Andarius is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Andarius (132431)"finally back in the fight"

Last Active: 2010-10-07 07:52:52
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,685
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record5,440/22,984/131
Win %20%
Last KilledVampir
Last Killed ByRashos
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Married to Claire Fox (88242) for 5687 days

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VIP Member DarkAsh

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My name is Andarius I was sired by an elder in Rome after being the only survivor of a massacre by a small gang of nomad vampires. I was barely alive when i was found. Just enough to be turned. Now i`ve pondered feverishly wondering WHY? Why would this "elder" waste his time on me. The only words he gave me before leaving me to my eternal darkness were "You were born for immortality". Many believe and put me down in the records as very young, but i have merely slept for ages. I was under the impression that the passing of the time in this nocturnal state would increase my strength, but it was as if i`d been frozen in time. I had no guidance that would lead me to think otherwise. You can understand my disappointment when i awoke and I still had the strength of an infant! Now I have begun my conquest for power and superiority. I would love the chance (or hunt) to a run in with those lowly, cliche, rocker wannabe`s that tried to take my life from me. I yearn to feel my hand rip through their chest as i watch them fall to dust. *thoughtful smirk* Only time will tell on what is to become of my quest...



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Andarius's average rating out of 9 rates is 7.44/10


Silent Assassin Hel (507464)

2012-05-24 18:56:15

243. Andarius failed to do any damage to you. (810 Life Left) 244. Your attack missed Andarius. (1280 Life Left) 245. Andarius failed to do any damage to you. (810 Life Left) 246. Your attack missed Andarius. (1280 Life Left) 247. Andarius failed to do any damage to you. (810 Life Left) 248. Your attack missed Andarius. (1280 Life Left) 249. Andarius failed to do any damage to you. (810 Life Left) 250. Your attack missed Andarius. (1280 Life Left) 251. Andarius failed to do any damage to you. (810 Life Left) ..... not single hit.... damn XD
Claire Fox (88242)

2011-01-17 20:22:09

I'm leaving my dear.. Time to go in to the sun.. This life is no longer mine... Please do well to find another companion. You were the best of mine. Love, Claire.
Claire Fox (88242)

2010-02-25 06:25:45

On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.' Then the bird said, 'Nevermore.'
Sosa the Black (125368)

2009-12-12 18:35:36

LOL... If I could add you to my enemy list again... I would, because you sparkle.
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-10-28 15:33:11

Hello husband...Sorry I've been gone so long.. I have missed you and pray you are well kept and well fed... Love always, Claire
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-09-01 14:40:09

ooh!! Happy six month anniversary!! That's pretty cool. LOL
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-07-20 07:46:17

Kisses Dahling!!! I am with you always!!
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2009-07-15 05:06:41

Careful I bite back... *Chuckles*
Goddess (84187)

2009-05-31 08:24:08

You may have been absent but you don't miss a thing lol Not to worry, there are plenty to go around!
Goddess (84187)

2009-05-31 08:17:59

Ohh okay, well we definitely need you! As you've seen in forums I've not been alone... I've got a couple of good strong guys at my side I wish you luck and hope to see you here soon fighting beside us
Goddess (84187)

2009-05-31 08:10:39

Thank you Andarius! It's so nice to have you back! I am more than happy to contribute in any way I can, I really love it there
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-05-12 16:01:56

Hello handsome....... Care to share a caress or two over the body of something young and juicy??
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-05-01 16:08:47

Breathless, I hold back the tears I can not cry.... I've longed for you in your absence and I am overcome with emotion at your reappearance. I cling to you and we don't say anything for a very long time... Then you lift my chin and kiss me before nipping my bottom lip with your razor sharp fang and we begin the blood dance. It's a good thing we both heal quickly...>>
Desmonia Corvale (130204)

2009-04-13 00:12:17

Not really, when I was rank 29, he put me on his enemy's list: bobloh's Coven Stats Coven: Tremere Domus Coven Rank: coven firefighter (50) Total Donated: $0 Total Exp Earned: 62,315 I assume he was sent to kill me, ask him how it went
Desmonia Corvale (130204)

2009-04-13 00:01:32

bobloh I believe was his name, putting out fires was his game, until he fell into hell!
Silver Chantrieri (108300)

2009-04-07 00:27:01

Thank you Andarius
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-04-06 08:27:31

Hello Husband, I'm wearing it now...But I'm at the old folks home putting geezers out of their misery...It's a good thing they are all blind crippled and crazy.

2009-03-25 21:55:43

In all the time that it took to get here.Now we stay.
Claire Fox (88242)

2009-03-24 19:37:50

Farewell my dear.. I'll await your return with blood on my lips and a pang of loneliness in my cold heart. Good luck in your move to your new sanctuary..Until then....
Xaoc (23225)

2009-03-04 17:40:13

Congrats on your wedding to Claire.

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