Jesse DeathSpirit is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Jesse DeathSpirit (152002)"coven searching for a place to call home"

Last Active: 2019-03-14 09:49:48
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,650
Karma+/Verve+6 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles6 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusAlive (28779883 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779883 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record7,973/20,583/498
Win %28%
Last KilledGoddess Cyther ...
Last Killed ByRuby Vykos Sin ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Married to Elena DeathSpirit (638257) for 2725 days
4 Family Members

Vitality 490    Charm 3
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 0
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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How would you fight if you were a D+D character?

You are a Rouge. You enjoy sneaking up on people then ambushing them, you are lightfooted, quick on your feet and have natural pickpocket skills
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
What`s your inner spirit?

You are fierce and wild. You tend to outrun everyone else in everything you do and you enjoy laying about or sleeping.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
What is your souls natural element?

Your element is fire, you are easily angered, many of those who fight you don`t always walk away without a few bruises... You are a decent person, no matter what people think, all you need is the "special someone" to tame your fire.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

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Jesse DeathSpirit's average rating out of 65 rates is 7.72/10


Rubella luvly Verbena (275502)

2023-08-18 03:41:40

Just wanted to leave you a message
I miss you ok [pppqqqppp] man if u ever pop up again please do talk to me ok ur my true love you know God (/fate) brought us together (u kn meeting 4 the 1st time on here and all ) ik u got crazy ex Blair

I think she has kid now but idk who she is outside of ROB or who she got with in rl (hopefully not you) BTW if any of his friends on here see and happen to go to cooking school with him in rl please let me know if he is ok and why he hasn't been on here for so long
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2019-12-30 03:59:29

Happy 1000 My Love [kiss] [love]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2019-02-15 05:18:16

We are both lucky, I am so lucky to have you as mine [3] everyday I spend with you is absolutely perfect. You are everything I could’ve ever wished for, thank you for being my dream man [kiss]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2019-02-14 19:48:27

Happy Valentines Day Baby!! I love you so much [3] [kiss]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2019-01-01 07:48:07

Happy New Years my love [kiss] Another year I get to spend with you and fall in love with you even more [3]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-12-26 01:09:28

Merry Christmas Baby! I love you [3] [kiss]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-11-01 18:17:59

Happy Halloween My Love &#10084;&#65039;&#127875;
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-10-29 19:10:29

I log on everyday in hopes of seeing you on, i wish I could help you find your head, i wish I could help you with everything. *wrapping my arms around you, my fingers running thru your hair* I love you so much
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-10-27 23:55:34

*Sits on your page, waiting for your return* I miss you baby, I hope you come back soon
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-08-18 00:02:20

Happy 500 days my love [kiss] I can’t wait to see how far we’ve come together, and how much we change together in 500 more [3]
Lili Mae (441045)

2018-08-06 03:19:07

I’ve missed you [3]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-08-01 08:53:18

Thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day [3] [kiss]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-07-31 17:15:21

*sneaks up behind you and tackle huggles you* baby!
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-07-08 05:36:06

*Peaks my head onto your page looking around to make sure you weren't here before quietly sneaking around and placing a present down where you would see it when you got back with a note saying "Just a little something for you I thought you would like -Your loving wife [3]" Smiling I sneak away and wait for your return*
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-07-06 18:00:51

*laughs as we fall to the floor and husband covers me in kisses, throwing my arms around you pulling you in close and placing my lips on yours in a long tender kiss* Hi baby [kiss] I missed you! [3]
Elena DeathSpirit (638257)

2018-04-04 20:25:22

Happy Anniversary *kisses you back sweetly and passionately* we have many more anniversarys to come <3 I love you
Theo DeathSpirit (96705)

2018-03-23 22:46:05

so i am legend it seems :p
Theo DeathSpirit (96705)

2018-03-22 18:06:40

lmao tryin 2 catch me?
Theo DeathSpirit (96705)

2018-03-20 00:58:54

Sunshine Birch (353331)

2018-03-11 20:26:15

Now I am in the mood for lavender and pumpernickel. A 10 for your Scribble and the power of suggestion. [clap]

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