Kiworuso Darkhold is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Kiworuso Darkhold (150525)"All I need is my Spéirbhean <3"

Last Active: 2021/02/14 23:37
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,651
Karma+/Verve+3 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationEstonia
Collectibles34 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S114/4/5
Battle Record79,384/98,743/4,978
Win %45%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed Bytarantula
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent27
Coven Faith of the Fallen
Coven Title (Rank):o 69 (69)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 3mil+



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Rank 250+

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Willing Heathen
VIP Member Cara Fidela Shìffyr
The Undead Legend Marius
VIP Member †Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon†
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Mira Natalie Michaelis

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"How can you walk a path of peace for redemption, when you´ve got so much to protect"

Darkhold - Embrace the darkness.



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Kiworuso Darkhold's average rating out of 50 rates is 8.64/10


Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2023-09-20 05:02:04

I miss you being here. Hope we are reunited some day.
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2020-04-02 00:37:58

Oh you know, just beating up boys that call short girls lil :P

[i]Tackles[/i] rawr!
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2020-03-31 22:29:45

Kiwoooooo qq
Valentine (95136)

2019-11-15 00:35:37

No one wants your stale candy, old man ;)
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2019-05-21 00:40:12

One year. I can't believe it has already been a year married ot you!! You are my best friend... my confidant... my lover and the worlds most amazing wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for!! Kiwo you captured my heart a year ago and you still hold it. There will never be any one else for me. I love you beyond comprehension. I am glad I get to spend my eternity with you. I look forward to many more years together....
lá atá inniu ann, amárach agus go deo beidh dúil mhór agam d’ fhear céile iontach ... tá mo chroí leatsa a choinneáil sábháilte agus leatsa tá a fhios agam go mbeidh. Comóradh sona sásta mo ghrá!
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2019-05-11 02:53:55

Oh yeah...How could I forget? xD
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2019-05-11 02:49:33

Kiworuso Darkhold (150525) has earned 10 War Exp using 1 turns.

C'mon Kiwo. Let's get the blood pooling. Faith needs a pool for all us ladies. And *cough* and the gentlemen of Faith as well xD
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2019-04-17 19:58:32

My love, my heart, my soul... I can't believe that we have already almost been married a whole year!! Time flies when you are loved so deeply as we love each other. I look forward to many more years... eternity can't not be enough with you!! For always and forever love... mo ghrá, mo chroí mo anam le haghaidh eternity [3]
Valentine (95136)

2018-12-12 19:42:41

Stop being a stranger, stinky.
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2018-12-09 04:16:11

Huh. Not sure what game we were talking about either :d Buttttt [i]Gives the Kiwo a slap on the wrist[/i] There! :d
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2018-12-09 02:36:44

Good to see you on, Kiwo :)
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2018-10-24 22:31:26

Lol I know better than to get into any kind of game, you are relentless! :d How are you doing Kiwo?
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2018-09-08 06:00:34

Awe my amazing husband! I love the bears... but love you more!! I have been gone to long and have missed you so much... but I am slowly getting back to me the lass ye married!
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2018-07-29 03:48:01

*pokes the Kiwo* Haiiiii

Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2018-06-24 23:44:29

*leaves her amazing, wonderful, smexy arse hubby some lovings and a late Happy 30 day anniversary... I never knew that I could love someone as much as I do you. You are my heart and air I breath... it is because of you I feel this happy and alive.*
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2018-05-30 07:52:03

We have been married 9 days now... and it has been the best 9 days of my life my love. I wanted to let you know I love you with all my heart, you hold my heart in your hands. I look forward to the rest of our lives spent together. <3 Always and forever love....
Luna Rose Maximus (301501)

2018-05-26 05:37:06

Thank you! :p your very generous!

Your welcome! A shipment of kitchen cutlery is on its way! :D
Luna Rose Maximus (301501)

2018-05-26 05:17:07

You have already rated this user. [grr]

Apparentley it doesnt believe in rating higher. Congrats on the marriage to, yes I am five days late. Lol
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2018-05-26 03:18:10

Yes!!!! And we can get some chicken nuggets. Okay have I told you lately that I love you? Lol in case I haven't... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2018-05-25 19:13:25

*being tackled she wraps her arms around him tightly holding on to him* mmm hello there sweet man o'mine. Oh you said you have a date set up in Hell? to me that sounds like heaven!!! I look forward to tonight then!! <3[3]

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