Desmonia Corvale is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Desmonia Corvale (130204)"amused with Lady Death, all a fool can do is laugh!"

Last Active: 2014-05-03 01:29:00
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,688
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780127 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780127 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record53,855/165,193/43
Win %25%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByLethean Nex Sa ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Des (80)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 229k+



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VIP Member DarkAsh

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This is what you call me...
I strike terror among men. I can`t be bothered by what they think. I bare my cross, my soul, myself. I forgive, but i never forget. I`ve been put upon this earth in female form. But I can handle myself with the best of you, as well as the worst. And I often have.
I have the right to remain silent, but i choose to speak, sing, scream! I am lips, hips, tits! I am the power of a woman, strong like music, true like friendship, but without my friends, there would be no music. Only spoken word

I am able to change, so I live without regret, without remorse, only a remix. I am drunk, I am sober. Heaven doesn`t want me and Hell`s afraid I`ll take over! Don`t bother trying to censor me, or shut me up, because it won`t work. I am cold and distant, yet warm and close, to those who deserve to see that side of me. Part of me the heart of me.
You find me so hard to understand in your world. The world you perceive to be so normal. I am deformed, scorned, reborn. I am me, and I know exactly who I am, what I am and the wrath I bring. The ugly beauty, The lying truth, The virgin whore or The quiet storm! A lover, A fighter, A saint, A sinner, A sister, A daughter! Old school, A beginner. I have decorated myself with love, hate, truth, you, all of you, both of you, none of you, More than one of you!



With lips like sugar and eyes like meat. I`ve watched men come, and go, and cheat. I sleep to dream and dream of sleep. I had a dream Lasso that you were standing in the middle of an open grove. I had a dream Lasso that your hands were raised up to the sky And your mouth was covered in foam. I`ve been crucified, justified, and mortified by my behavior. Both feminine, and masculine. I am a contradiction, and juxtaposition.
My relief is my release, and only time will tell. All`s well that ends well for I am unsweetened, unclean, been called drama queen. Ex girlfriend, Ex member, The tantrum, The temper! I point my finger and take the blame.
And this time I will own the name. Because no one is going to ruin me.
If I have to, I will ruin myself. And it will be `My Ruin`
"Fuck Off"!

From House Corvale
From House Corvale
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Desmonia Corvale's average rating out of 149 rates is 7.14/10


Khalin (74653)

2012-06-12 16:47:24

Des! You logged in. You are missed lady. Come back to us!
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2011-06-05 18:41:44

1 of the best profile reads i have come across, love the visuals too ;=
Dawn of .::BloodLust::. (173088)

2011-01-24 01:01:21

Very nice...You have given Desmonia Corvale a rating of 10.
Phoenix_Cyrus (91837)

2010-12-30 04:06:37

Hello, how are you doing? happy new year//
LOST (93986)

2010-10-27 05:41:16

mmmmmmm yes....... your fangs in my neck are paradise compared to those of "z" and his cronies
LOST (93986)

2010-10-22 22:08:21

mmmmmmmmmm it's been awhile since you have feasted on me des..... it's almost orgasmik
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-10-20 06:55:29

alive and well does count and i hope the new sight on zhings isnt too negative glad to see you returned though des
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-10-19 19:58:37

You have given Desmonia Corvale a rating of 10. [Back] Glad to see that a strong lady is still around Hope you are okay des
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2010-10-18 01:20:24

You're very welcome, miss.
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2010-09-27 22:55:35

Very nice page. Gave you a 10.
Max (120555)

2010-08-29 17:31:16

Cervante (255143)

2010-07-20 06:30:07

you needn't mention it *chuckles softly* after all when online there is no reason we all can't be civil
Cervante (255143)

2010-07-16 19:06:05

my apologies for intruding beautiful stranger however I couldn't help but take notice of your profile; certainly it is a wonderful thing to behold.
Evelyn D. Night (150390)

2010-06-28 08:42:33

Hey Des. Was nice hearing from you the other day Flick me a message whenever you get online I like hearing from ya. Byes!
Bloody Nine (152944)

2010-06-02 01:13:33

Well hi there. I don't believe we've dined together before I'm 'honored' xD
Khalin (74653)

2010-05-25 04:21:18

Des! I miss you woman! Drop a girl a line when you log in. Sheesh. How the hell are ya? I've worried about you.
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-05-06 05:49:46

You have given Desmonia Corvale a rating of 10. Awesome coding. And I loove the set up Hope you are okay Desm Haven't heard of you in some time or felt your fangs
LOVE (141818)

2010-04-22 01:20:52

You have an amazing profile!! **10**
Evelyn D. Night (150390)

2010-03-15 05:05:57

Hey Des, miss you lots chickie, hope things are going well for you!
Kalann Melgul Fëaduhith (87441)

2010-02-19 14:46:59

I bet that was tasty.

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