Anthius Pancakus Gladivus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Anthius Pancakus Gladivus is currently jailed. They've got 95095 days left & has had 124 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Anthius Pancakus Gladivus (133444)"SSDD"

Last Active: 2013-03-14 09:26:49
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,684
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record7,416/35,869/154
Win %18%
Last KilledCramchokeus
Last Killed ByValus Malnatum
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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†Bella Jaymes Cullen†
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Anthius Pancakus Gladivus's average rating out of 29 rates is 5.86/10


Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2012-02-24 17:29:35

We were once close, then I heard about this shit. You knew she was underage and you still tried to take the innocence of a child. You, my friend, take the cake on being the sickest fuck I've had the displeasure of meeting. This happend some time ago, I know, but I can't even look at your profile without getting sick. I hope you get what's coming to you in jail/prison and there is a apecial place in hell for you. :)
zerohatemachine (274529)

2011-11-26 02:08:36

You gashed out Anthius Pancakus Gladivus (133444)'s jugular Sick fuck you can have this back. :)
Sasha Whispers (242897)

2011-07-24 12:19:32

To the people on his friends and family lists, you should just leave him.. He's a worthless piece of shit that needs to be exterminated. And to you Chris, may your balls shrivel and shrink and may you develop an allergy to Viagra and all of it's counterparts.
†Most Unholy† Alchemist (316707)

2011-04-27 13:32:14

Kill yourself...
Isabella V Hexbane Night (80510)

2011-04-21 04:12:17

Seriously? You knew from day one she was only 13 when you married her in game so you obviously liked it. To think you fooled so many of us into thinking you were a good person blows my mind. And to plead not unreal. You did everything they said you did you sick fuck. You deserve every day you get and every torment you will suffer at the hands of your jail mates. May you suffer every second of it.
Nyarlathotep (189903)

2011-04-16 02:23:51

Blood is blood, even if it's rotten.
Nyarlathotep (189903)

2011-04-16 02:23:00

Nyarlathotep (S&L©) and Anthius Pancakus Gladivus have entered battle. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) Anthius Pancakus Gladivus has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You stabbed Anthius Pancakus Gladivus for 3575 damage. (-2570 Life Left) You ripped out Anthius Pancakus Gladivus (133444)'s spine +62 Blood +225 Money +62 Coven exp +1 Weapon exp +1 Armour exp
Aspen Jacob Ettore (388987)

2011-04-13 11:11:00

You sick plead not guilty? You DESERVE the fucking death sentence for what you did. You shouldn't be allowed to fucking live. Hell,I'll be nice. You deserve the 80 years once they find out you and the bitch talked. I hope you rot in hell.
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2011-04-07 21:20:57

You are a seriously sick fuck.
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2011-03-31 06:11:34

Anaïs Aestus (167335)

2011-03-31 00:34:45

Not guilty? Seriously?!?! Really?!?! You DO know that the Dead City is in the land of Make Believe, right?
†Bella Jaymes Cullen† (245289)

2011-03-30 00:28:49

Nice job on the profile dear.
Pyretta D`Oreb (70807)

2011-03-29 10:41:55

I know it's pointless to comment your profile, but I honestly cannot believe you pled NOT!?
Moriha Ra`ton (89607)

2011-03-28 19:16:47

Be ever so Pleased, that it wasn't my daughter you preyed on...You'd have been in a coffin instead of a safe jail cell! Then again, As I understand it, Jails are not so safe for the likes of you. Pity the inmates won't give YOU sleeping pills before they deal with you. Rot in Hell!
Jesse Hatemachine (75548)

2011-03-28 16:14:02

Well maybe some big bubbas in prison will do to him what he wanted to do to that kid.
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2011-03-28 16:10:21

Yeah he's good -Throws up in my mouth- He's a predator. He disgusts me.
Jesse Hatemachine (75548)

2011-03-28 16:07:51

*Looks down* ...Now be sweet sis...You know he is a GOOD vampire
Miss Inara Sin (160572)

2011-03-28 16:05:29

I can't sleep!!! Can I have a few of your sleeping pills?!?
Sasha Whispers (242897)

2011-03-28 10:10:05

I can't believe you'd do something so fucking stupid Anthius.. This is the very last thing I thought I'd hear about you!
Erella Voronoy™ (157800)

2011-03-28 09:42:31

I do hope with all of my dead heart that you will removed from the game. I also hope you get the maximum sentence that you deserve. Ophelia has it right... you are most definitely not right in the head.

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