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Airabeth Moon (147278)"You reap what you sow...."

Last Active: 2017-11-10 00:44:01
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Game Age5,656
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Game LocationDead City
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Missions R/P/S175/1/0
Battle Record82,114/185,268/129
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Last KilledJazzy Dílseach ...
Last Killed By†Kirito†Quinn† ...
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WP Spent17
CovenMakaron Nesoi
Coven Title (Rank)His Moon (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 6mil+



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Name: Airabeth Moon

Birth: A while back, who knows.

Age: Forgotten

Race: Nephilim - Angel/Vampire.

Sire: Tactitioner Moon

Bloodline: Moon - Matriarch House Moon

Haven: Moon Castle

Coven: Makaron Nesoi - Home of the Renegades

Appearance: Looks to be human standing 5`3 boots bringing her to about 5`6-5`7. Average age around late 20`s, long wild raven hair to the small of her back, large silver/grey eyes with alabaster skin and toned very feminine body; small fine hands and feet. cupids bow lips a deep rose without using any lipstick.Clothing and adornments change to suit her mood but most often wears dark pants lether or other, backless shirts. with a tight corset vest. Can be found wondering around bare foot most often as she does not care for shoes.

Nature: Overtly sensual, lustful in many areas of her life, highly intelligent, thoughtful, brooding, strong willed and independent. Can be a bit vain and untrusting until her trust is earned. She is not quick to anger, but when provoked has a fiery temper that can last for days. Loves her solace, sometimes spending hours alone somewhere quiet, hidden away. With those she cares for shes is quiet, gentle, loving an kind. Is deeply passionate and possessive.

Demeanor: Due to her past she keeps to herself not easily opening up to others, keeping them at a distance. Prefers her own company getting lost in a her writing or music rather then to throw herself into a crowd f people she does not know or trust.
Can have a sharp tongue in mixed company when riled or provoked. Is easy with a smile around those she cares for. and can be very kind even going out of her way to help them. Can be quit crisp when brooding and defiant when she passionately believes in something.

Brief History: Airabeth was born Amana Gealach, one of a set of twins in ancient Hibernia better known as Ireland on Dec 21, 781 AD during the winter solstice moon. Coming into the world was the easy part. Born second her screams roused her brother Abbán. Abbán seemingly having no interest in life at first until he heard his sisters cry. Neph birth were rare and even rarer still was a set of twins. Rarely did they live and even if they did their mother never did. Ophaned at birth Amana and Abbán`s grandparents took over raising the twins as their own. Their grandmother Meheem separated them at first into two beds, being as they were male and female. This didn’t even last one night; all the twins did was scream until there grandfather Liem picked up Abbán out of frustration walking him around noticing the closer he got to Amana the quieter he got.
Placing the infant male in the strew next to his sister they both calmed, curled next to one another and slept. This would be the theme of their childhood, inseparable, always together.

As they grew sheltered from the world by their grandparents they grew strong, smart, well educated for the time. Learning all about the old Druid ancestral ways. When Liem thought the time had come for Abbán to learn all about battle, war and how to use his gifts on the battle field Amana was right there. It was not fit to teach a female of her class such things but she was having none of that. She would learn to fight along side her brother having throw it in her grandfathers face that she was just as skilled and maybe more cunning then her brother was. Liem not being able to deny her anything taught her right along side her twin. The two matching wits and strength. Although Abbán was much stronger then his sister Amana still managed to fell her much larger brother on his back out of shear guile more time then he would care to admit. Both of them became two of the most skilled fighters in all of the northern lands at a very young age. ***This is a work in progress. More to come soon.***

Tactitioner & Airabeth

She said... "Dont get too close its dark inside. Its where my demons hide."

And he answered... "Get to close, there is a hell inside me, its where your demons can live."

Tact & Aira: Two hearts forever entwined, hers and mine. She my Moon and I the gravity that pulls at her keeping her grounded at my side. Tides will move, storms will rage in her wake but only I, Tempest of the Sea`s really knows her well enough to ankor her. My Childer, My Heart, My Moon and the love of my life. I am forever yours and you forever mine.

A place called Home

Makaron Nesloi: West of Dead City, off the tip of a peninsula a small island rests in relative obscurity; quiet, seemingly uninhabited, Its anything but. Home of the a the Renegades, a band of pirates. MN was carved out long ago by Goddess Peitho then given over to her sister Airabeth. It has become home to many that have found the mainland to busy or to overgrown for their liking. A safe haven for those in need of rest and a jumping off point for those that wish to strike the mainland at will..



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Airabeth Moon's average rating out of 724 rates is 7.94/10


Tempy M D Fidela (167390)

2024-03-24 23:09:39

I miss you Mother, one day you shall return. Until then, I await your return. Always your daughter. [3]
Tactitioner Moon (129160)

2022-05-27 07:42:38

Long long slumber
Teada Moon Night (159671)

2021-08-30 17:10:13

One day you will return and I was be here, waiting as always Mother [3]
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2021-06-22 06:36:43

[i] Leaves a 10 as usual. [3] Miss you. x [/i]
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2021-04-20 07:47:57

You have given Airabeth Moon a rating of 10.

Thought about you and miss you [3]
Teada Moon Night (159671)

2021-03-18 00:00:35

It has been so long since we last spoke. So much has happened that I wish I could share with you. I miss you every day Mother.
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2021-02-12 05:26:24

Miss you very much, Mother Mine!! ❤️❤️
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2020-11-14 07:59:35

You have given Airabeth Moon a rating of 10. [3]

I truly hope you're happy and I hope you're well, Aira. I hope you can come back to us one day, you are truly missed [3]
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2020-11-13 05:57:30

[i]I hope you found your happiness. You are missed so much by so many daughter of mine. [3] [3] [3] thank you for raising me from the ashes, for everything. I couldn't ever forget you, my dearest daughter. [3] [3] [3][/i]
Tactitioner Moon (129160)

2020-09-23 07:02:40

hope your happiness finds you
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2020-09-03 08:35:13

It would be really nice if you'd return to the game qq
You added something that seems to be missing without you [hugme]
Bangs rhe ten [dance]
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2020-03-15 10:50:35

I miss you and it seems like i am not the only one. I hope you're okay and that wherever you are and whatever you're doing life is being kind to you. If you come back one day and read these comments, I hope you'll come and say hello. Love you Aira [3] Sebby.
Teada Moon Night (159671)

2019-12-01 15:45:11

Missing you always, mother.
Rosalie (184345)

2019-07-15 12:19:34

I miss you so much Aira. [3]
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2019-03-17 06:14:58

Hope you return someday soon, miss you bunches [hugme]
Bangs the ten [dance]
Tactitioner Moon (129160)

2018-11-22 09:36:04

Checks on his slumbering childer. Fixing her hair that fell off leaving a rose. Sleep my dear rest.
Rosalie (184345)

2018-10-02 11:25:21

You have given Airabeth Moon a rating of 10.

I miss you Aira. More than you know
Tactitioner Moon (129160)

2018-09-26 09:09:22

Will always watch over you my dear airabeth always
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2018-09-26 06:59:15

You have given Airabeth Moon a rating of 10. [3] Miss you always daughter of mine. I hope you come back someday. Xx
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2018-09-18 06:42:25

You have given Airabeth Moon a rating of 10.

Thinking of you, love [3] I miss you [3] Please come back soon [3]

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