Sarah Silverain Spencer is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Sarah Silverain Spencer (150816)

Last Active: 2015-10-25 04:05:02
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,650
Karma+/Verve+136 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record34,201/72,996/220
Win %32%
Last KilledSerena Wolftoo ...
Last Killed ByMimik
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Photobucket "What do you want?" The woman demanded angrily, even as a set of hands snaked around her waist from behind. She froze, goosebumps rising along the skin of her arms as the hands trailed lithe fingers up over her hips, sliding over her elbows and down her forearms.

From the corner of her eye she caught a flash of crimson as the woman behind her leaned forward, her lips brushing along the bare flesh of her shoulder. She closed her eyes, her breathing becoming laboured as Sarah pressed her lips behind her ear. Her jaw clenched as she felt the redhead`s lips curl into a smirk as she slid back down her neck, pausing at her jugular. Blue eyes snapped open as the gentle touch of Sarah`s hands became a vice around her wrists, those nimble fingers curling around the joints mercilessly. In an instant the veil had been lifted, and real fear made the human woman`s heart jump, her eyes stare wildly ahead of her. She could only watch as the hands around her wrists began to pull her arms away from her stomach and apart with aching slowness, not stopping until her arms were stretched out wide on either side of her, and still they did not let go.

"Oh, just a little sip..." Sarah purred, concealing silver irises as she closed her eyes to inhale deeply, savouring the moment. Pale lips parted, the pink muscle of her tongue slipping forward to trail over the warm flesh, feeling the woman`s pulse pound at the pressure. "It won`t hurt so much..." She lied, the white enamel of her fangs flashing in a grin as her prey at last began to struggle. But it was too late; the woman let out a strangled scream as fangs pierced her skin, the lullaby rising to a crescendo as her crimson life poured from the wounds onto the eagerly waiting tongue of her captor. How could her body have betrayed her, leading her into this monster`s arms? She was not the first, nor would she be the last, she realized, as the darkness began to lap at the edges of her consciousness. Her wordless cries began to catch in her throat as the world spun, and then all was silent.



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Sarah Silverain Spencer's average rating out of 230 rates is 8.81/10


Vincent Delacroix Night (467550)

2020-02-18 20:27:01

RP was never the same without you. Miss my friend a lot!!
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2019-01-18 17:48:24

Braeden Acosta™ (107587)

2017-08-01 01:57:38

Miss you. [3]
Soul Stone (53627)

2017-04-29 20:12:08

Evelyn D. Night (150390)

2017-04-19 12:46:14

[3] [i]huffs loudly[/i] it's been 2 years, when are you coming back -k- I miss you.
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2015-09-07 18:30:26

Welcome to our humble abode, Sarah! I hope that you enjoy your stay. We all hang out in coven chat, so stop by anytime you're lurking. qq
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2015-09-07 11:52:00

Welcome to IE! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask! qq
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 06:17:10

*laughs harder* I think you'll probably be a lot more useful to your patients if you know what's what, you're right. Is medicine and healthcare something you've always been interested in, or is this a recent interest ?
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 06:00:33

I took anatomy in college. I needed a science prerequisite and it was interesting enough. I enjoyed it for it not having anything to do with my major at all. *laughs* you are what you eat I suppose. :) you taking it for one semester or two ?
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 05:48:04

As one of the most intelligent people this side of the living, that wouldn't be the reason for anything less than perfection. And I suspect you don't have a problem in the work ethic department either I'm sure you're going to do incredible each semester until you're finished. I'm obbbbbbviously rooting for you *whoops with a laugh*
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 05:19:31

Oh my how adorable. And I bet she's a spark just like you. To your dismay, probably, but certainly not to your surprise. If she's all over the place that's mummy's little girl through and through. You have every right to gloat why the hell not be proud of her ? She's special she's yours and you made her. I'm happy you're going to school hopefully things are going well on fhat front ?
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 05:11:00

oh my, now there's a mini sarah running around. Well maybe not running but surely plotting ! That's wonderful old friend is it a boy or girl ? Sounds like you have your plate full with the most positive things though and your head is still as north as ever. It's nice to hear you're doing well.
My life has done a lot of changing too. My career is pretty demanding, luckily though it's proven the opposite effect for me, and alotted me enough "free time" to play vampire more often. *grins* you know me though. Glass is half full 'round this way, Ms. Spencer.
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-07 04:48:29

I just had a heart attack. Died then remembered I was immortal so I came back. Almost died again. Or almost didn't ? I'm confusing my sel-
But you get the point ! I'm glad you returned for however long. Are you well ?
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2015-09-07 04:46:01

I see youuuuu [3]
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2015-09-03 08:07:33

How nice it would be to have you back, old friend.
Ligeia (648620)

2014-09-07 08:35:47

You have given Sarah Silverain Spencer a rating of 10. :)
Boots™ (56082)

2014-08-29 21:08:51

Since it has been awhile, I thought I might just drop by and say you are missed beauty :3
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2014-06-30 14:09:04

[3][3]Immortality - The very word sounded cold with it's hardened consonants and bipolar vowels. Forgoing the freeze of that five syllable term he purposed to instill a fire within it set only with the flames of love.[3][3]Miss you stranger!
Jesse Hatemachine (75548)

2014-05-31 04:19:07

Hey Sarah
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2014-02-06 21:46:21

I love you, even if you're not here. Don't ever forget that.

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