Eagle is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Eagle (133816)

Last Active: 2014-11-12 19:39:10
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,682
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationNetherlands
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record3,899/9,923/18
Win %29%
Last KilledAelixir
Last Killed ByRashos
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Phoenix Sainte

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Eagle's average rating out of 24 rates is 6.88/10


Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-04-18 20:07:58

You're very welcome now get in there and get absolutely filthy
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-04-18 01:07:23

Were at war if you decide you'd like to dirty your hands xD
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-04-15 12:15:40

Welcome to Debauchery xD
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2013-04-14 23:50:34

Welcome to The Den, Eagle <3
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-04-14 20:48:02

Phee is in there as we speak!
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2013-04-14 20:38:18

Why, hellloooooooooooo and Welcome to The Den!! Come see us in chat, link is on my profile and the coven page!
~Tara Aevrik Morgan~ (244199)

2013-04-11 07:49:03

Hey...so well I saw that you are currently without a coven...and that you like RPing...Well if you are interested..do walk bu my coven...The Pleasure of the Flesh..I am welcoming you personally to join...It will be a fun experience surely..and you will get many advantages like higher ranking weapons and boosts
~Tara Aevrik Morgan~ (244199)

2013-04-11 07:47:35

Hey...so well I saw that you are currently without a coven...and that you like RPing...Well if you are interested..do walk bu my coven...The Pleasure of the Flesh..I am welcoming you personally to join...It will be a fun experience surely..and you will get many advantages like higher ranking weapons and boosts
Ayellia M. Kerushina™ (83807)

2012-10-06 00:47:53

1. Your attack missed Eagle. (1240 Life Left) 2. Eagle bit you for 485 damage. (1445 Life Left) 3. Your attack missed Eagle. (1240 Life Left) 4. Eagle's attack missed you. (1445 Life Left) 5. Your attack missed Eagle. (1240 Life Left) 6. Eagle punched you for 488 damage. (957 Life Left) 7. Your attack missed Eagle. (1240 Life Left) 8. Eagle's attack missed you. (957 Life Left) 9. Your attack missed Eagle. (1240 Life Left) [SYRUIM ATTACKS] hits Eagle for 30 damage. (1210 Life Left) 10. Eagle bit you for 430 damage. (527 Life Left) 11. Your attack missed Eagle. (1210 Life Left) 12. Eagle gouged you for 406 damage. (121 Life Left) 13. You stabbed Eagle for 406 damage. (804 Life Left) 14. Eagle's attack missed you. (121 Life Left) 15. Your attack missed Eagle. (804 Life Left) 16. Eagle's attack missed you. (121 Life Left) 17. Your attack missed Eagle. (804 Life Left) 18. Eagle's attack missed you. (121 Life Left) 19. Your attack missed Eagle. (804 Life Left) 20. Eagle's attack missed you. (121 Life Left) 21. Your attack missed Eagle. (804 Life Left) 22. Eagle's attack missed you. (121 Life Left) 23. You punched Eagle for 410 damage. (394 Life Left) 24. Eagle gouged you for 450 damage. (-329 Life Left) -k- Owwie..
Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2012-09-24 09:59:24

Thanks a lot man, glad to be here. With you and Phoe at the helm and us to back you guys, I'm sure we can bring the Coven back on up in no time. Should be fun.
Nina Amiel (100611)

2012-09-24 02:22:58

That is mu full intention, I assure you. :) Greetings to you as well.
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2012-09-11 02:44:13

Welcome back, Eagle.
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2012-09-09 20:24:36

Cya tommoroz mate. Sleep well! And dont worry, he'll get strong too!
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2012-09-09 20:17:26

-Chuckles softly- Dark made you an egg. +5 hp! I can so see this happening. I dont mind, be my guest! -Grins- So did you get a pet yet ?
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2012-09-09 20:08:27

Learn it to abduct puny humans wich we can feed upon ofcourse. -Cackles madly- Or for you to experiment upon ofcourse.
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2012-09-09 20:02:00

-Chuckles softly- Get a wife and breed a zillion minions to take over the world!
Phoenix Sainte (134851)

2012-09-09 19:56:57

BAM! Good to see you back mate. Guess we're down to building a new empire ?
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2010-10-17 15:02:51

Just checking to see if the Misters were doing alright...Havn't seen Nix for a couple of days and worried...thanks hon <3
Emberz ~ Sainte (105989)

2010-08-16 21:39:18

thank you! and it was lovely seeing you again... well typeing in a sence. i know how rl can really jump up on you, i hope your well and have a great time. X
Emberz ~ Sainte (105989)

2010-08-15 12:49:49

Ello ello Hows You? Still good i see, -leaves a 10 for the profile and a wrapped gift for him-

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