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Zylaera Vilain (150271)"Trust not the broken change"

Last Active: 2024/04/18 00:57
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Game Age5,652
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles22 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S18/1/0
Battle Record29,672/123,670/59
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Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByDizzi ****kin` ...
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Coven†Eternal Immortality†
Coven Title (Rank)Zylaera (50)
Coven VirtueFledgling (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 182k+



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Married to Victor Augustan (387952) for 3446 days
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Zylaera Analiese Vilain

Mortal Age: 21
Actual Age: 701
Date of Birth: March 19th 1311

Appearance - Perfection is not flawlessness, simply, flaws found in perfect places. The tall figure of the five foot eight woman leaves little to be desired. Her dark midnight hair flows seamlessly past her shoulders, down her back, beyond her buttocks to end about the middle of her hip. The darkness of her hair leaves a high contrast to her cold violet eyes. These are the most prominent of her facial features. Her long nose, curved in the bridge, sits above full pale pink lips that lack the curve of frequent smiles. Her cheeks are colorless on her ovoid face.

Her long neck begins a slender frame fitted by curved shoulders, long arms and gentle, soft hands. Even her fingers seem delicate to the tip of her claw-like nails. The curves of her body are sensuous and smooth, from her full chest to slender waist, then the roundness of her hips. Even her long legs are as the rest of her: smooth, soft and pale down to her almost dainty feet, though they are covered in sturdy heeled boots. Zylaera wears a form-fitting sleeveless garment of black leather that accentuates all of her curves, and often a matching choker around her neck - a single white stone embedded in its center.

Nature – Once Zylaera was a technically astute assassin who preferred to operate with meticulous calculation rather than indulging in rash actions. Now, rash would be the word that describes her best. She is dependent on those who are closest to her for guidance. Her once astute moral compass never stops spinning now. Knowing right from wrong is often beyond her. If shes finding enjoyment in something, she is liable to indulge in it. Whether it`s a simple game or a matter of life or death.

Combining rash with unpredictable. This is her true nature now. Because her world is chaos, she is always looking for continuity, simplicity and enjoyment regardless of the consequences. It might be said, she is a little sadistic, but that could be debated as her actions often conform to those around her.

Demeanor – The once, calm, quiet demeanor that Zylaera displayed is easily shattered. While she can still appear to be calm and collected, it is with great effort. Though it is still in her nature to be poised, elegant, respectful, rational even, the way in which she carries herself is practiced. The part of her former self that fights to hold on to something that is familiar.

Uncomfortable in large groups and always looking over her shoulder as though she is paranoid that someone is following her. You will find her observing everything, her eyes will drift away even in conversation. And she has a habit of chewing on her thumbnail when she is the slightest bit uncomfortable. The occasional twitch as though a fly is buzzing her ear is also noticeable to the observant.

If there is anything deeper than this uncertain exterior, only the closest, most trusted people in her life will ever be the ones to see it. On the rarest of occasions, her old confidence, built over the years might show itself, with laughter and a comfort that allows her to forget the world around her. But these moments are rarest of them all.



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Zylaera Vilain's average rating out of 133 rates is 8.96/10


-- D A R K -- (85300)

2019-03-02 17:44:27

Oh man, you know... Makin little humans and livin' life. Do we get to look forward to you being around again? You've been missed!
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2019-03-02 15:13:12

I spy a long lost friend... (Night)
Elijah Aeron (532071)

2019-02-17 19:53:09

You have given † Zylaera Vilain † a rating of 10
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2019-01-21 13:58:14

Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2016-04-04 15:33:15

Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-11-15 23:25:06

Well my bls are open dearest
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-11-15 23:20:13

Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-11-15 23:10:52

I'm alright, how are you?
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-11-15 23:05:12

Never [3]
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2015-11-15 22:50:27

I see you >.>
Gaara Deathblade (282916)

2015-07-11 05:32:10

Busy can sometimes be a good thing.
Gaara Deathblade (282916)

2015-07-08 22:31:44

Im ok. Been busy with work. But other than that not much is going on.
Gaara Deathblade (282916)

2015-07-08 04:27:42

Hey how have you been
Victor Augustan (387952)

2015-04-14 23:24:30

About time we are back as the badass couple in RoB. Lol...-muah-
Terror Hotkillerz (40891)

2014-12-14 06:10:17

Devon J. Black (336579)

2014-11-20 16:59:49

Even though you aren't now, you'll always be my baby girl <3
Ligeia (648620)

2014-09-07 08:34:14

You have given † Zylaera Vilain † a rating of 10. :)
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2014-05-09 15:01:35

It's Lilia lovely...I've missed talking to ya <3
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2014-05-09 02:33:24

Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2013-12-23 17:53:32

Long time no see lady. <3 Profile is epic by the way and gave a 10. :)

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