† N.F.† Z. Paradox ™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

† N.F.† Z. Paradox ™ (130764)"still dealing with the joyous artifice known as reality"

Last Active: 2018-11-16 17:56:22
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Game Age5,687
Karma+/Verve+72 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record16,097/100,737/110
Win %14%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed ByGarls the Gorg ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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† N.F.† Z. Paradox ™ 's average rating out of 159 rates is 8.91/10


Teada Moon Night (159671)

2021-01-12 21:56:16

I thought about you today. I do from time to time. You are missed.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2019-03-20 23:45:39

It has been so very long, old friend. I still think of you, so long later. Hopefully our paths will cross again one day.
zerohatemachine (274529)

2019-01-23 16:17:28

Eira Elisobet Landvik (194196)

2018-11-19 05:42:08

!! Goodness me, I do hope you're back. Though I'm sure you wouldn't have a damn clue who I am in this skin. I'm sure I'll see you around to be a little less vague but for the time being, welcome back. I spent my baby days watching on tip toe you write. <3
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-11-18 20:44:48

Holy forking shirt.

Been a long time, Para. Looking forward to seeing your face around and about. [3]
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2018-11-17 14:27:31

Welcome back
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-11-16 21:15:13

As always... forever... just when I think all is lost - there you are. Thank you for reminding me why I love you so much. Why I love you always. Why I will love you forever.
Kitteh (185423)

2018-11-16 17:57:45

Is that a ghost or am I really seeing that Online sign lit up?! :O
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-11-12 17:46:23

*sigh* Still miss you. Again. And still love you.
Twizz DCXLV (59875)

2016-12-22 03:05:57

Six years...

Honestly, at times.. I forget about you. My memories of you, my Sire, are growing more and more vague with time. But when I focus, I can still clearly remember certain bits and pieces. This saddens me, as I don't wish to forget about you.

I don't want to ever let you die, because in my mind, at one point in time, you were truly much more than most anyone has ever been. You alone made me light up and helped sparked so much inspiration and creativity.

Although I hope that you are doing well, and that things are going so greatly for you, I selfishly wish you would return.

I miss you, Sire.
Twizz DCXLV (59875)

2015-06-20 01:35:30

Where are you? -sighs sadly, looking around at all of the candles left by those who miss you-

How long do you plan to be gone? I can't stand it. I leave for months, a year, and when I come back I keep expecting you to be BACK. For you to be here.. but you're not and it hurts and I don't know where you've gone.

Stop being selfish. So many people miss you, damnit. And you left, without a word.

I miss you..
Twizz DCXLV (59875)

2014-04-01 02:04:40

Another year, sire. My heart still feels your absence. Where have you gone? I can't help but think the worst has happened with your long departure and it saddens me even more. Please Sire.. I beg you.. come back. We all miss you terribly.
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2014-03-12 06:22:51

... And just when I give up... You bring moonlight back into my world, love to my life, and make everything real once more. Forever and always... to hell and back. <3
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2014-02-19 23:23:12

You promised me you wouldn't vanish again when last we spoke... you lied. http://youtu.be/VVgixOjGhVU Goodbye, dearest of friends. It's time for me to move on and accept... you're just gone.
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2014-01-09 02:32:53

Three Years... still waiting. STILL miss you.
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2013-08-03 23:02:58

Still missing you dearly Para. Hope all is well with you.
Angelus Fidela Night (325489)

2013-07-03 05:25:32

3 years..damn didn't think you'd be gone this long..I hope wherever you are..You are safe old friend.
Twizz DCXLV (59875)

2013-06-01 02:53:04

Almost three years since you have been gone.. my heart aches, hoping for your return. I love and miss you, Sire. Please do come back soon.
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2013-01-13 20:17:13

Para old friend, I hope you are well and tbat life is treating you kindly.. I miss my comfy chair my dear old friend..
Twizz DCXLV (59875)

2012-12-14 06:34:39

I miss you more than words can describe, my dear Sire. It's almost Christmas now.. and I hope more than anything that you're having a great time and enjoying yourself. Please come home to us soon.

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