of you not being present in my life. I love you so very much, my Heart. I look forward to many many more years of friendship, romance, sex, laughter, sin, calm, purring, shadows, fire, chaos and love between us.
Cae Stryker (257958)

2020-10-18 20:05:45

You have given Tactitioner Moon a rating of 10. [3][hug]
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-10-14 22:25:06

*tangles her arms drowsily around him, drawing him close to her, purring sleepily as she snuggles into all that warm fur of his, moaning softly* My Wolf...
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-10-13 03:05:35

*she breathed him in as she nuzzled her pillows, grumbling over his absence as he hunted*
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2020-10-07 13:19:05

Congrats on all the kills, warrior.
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2020-10-06 10:17:38

How're you doing bro?
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2020-10-06 10:11:08

Tact [3]
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-10-06 03:38:23

*laughs and shakes her head at him, rolling her eyes* You are so ridiculous at times, my Wolf.
The Lamb (565736)

2020-10-03 14:08:24

The Lamb has millions of teeth that she uses like a hacksaw to cut through bone, candy, and fences. Thought everyone knew that. 🤷‍♀️
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-09-30 23:14:01

*laughs softly, nipping at him* I think you are obsessed with that thought, my Viking...and I am not sure that bodes well for my life. *teases him playfully, smiling up at him*
The Lamb (565736)

2020-09-30 15:30:18

Careful. That’s how you end up pulling back a bloody stump. :d
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-09-29 18:40:39

Mmmmmmmmmmmm...always, my Heart...always
Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)

2020-09-28 07:56:30

*hides her face against his throat, just pressing close to him. She loved his so damned much anx had missed him I much more. Snuggling deeper, closer to him, needing him* It gets so much stronger and deeper, Viking....I can't breathe with it...

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