Acadia is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Acadia (139648)"back, baby!"

Last Active: 2013-04-11 05:46:22
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Game Age5,670
Karma+/Verve+6 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record8,059/25,407/31
Win %25%
Last KilledVampir
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Agartha Nephilim

Acadia has 6 friends View All Friends


So do Gangrels have only one animal form?
I have to wonder when I`m like so many different beasts...

Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?



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Acadia's average rating out of 36 rates is 8.06/10


Agartha Nephilim (117120)

2012-11-18 16:11:56

The scent feels my nostrils and brings a great smile playing across my face. Now that is a scent I have smelled in awhile. I place a cat nip filled toy, in a discreet place, behind the cat tree. A thank you gift for stopping by my dear friend. I hope you are well and glad to have you visit. Stop by again soon and I will pet you behind your ears the way you like
Miya Rose (149918)

2010-09-27 00:14:49

Vampire Squirrel is still cute
Cervante (255143)

2010-09-04 01:43:11

*chuckles while looking over your profile* My dear I had no idea you fancied yourself a Gangrel, from which lands do you originally herald from if I may?
Cervante (255143)

2010-09-01 21:38:58

Greetings and welcome to our noble family!
Harkin Tiberius Lee (216721)

2010-05-29 04:28:24

Yeah I know what you mean, glad to hear things are going well though.
Gaius Cassius (Cass) (284827)

2010-05-26 14:34:55

*bows* "I am fairing quite well, and you my lady?" lol Yeah the Avie is kind of in yo face style.

2010-05-24 01:08:20

Raaven reaches out her hand towards the graceful feline in invitation and offer of friendship. "Please join me in my efforts among the coven and if you have any guidance to offer I would be well advised to listen..."

2010-05-22 23:09:09

lol yeo were frienemies, i love it! well i hate you but i love you and at the same time, aint that love lol! well happy hunting! i have awakwn time to embrace the night!

2010-05-22 14:50:37

mmm hope i was good lol!

2010-05-22 14:07:23

im trying to see if my picture comes up on your profile for some reason it donwant to work lol

2010-05-22 13:58:46

wow i still love this profile and i will defiantly buy the fookin cookies lol! the shadow has been smiten, as he rides off into the night!

2010-05-22 07:49:09

really like your profile and music thanks for te attack by the way i really like your page and all your tests, thanks to you i found out what kind of vampire i am..........with that the shadwrider rides off into the nte!
Gaius Cassius (Cass) (284827)

2010-05-21 07:53:19

Well met as well. If you ever need anything lemme know. Dont be a stranger either. Please??? I have already set wheels in motion to be looking after you. (blushes) I am here is you need me. You should hunt with us sometime tho. If ya want.
Gaius Cassius (Cass) (284827)

2010-05-21 07:11:16

Gangrel are always kinda close even if we roam seperate... Anytime you wanna talk I am here sister. Oh! Here is your last killed by...........You tore out L.O.D. (71154)'s heart
Gaius Cassius (Cass) (284827)

2010-05-21 07:07:57

Well... I was rolling over the girl scout cookie thing.. You're Gangrel as well. *blushes8 So, I am here if ya need me.
Gaius Cassius (Cass) (284827)

2010-05-20 14:46:35

You have given Xanthis a rating of 10. Gangrel and I will definitely buy the cookies from now on! Bwahahaha! That had me rollin' !
Agartha Nephilim (117120)

2010-04-21 00:24:04

LOL...bring out the hounds very very creative I love it ....this rp is definitely not like the original

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