Dentellai Mistyque Koi is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)"The Human Servent Among The Vampires"

Last Active: 2019-01-15 08:43:21
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I was .:BORN:. to be abused... I .:LOVED:. to be broken... I .:LIVED:. to go through hell

My live before him. Anything can happen to make it go back to that but until he leaves me...I`ll enjoy all the time we have together.
My name: ~*.:8:.Dentellai~Mistyque.:8:.*~

Married to: bloodsuckingsouleater Been married for 100 days. Lasted 102 before he got auto-deleted...




If you ever come to my territory looking me what you`ll see my not surprise you. Where I live is full of old style houses, some in good condition, others needing work. Nothing looks out of place here, except for the house I live. It is old, older than the rest. It looks run down and in need of a lot of work. You`d think it should be torn down, falling apart too much to be livable, but looks can be deceiving. The house is a pale lavender with a cherry wood arched door. On the door there is painted a crescent moon opposite to a burning sun. A star is painted in the middle of the doors. On the top in beautiful gold, silver and bronze writing is writ en .:Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again:. indicating a house of .:Magick:. The colours are the only thing outside this old house that hasn`t seemed to fade with age.
My black cat .:Kala:. sits outside the doors to greet visitors that she senses coming. She is a friendly cat, she doesn`t bite, hard. She`d push on the doors with her nose, they`d open for her like they were feathers. She leads the visitors inside to the sitting room before she curls up on the red leather sofa. Anyone who enters would feel they just stepped threw a portal. The floor is tiled a lovely marble. All the wood is either cherry or cedar with beautiful designs carved into them. The walls, originally white or black, have colourful murals and pictures all over then. A fire burns quietly in the fire place at the corner of the room.
I would be leaning over the railing of the circular staircase, smiling at the guest. I`d be wearing a simple lilac kimono, saving my lace for parties and special occasions. A small child would be cradled in my arms. He stares at the guests with big green eyes.
"My son, Darius. I don`t usually bring him out to meet guests but he doesn`t want to be left alone tonight." I would point to a picture over the fire place. It would show me and my husband hugging the sweet little boy.
I would then point to all the walls. "Murals of my life as well as friend`s lives that have been painted on these walls." I would then point to some paints and brushes and an olive white blanket by the wall near the fire place. "Feel free to add another picture of colour to this house. My uncle would encourage that." I would smile sweetly then as I`d watch to see if the guest would sit to talk or pick up a brush adding their story to the house`s walls.

.:My Story:.

It is a quiet night, the wind blowing calmly against the house. I sit with my son on my lap, playing the games he most enjoys. He glances at the walls with curious eyes and finally asks me what all the pictures mean. Smiling i pick him up in a hug and sit with him on the stairs pointing to the mural over the door.
"This was my uncle`s house, a long time ago. He was an artist, a scholar. He taught me many things as well as kept me safe and sheltered. He took me in when no one really wanted me. You see Darius, my family fell apart and I was the one they put at blame." A small smile crosses my lips as I look at my son lovingly. "It didn`t fall apart right away. No it took time, in the time between we were a loving family..."

"I was born on a cold fall morning, the only daughter among six sons. My parents were happy. Their seventh attempt at a daughter successful. I`m not saying that they thought my brothers would be daughters, no. The reason was that every time my mother was to conceive a daughter she would miscarriage after her 6th month of pregnancy. I was the first one to see daylight and to breathe the air. My parents were happy, as well as my brothers. They named me Raina, after a cousin of mine who died too young.
Everyone in my family cherished me and looked after me. My mother had grown weak from all the miscarriages and the doctors feared that I may not have survived in my first years. The reason for this was because I was a few weeks premature and was smaller in size than most babies. They feared that the bones in my body would be more fragile than normal and warned my mother to keep me away from anything to physically challenging. This turned out to be right, but it didn`t stop my brothers from including me in there games.
Over the years I grew up being raised mostly by my brothers. We lived on a small farm house outside of a big town so my parents had to commute to work and they would spend a lot of time in the town. I never did find out what they did for work but my brothers told me they helped people chase they`re monsters away." Me and Darius both giggle at that. I sigh as I continue with my story. "The land our house was built on was a huge and lush meadow. My eldest brother, Dente would take me to the edge near the forest all the time. He was a hunter and a herbalist so he taught me how to hunt for food in the wild as well as to harvest the herbs to heal in case of an injury. His teachings left an impression on me.
On days where my mother would be at home I would run to her from the fields with an injured animal in my small hands begging her to help me heal it. She would smile and pet my head saying that `not everything can be helped. Sometimes you got to let creatures heal on their own.` Her words made sense to me but I`d still try, weather it was Dente I ran to or mother, I still tried. One day, when I was three, maybe four, I broke one of the family rules to help what didn`t really need it. The forest bordering the back of our land has always been forbidden for anyone to enter. Too many people go missing in those forests from creatures that refuse to be seen. I was in the usual spot by myself when something small and black flew out of one end of the woods, over me into the trees behind me and disappeared with a thunk into the darkness of the forest. Scared for the creature I went into the forest to find it. I didn`t go far when Dente appeared and quickly pulled me out. He was angry, yelling at me, demanding to know what I was thinking. I was so scared of him I could barely tell him about the small thing I saw. When he finally calmed to listen he went into the forest to find it for me.
When he came back he showed me the tiny thing that lay asleep in his hands. `It`s a bat.` he told me as we stood there staring. `there are not many in this area.` He turned to go put it back into the forest when I stopped him. `I wants to keeps its, as a pets.` I caught him completely off guard. He didn`t know what to say. He knew father would not like it, mother would disapprove but he handed he the tiny bat and led me home. `You need a friend for when you`re left alone.` he said smiling. But you`re taking care of the thing.` I smiled. I took careful care of my new friend it slowly became my best friend. Once it was rested and well again it never left my side. I named it .:Akane:. for the red flecks in it`s black fur. My father frowned greatly upon it but did nothing to deprive me of it. At least not at that time.
In the time to come things began to change. My mother slowly began staying home more and more with the reason that she wanted to spend more time to raise her children. I was frilled. But Dente, Marius, and Savarioh were not. The expression on their faces was a mixture of worry and anger, it scared me. I could tell that Mikael, Vincent and Tykael were happy like me, but in there eyes were the same emotions as the others. I tried to ask them what was wrong, to get them to tell my what about this angered them but Mikael, Vincent and Tykael didn`t know why they felt this anger. The others told me it was not for my knowing. Dente took me aside after he saw the dark look in my eyes and told me it was not for me to worry about.
"This is something mom and I have been dealing with for a while. I know you want to help mother Raina but this is not something that involves you. Smile and be Raina. That will help." He smiled petting my head and hugged me. As his words sank in all I could do was nod and agree. I was young but I could still understand things I shouldn`t. Dente knew this and it scared him.
I wonder if the others new as well...
Everything seemed to have a normal tone after that. The fear I saw I my brothers` eyes slowly disappeared from sight. I knew though that it was still there just well hidden. But like most things in this world, this normal didn`t last.
I was playing in the house with Akane for it was sunny and I didn`t want to take her outside. My mother was at the front door waiting for Dente and Marius to take them into town to run some errands and to find jobs for them. I didn`t want them to go. Especially Dente. I wanted him to stay and play with me and tell me more of the things he knows. I never did beg him to stay, my father would have called me spoiled if I did. But he could tell how much I wanted to without me having to voice it.
Like always he petted me on the head and told me he`d be home soon to play. Mother and Marius hugged me goodbye and they left. Mother`s hug seemed tighter and lasted longer than her usual ones. It felt like I`d never get to hug her again.
How I wished my feelings weren`t right...
When evening came I sat at the window with Akane on my shoulder waiting for them to come home.
They never did...
I sat there, day after day waiting. My father was getting fearful and my brothers depressed. Me just waiting. I was young, unknowing, didn`t understand the fear my father felt about never seeing my mother again.
"She`ll be home soon."
My father would give me a saddened glare as I sat at the window whispering those hopeful words to myself to keep my young naive mind sane. We had people searching, trying to find my mother and my brothers but no luck. Until one day Marius came home. I was at the window so I spotted him first. I was so happy I ran from the house to him, hugging him tightly, stopping him from walking. I looked up at him smiling but the look he gave me made that smile go away. His eyes were cold, lifeless. It looked like he hasn`t seen light for days. He wasn`t Marius.
He was a stranger...
My father and brothers ran out to us pulling him from me and taking him inside as they bombarded him with questions. I stood there watching as they took the familiar stranger way from me. Akane made a small noise and i looked to see what looked like dried up blood on my hand. Had he been injured? Did he fell? I ran into the house not knowing what was happening and praying that Dente would come soon.
I never was allowed to see Marius much after that. No one was. He barely spoke to anyone, even the doctor that treated him. The only thing I was able to hear him say was
"Raina`s safe now...". I didn`t know what it meant, but my father clearly didn`t like it. When he saw me eavesdropping he gave me the angriest glare he could muster. I didn`t stay to hear anything else.
Whatever he said after words seemed to have convinced my father that my mother was never coming home. A few weeks later he threw a funeral service in our house so everyone who knew her could say goodbye. I sat at the window keeping to myself, petting Akane as people walked past. I never looked at them. I didn`t need to to tell the looks they were giving me. Whispering "Vampire`s child" or "Demon`s daughter" as they past. Making it seem like my mother`s disappearance was my fault. My father didn`t stop this. He didn`t even look at me. He clearly blamed me. I wished in all my heart to know why. Marius sat beside me shorty after the service ended. He placed one arm around me and pulled me close like he used to on those late nights I wanted to stay up late like he did. I looked up at him, still seeing that familiar stranger but more of my brother shined though.
He smiled, speaking calmly to me.
"Hey kiddo. I got some things to tell you. After this I`m leaving. I can`t stay." I stared at him awestruck tears starting to build in my eyes.
"No...No you can`t go...You just got back! Please stay!" I hugged him tightly as he held me and stroked my hair.
"I can`t. I want to stay, I want to stay here and protect you but I got to go. I`ve told the others what is happening and they`ve promised they`d keep you save." He smiled as he kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Dente will be home soon." I looked up at him as he said this but he wasn`t looking at me, he was glaring at our father.
Like he said, after it was all over, he left. I watched him walk away as long as I could before it seemed like he just disappeared from my sight. Vincent had to take me inside afterward. My feet didn`t want to move. Everyday after that my brothers stayed close, watching me, playing with me, never wanting to leave me alone. especially with my father around. He ignored me though. To him I no longer existed. Things went back to a kind of normal for a little while but it seemed a dark cloud was hanging over us.
I sat at the window most of the time. Remembering Marius` words about Dente and not wanting to miss his return. The opposite seemed to happen though. Instead of Dente returning, I slowly watched my brothers walk away from the house not to come back. There was no explanation as to why it was happening. It was just happening. But something told me they were with Dente, not being allowed to come back home.
The brothers that remained could tell that the situation at home was getting worse. My father was getting violent. They contacted my uncles on both sides and worked out a plan without his knowledge. It was decided that I would go live with one of them for a few months then stay with the other for the same amount of time then switch back. It would go like that until my father could gain his sanity back. Both my uncles were nice, but I was scared. I`ve never lived anywhere other than home. I didn`t know what it would be like. They both said they`d stay with me for the first few months so I could get used to seeing them more often.
In truth it was nice to get away. But I missed home.
Both my uncles were philosophers. One taught as a professor at a college/boarding school while the other worked from home. He studied conspiracies and things people would not normally look into. He was a very respectable man. Though he stood six feet tall and looked scary to me at the time with his stern face and gray hair, he was very kind. Because of their different views on things they argued often. There were only two things they strongly agreed on. One was that they could not stand being in the same room with each other. The other was that they needed to put that aside and take care of me like the uncles they were.
Though I don`t ever remember seeing them before the day they came to take me away, they both had stories from when I was just a babe. I would sit staring at them as they argued over my first time crawling, my first word, the first time I cried. They never yelled. No it was more like a battle but with words instead of swords. I found it highly entertaining.
Uncle Chucky, the scholar as we all called him, would usually be the first of the two to notice me staring at them and stop the argument. It never ended on them agreeing on anything. It just kinda... Died. He was young looking with long reddish brown hair that he always wore in a pony tail. I always thought it funny that he grew his hair long while uncle Richard always cut it. He always told me, "It`s because respectable men cut their hair and look the way the people want them to while scholars like me see the beauty in being outside of that view." I knew he was just being a goof though. It was too late to enroll me in the school near the one Chucky taught in so I spent the day in his office drawing or reading. He`d give me things to work on but I mostly enjoyed siting by the door, listening to him teach his class. It was decided that while I was in school I`d stay with uncle Chucky then go stay with uncle Richard on weekends and holidays. That kept on for about a year until I got a letter from home.
While I was gone my father met someone. Her name was Alaryn. They fell in love and had gotten married and he wanted me back home, to meet her and be a family again. I was overjoyed. I was gonna go home. Be with my family. Have my brothers back. But when I arrived there, the black cloud that seemed to have formed when my mother disappeared was still there, darker than before. My uncles didn`t want to give me up but they didn`t have a say. They gave each other weary looks and promised to come visit me often.
When I arrived I was greeted by smiles and light hugs. Alaryn gave me the biggest hug. She was a nice woman with a kind smile and a creative mind. We became close right away and she didn`t mind Akane at all. She made the place feel like the home I grew up in but even she could not fill the whole that were my missing brothers. Only the youngest two were left to greet me when I arrived home.
Nothing seemed to change much with my father either. Though he was trying, I could still see the blame, the small flame of hatred in his eyes. I was just starting to understand emotion like that from watching the students in Chucky`s class. He just couldn`t bring up enough good emotion to look at me and say he loves me. It got worse when Alaryn suddenly fell ill. I had only been there half a year, and I knew she was suffering from some kind of medical issue, though she hid it well from my father. But one that one sunny day she just collapsed. Everyday since then she grew worse. Whatever love my father got back towards me was starting to disappear. He was growing cold and hard again. One day he doctor came, and told my father he saw no chance of her condition changing for the better. He went into a rage, stomped up to me and slapped me across the face. He cursed at me and called me mean things as the doctor tried to restrain him. I just ran to my room and hid in my closet with Akane.
Only a few days past after that before her illness claimed her.
The funeral was small, quiet and ended quickly. Everyone came to our house after for refreshments and to say their final goodbyes. I sat by the window, staring out, wondering why the woman I loved as a mom had to go away from me so soon. Death was still something I could never understand. I thought it best to stay out of everyone`s way. They were all giving me looks and whispering things. Only my uncles and two brothers ever came over to console me. Though I thought I saw glimpses of Dente in the shadows but when I looked I saw nothing. Akane stayed on my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek to get me to smile but I still felt a deep sorrow in my chest. Like somehow her death might have been my fault.
Slowly people started to leave. My uncles stayed behind, I saw them talking to my brothers. They were staying the night and were gonna talk to my father about taking me into their custody. They figured it be the safest thing to do considering how my father`s state of mind might be. They had all right to worry though. Soon as some of the other guests had left and very few of the others remained my father walked up to me and started to yell. He said evil things, like how it was my fault she had died. It was my fault my mother went missing and my brother`s disappeared. He said I cursed him and his household. I just looked up at him, showing no emotion. I wanted him to let everything out, to just release all the hate and anger so he could move on but he got more violent than what everyone had hoped. He got frustrated that I wasn`t flinching, or crying or trying to run away. He cursed under his breath as he reacted for me. Everyone was watching and gasped thinking that he was gonna hit me. But no instead he grabbed Akane and ripped her off my shoulder, her claws that were digging into my skin cutting it as they were forced off. I put my hand to my shoulder, looking up at him with big, scared eyes.
"You`ve taken the most precious things from me, so I`ll take this from you, vampire`s child!" He yelled as he slammed Akane onto the floor. She let out a loud shriek as she hit the ground hard. He then started to stomp on her with his boot. I screamed, and watched in horror as Akane stopped shrieking and moving. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as it happened. My father, as I watched his foot slowly make contact with my small bat`s body. Her shrieks as they slowly faded away. My uncles and brothers as they began to pull him away. And the blood pool that slowly seemed to form.
"NO!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It felt like my whole world was shattering into a million pieces. My true friend, who I helped save from a life of almost being flightless, was now lying dead before my eyes. This cruelty I was too young to understand how it could come to be, but not too young to experience it. As soon as they pulled my uncle away I quickly scooped up Akane in my arms and ran. I ran past everyone, out the back door and through the field that lead to the treeline. The very spot where I found her.
I knelt onto the wet ground, holding her close, rocking as I cried. I cried hard, so hard I could hardly breathe. It wasn`t long before I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see Dente, in a black suit, standing behind me. So I did see him at the service. I looked at him with fearful eyes. There was something about him, something that scared me deeply, told me to run from him. But he was my brother. My loving older brother. I didn`t run. I collapsed into his arms and cried. "Hey now. Everything is going to be ok. I promise." he said to me as he stroked my hair. He lifted me into his arms as though I was smaller than what I was. He took Akane from me and handed her to someone hidden in the treeline. I couldn`t see clearly through my teary eyes but I swore it was Marius. Dente carried me into the house, to my room and layed me to bed where I quickly fell asleep.
Due to the injury to my shoulder I had to stay in bed the next day to give it time to heal. Dente was still there, talking with my uncles and remaining brothers. He gave them permission to take me away from here, and told them to make sure I never come back. I didn`t know what he said to my other brothers but I`m sure it had something to do with their turn to leave. I stayed in bed for more than a day. Not wanting to get up and leave without Akane. Dente would peek into my room when he thought I was sleeping, though I`d be awake. I was too afraid to sleep. I could hear my father yelling down stares. He was shocked as anyone when he saw Dente walk into the house with me in his arms. He was tying to get him to stay but Dente was refusing him. I knew I had to leave before things with my father got worse.
The next day I got up early and walked over to the spot where I last saw Akane. There was a small stone cross in the dirt with her name on it. I touched it gently, shocked to see it. "We know how much she meant to you. She deserved a proper burial." Dente said as he quietly walked up behind me. He gave me a small bouquet of flowers to place on her grave. After a moment he took my hand and started pulling me back to the house. "It`s time to go."
"Will I see you again?" I asked, looking up at him as we walked. I got the same feelings from him as I got from Marius that one day when he came back. He`s my brother, but not at the same time. It was confusing. I wanted to see him again but something told me it be a long time before I did.
"Maybe Raina. But it won`t be for a while. For now, just focus on growing up strong." He smiled at me and squeezed my hand. It felt cold, but not too cold. He led me past the house to the car where my uncles were waiting to take me home. They had my stuff already packed. I hugged Dente goodbye as he helped me into the car and waved as we drove off. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath before I looked back at the home I may never see again. When I looked Dente was gone. My father was glaring at me from the window. The cloud had grown to a storm now, that my father would never be able to escape from.
I never did see that home again. Soon after I returned to school I received a notice saying that the last of my brother`s had disappeared and my father had gone crazy. He locked himself inside the house, isolating himself from the world. I later heard my uncles talking on how he burnt it down and disappeared himself.

Darius lets out a whimper as I smile down at him and rock him gently. "Oh my baby boy. There is nothing to worry about. It`s just a picture on a wall. Do you wish for me to stop?" I watched as he shakes his little head, letting me continue.

"`Life moved on, slowly as it always seemed to go. Years passed and I seemed to have fallen into the routine of a semi-normal lifestyle. Though I never knew what normal was. My uncle Richard kept me under a tight line while I was at his house. He always had these rules that I followed with little question. Some were the normal kind. I wasn`t allowed to stay up past a certain hour, I couldn`t go out alone or at night. Not to let anyone in without his say so. I had to be back home before sunset. Though the others seemed a little bizarre to me. I couldn`t go anywhere near my uncle`s study, even when he was in there. He always kept it locked. And I was absolutely forbidden from ever mentioning anything dealing with the mythical and supernatural.
I didn`t know why but he made sure I had as little contact with that world as long as I was there. That was until I was caught breaking one of his rules. It was during a hunting moon. He went out with some of his buddies when he thought I was asleep. I knew they wouldn`t be back for a while so I took this as a chance to explore the forest not too far from his house. The moon was so full and bright. I felt safe under its light as I followed the path to the trees. What I found there both surprised me and filled me with joy. I found my brothers, in a clearing not too far from the trail. Not all of them were there but a few were. Tears streamed down my face from the shock as I left the shadowy bush to them. I clung to the leg of Savarioh when I reached them not wanting to let go. Just like with Marius and Dente, he felt different. In fact they all felt different. Every single one of them had this dark aura around them that sent shivers down my spine and made me want to run from them. They weren`t my brothers anymore. But at the same time they were. And I didn`t want to leave them.
They all looked at me with blinking eyes when I clung to Sav`s leg. They were all shocked and didn`t know how to react. Sav stroked my hair as shocked as the rest of them to see me, his sister, in the middle of the woods at night. When he saw I was crying though, his face, that was in a cold glare, instantly turned into a kind smile as he picked me up and hugged me tight. Soon all the others joined in and it felt like we were a family again. And all the talking we did after the awkwardness had passed. We had years to catch up on.
But they weren`t the only ones there in the clearing those nights. There were quite the few people there that preferred the night life to the day. I actually got to talk to a few of them for there was a night none of my brothers showed up at all.
The hunter`s moon only lasted about three days. Every one of those nights my uncle went hunting, and every night I snuck out to go to the clearing. It was on the third night that my fun and joy was cut short. Dente came to the clearing looking for the brothers that were there talking to me. When he saw me, his face grew cold as he stared me down from where he stood. For those nights my brothers warned me about the dangers of coming here alone and warned me not to come back but I had to. I had to see them. They were my family. He calmly walked up to me but people quickly got out of his way, almost like they could sense all the anger he was holding in inside of himself. He gave my brothers one simple glance and they all ran into the trees where Marius figure was barely visible as if given a silent command.
"Raina, it`s time for you to go home!" He kept his voice low, trying to keep as little anger out as possible but the people around us still stared as if he had shouted. Quickly he grabbed me by the arm and began to drag me home. "When uncle gets home he is gonna be royally pissed!" he whispered not even glancing in my direction. I kept my head down and walked as quickly as possible to keep up with him. There were many things I wanted to ask him, things I wanted to say but with his anger I knew it wasn`t the right time. We got to the house about the same time as my uncle did. He looked shocked to see Dente, but when he saw me with him his look hardened for a minute. After a few minutes of Dente explaining what happened uncle Richard just sighed and lead me inside to my bedroom.
He sat beside me, tucking me back into bed. He told me that Dente had left when I asked where he was. He looked at me with saddened eyes like he wanted to say something but couldn`t. "I`m not sure what was going through your mind Raina. I`m very disappointed in you. You knew better." I said nothing when he spoke for I knew he had all right to be. He stared at me for a long time stroking my hair. He didn`t seem mad, just scared. He kissed my forehead and left me to sleep.
The next morning he brought me down books from his study. Books on witches and magick. Demons and angels. Spell books and books on Paganism and Wicca. "I did a lot of thinking last night, and I figured it was about time you learned some of what I knew. You want to read about witches and wizards, how about reading about the real magick instead of the fiction." He smiled as he rubbed my head and sat with me to read them.
Every visit I had a new book on a similar subject as last time. Somethings were still touchy with him but it didn`t matter to me. He was letting me learn and that all that mattered. Uncle Chucky did his part by lending me every single best seller fiction novel he had in his home. Books soon became like my second friend but with more freedom. They let me explore worlds originally unknown to me. They became a comfort. Soon, thanks to my uncles` influences, I became almost as good as they were at telling apart the real stories from those made up by people for publicity. Though not even I could predict the day I`d loose faith in all that I knew.
I was in the middle of my mythology class in the collage prep school my uncle Chucky worked at. I was now a teenager and had an overactive imagination. The teacher both liked me and hated me for I questioned everything and made up alternate endings for what could have happened to the creatures or gods/goddesses we were learning about at the time. We were in the middle of learning about Morrigan when the principal called me down to the office. Now at this school you didn`t get pulled right out of the middle of a lesson unless it was something urgent or you were in serious trouble. Both me and my uncle were expecting the trouble since nothing urgent has happened in my family since father.
The second uncle Chucky heard me being called down, he told his class to carry on reading without him and ran out into the hall to the office after me. "She didn`t do it! What ever it was she was with me for most of the time and is a good kid. Sir there must be some mistake here!" He blurted out without even stropping to ask why I got called down.
"Charles please. Calm down. She is not in trouble." The principal said as he rubbed his temples. Uncle Chucky always managed to give him a big headache with only just saying a few words.
"Then what the hell is it?!" He asked getting nervous, which was something he didn`t do often.
The principal motioned him into the other room. I could see their shadows through the glass on the door. Whatever they were talking about got my uncle very upset. They kept looking at me as they spoke though I knew they couldn`t see me clearly due to the fact the glass was stained a dark yellow for privacy reasons. After my uncle reassured the principal on something he walked out of the room alone and knelt down in front of me.
"Raina there is something I must tell you. You may get very upset but please promise me you will not run and do something drastic." I looked at him confused. I didn`t understand what he was saying. No one`s talked to me like this since mom and Dente disappeared. "The principal got a call this morning. It seems... It seems Richard has left us..." His voice cracked as he spoke, clearly he was trying to stay strong for my sake. "There was a will though. It`s mainly about you. That is why they contacted you and not me... Raina?"
He held onto my hand tightly as I squeezed it, staring at nothing with blank eyes. I just sat there, trying to take in news that didn`t seem to want to enter into my mind. Richard, dead? Chucky helped me up and walked me to the teacher dorms where we were living at the time, excusing me from all my remaining classes. Time seemed to move at such a slow pace, the things around me seemed frozen, though beyond my sight everything was moving too fast for me to see.
Before I knew it, it was time for the funeral and, other than my new found isolation, I didn`t seem to give off any signs of mourning. From what my uncle and others have told me, Richard was found dead in his study by a friend that came once a week to help him with the things he never seemed to get the time to do, like clean. They all say he had a heart attack but I know better than to believe that. He was the healthiest man I knew. I believe he was murdered but there was no proof of an attack to back that statement off.
His house was packed with people that knew him. Like always I was given odd looks, like their eyes were blaming this new sadness on me. It was driving me to the point of insanity though I was too absid minded to notice their glares at the time. After the funeral was other and his house was cleared out of people except for his closest friends and family we all sat down and his will was read out to us by Richard`s lawyer. This and that was given to friends and family, some I have never met or seem before this point. Soon everything was read out, saving me for last. According to Chucky I was the first name in the will, though he thought best to save me for last.
"To Raina, my beloved Niece," the lawyer read almost emotionless. "I leave you and your brothers all my money and my land. Everything in this house, except for those things listed to others in this will, is for you to keep close to your hearts. I also leave you with this key. May the door it opens bring you the will you need to move on from this point in your live."
Everyone was shocked. Most were mad that I was given his house, not them. And the fact my brothers had claim to it as well. "They`re gone! Dead! Why are they included? I demand to see that thing!" Someone yelled but I payed no mind. I stared blankly at a painting of the moon goddess, Selene that hang on the wall. It was my favorite painting in this house. Staring at it seemed to help me except this new information that was being drilled into my head. The lawyer placed the key my uncle was talking about in my hand. As I stared at the key my uncle Richard always used to wear around his neck under his suit, I felt like I got his with a ton of bricks.
Tears streamed down my face as I screamed and ran to my uncle`s study with Chucky following right on my heals. The study was unlocked as I burst through the doors looking around franticly. I had only been permitted in there once, and that was when I had to stay in there while Richard had company over he didn`t want me to meet. I glanced around. Nothing was missing, nothing out of place. It still had his warmth and feel but he wasn`t there.
"Where is he? Where is uncle Richard? Richard?!" I screamed franticly as I searched. Desperate to find something that was long gone.
Chucky grabbed me and hugged me close, shushing me, trying to calm me as I called and cried franticly. "I`m sorry Rains... I`m so sorry."
"He can`t be dead.. He just can`t be... Why?" I cried hard into Chuck`s chest as he stroked my hair in a calming manner. I cried so hard I ended up passing out. I woke up hours later in my bed, the key on the bed side table and everyone gone. I found Chucky sleeping on the couch as I walked to the study. It was dark and had a cold feeling now. The feeling chilled me. It felt like my uncle was slipping away, right under my feet. I shut the doors and locked them, hoping that would keep the warm feeling of Richard`s pressence there.
It would be many years before I returned to that house. I had people that Richard had hired to come by once in a while to clean up and make sure everything stayed in order. Before I left to go back to school with Chucky I stopped by the clearing. It was bairn, deserted. Not that I really expected anyone to be there during the day.
"Dente... Brothers..." I called as a silent tear slid down my cheeks. "If you haven`t heard.. Uncle Richard has passed.. He left his land, money and house to us. I don`t know if you guys have a place to live or not but... There are rooms for each of you and the beds are all made. I`ll leave the key here for you so you can get in.." I placed the key quietly on a stump and turned walking down the path to Chucky who waited patiently for me. I never saw that clearing again.
As Time passed, I began to loose interest in things I had once loved so much. There were too many painful memories attached to these things and I felt as if I was breaking under their weight. I thought giving them up would make me feel better, would make it easier to cope with everything that has happened but it just made my life feel empty. I`d dropped out of my mythology class, stopped reading stories and books that weren`t related to my school work and isolated myself from everyone in school. Though there were the group of misfits that encouraged me to come socialize with them I didn`t feel like I belonged with them any more. Like I was the outsider among them, a third wheel.
Uncle Chucky tried his best to be there for me and help me move past this but I couldn`t allow him to put his life on hold for me any longer. I encouraged him to go out with his friends more and to start dating. I`ve known for a while now that he`d like nothing more than to start a family of his own. He may treat me like a daughter but I`m nothing more than his niece. Soon I`ll be done with school and be moving out to live on my own.
Though Richard was gone, I still followed his rules as if he never left. Before I knew it, I developed a fear of the night. I never stayed out past dark and if I did, I made sure I was with people, though that was a very rare that it happened. Uncle Chucky began to worry about me, being home all the time while other kids my age were out having fun and going to parties. Though it saved him the headaches of having to worry about me being at a party he was slowly trying to break my fear while dealing with his own busy life.
He`d became like a shadow in ways, appearing, hovering over me, encouraging me to go out whenever invited. He was well known for setting up dates with guys he trusted just so I`d get out of the dorms we`ve called our home ever since I became a big part of his life. One of his latest attempts to get me out was by planning me a birthday party. I was turning eighteen and he wanted me to spend it happy, not slumped up at the table working on school work.
Of course that was just what I was doing when he sat down at the kitchen table and placed a box tied together by a red ribbon in front of me. We said nothing. He just gestured me to open it as he pushed it closer. I shook my head smiling as I carefully untied the ribbon and lifted the lid off the box. In there, wrapped carefully in tissue paper was one of the most beautiful black dresses that I`d ever seen. The design was simple but that didn`t change the fact that in my eyes it was gorgeous! The most gorgeous thing I owned. Probably too gorgeous for me.
"A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl. Go enjoy yourself tonight." He said with a huge smile on his face.
I just stared at him slightly in shock. "No uncle I can`t. I still got so much work to do and things need to be done..." He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed it gently with his thumb. "Go. You need this." He gave me a caring smile, a smile I could not say no to. I nodded my head and tried my best to smile. "Happy birthday my Raina." He said as he walked across the table to give me a hug.
To my surprise I`d forgotten about my birthday since it has just become another day to me. All the same I did not want to hurt my uncle so I made my best to enjoy the day. You only turn eighteen once.
The party was located at a local hang out that rented the space for such occasions. Everyone from my classes were there and they all wished me a happy birthday and made an effort to talk to me. Strangely enough I made an effort to talk back with them and mingle. It made me feel better, gave me this small sense of belonging. I spent most of the night on the dance floor. Oh how I loved to dance. I used the ribbon that was on the box my dress came in to tie my hair back so it wouldn`t get in the way.
Before I knew it time had flown by and it was getting close to the end of the party though no one showed no sign of wanting to leave. I left the dance floor to catch my breath and rest my feet while taking another look at the crowd to see who was all here. I saw people from my classes, people from the school who were in a different grade then me and a few faces I didn`t recognize. Kids from the other school who heard of a party and decided to crash it. I waved at a few people and was about to go join the dancers again when I noticed some faces I recognized. Faces from my past, faces that didn`t seem to age a day.
I immediately ran to Marius as he and the rest of them slowly made their way to me. I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. Laughing and smiling like a little girl on Christmas. They all hugged me and handed me a small box wrapped up. I decided to open it later when I wasn`t surrounded by groups of people.
I led them all to a quiet-ish corner to talk. They all seemed to have much to say but also seemed nervous about being there and rushed for time. Then I noticed that Dente wasn`t with them. "Where`s Dente?"
"Dente? Oh you know him. Always liking to keep an eye on things from a distance." Sev said in a sarcastic tone that got me confused. I haven`t seen my brothers for years. I knew nothing about them anymore.
"He`s waiting for us outside. Sorry Raina but it`s not exactly safe for us to be out here like this." Marius said as he hugged my shoulders.
"Not safe? Are you guys in trouble?" I asked looking at them all. I felt as if something was wrong and I didn`t want to be kept in the dark about it any longer.
"No not exactly..." Vincent began to say when Dente suddenly appeared in front of us.
"We got to go. Now." His tone was serious as he looked at each of them, waiting for them to leave without a word. By now the party had thinned out for it was getting really late and there were other parties else where people wanted to go to. "I`m sorry Raina that we couldn`t stay longer... You`ll understand one day." He said as he gave me a gentle hug.
I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back as he began to walk off. "I don`t want to understand some day. I want to understand now! All these years you`ve been gone from my life... Dente what`s going on?"
He looked down, a deep sadness in his eyes that I did not understand, and hurt to see. He opened his mouth to answer my question but never got the chance. I was the only one to notice at that second the person standing across the room with a gun raised, aimed at my brother. I pulled him over, behind me as I stood protectively in front of him. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I had just gotten my brother here and I did not want to loose him. Not again. I didn`t want anyone else close to me to disappear.
"Raina wha...?" He blinked in surprise as he followed my gaze to the man with the gun but it was too late for him to react. The man fired and I collapsed into Dente`s arms as the rest of my brothers fanned out, chasing after the man as he ran.
I don`t remember much about what went on then. I remember hearing screaming of the people around me. Feeling Dente`s cold hands as he tried his best to keep me conscious. Hearing weird noises, most foreign to me. I remember seeing images of a man I`d never seen before. Though I couldn`t make out the features he had a wicked smile on his face. His hand was raised in a gestering motion, beckoning me to come towards him. The sounds of Dente`s panicked voice kept me calm as the images vanished and everything went black.
Weird beeping noises and sounds of people running and talking fast filled my ears as I began to regain consciousness. Everything seemed to move so fast. All the sounds blended together until everything seemed still. I tried to open my eyes but could only open then a bit to see that I was in a while room. My brothers were there, surrounding me, silent and still as stone. Tykael was sitting on the edge of the bed. Though he had grown from the kid I knew into the young man sitting before me I barely recognized, he still seemed small. I smiled a bit and tried to speak. He blinked looking at me and intently took my hand. All the others reacted to his movement and moved from the walls they leaned on or the chairs they sat on to crowd my bed.
Mykael took my other hand while Sav strokes my hair. Vincent was asking me questions, wanting to know if there was anything I could get for him while Marius checked the machines I was hooked up to. I looked around and, like usual, there was one face missing. "Dente..." I whispered quietly as I felt myself slipping into the darkness again. When I was able to open my eyes again I saw that Vincent was gone. I didn`t even feel him leave. I saw the shadows of three people outside. I guessed that two were Vincent and Dente from their height. The third I assumed to be the doctor. I tried to sit up but my body didn`t want to move. And when I tried Marius would just put his hand on my forehead, keeping me still.
"Are you in pain? Raina?" He asked, his voice calm but laced with worry. In truth I felt numb except for the burning in my side. I felt so tired and weak. I now knew how almost everyone else in this place must be feeling right now. Though I`m sure others have it worse.
I closed my eyes and lost consciousness again. When I woke up next it was dark and only Dente was there beside me. He looked deeply troubled. I raised my hand to comfort him but he just held it in his, rubbing my cheek with the other hand. We sat in silence for the longest time until he broke the silence with a deep sigh.
"Raina there is something I must tell you... The person who shot you was a hunter. He was after me and the others. You have nothing to do with it and you shouldn`t have gotten involved in all this... Now the doctors have removed the bullet but you are bleeding internally. We believe that there was a poison on the bullet that`s causing it. The doctors can`t do nothing. Raina... You`re going to die and it`s my fault I`m so sorry..."
I laid back as I listened to his words. Like what my father and all those other glaring eyes had wished I was going to die. Maybe dying wouldn`t be so bad. Now my brothers wouldn`t have to worry about me, or worry about hiding from me. Chucky could live his life without having to worry about me or take care about me anymore. I wouldn`t be a burden on anyone`s lives anymore. "I`ll be... fine.." I whispered trying to smile for him.
"I`m not going to let that happen Raina. I`m not going to let anything bad happen to you from now on. I promise." His words shook me. There was such a desperation in them that it scared me. What could he do? If what he said was true I`ll be gone by the end of the night. Why was he hurting himself more by making a promise he couldn`t keep?
"Raina listen to me. There is something I, as well as the others, can only do and I`m willing to do it if it`ll save you. Now whatever happens promise that you`ll not hate me. Promise that you will not come looking for us. And that you`ll keep out of danger. Please Raina."
The desperation in his words made it hurt to listen to them. I forced myself to smile as I closed my eyes, feeling myself loosing consciousness again. I could feel that my time was short. "N-never hate... Y-y-you.." I managed to say. He smiled at me as he stroked my hair and got close.
He made sure I was tucked in tight before he gently hugged me, keeping hold of my hand. "Relax Raina." He said gently, stroking my cheek. "This will be over soon."
I went to turn to look at him when I felt a pain in my shoulder. His grip got strong as he held me in place. He seemed to dig his nails into where he held me as me bit into my shoulder hard, digging his teeth into my flesh like it was nothing. I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight him off but I couldn`t make a single sound. I felt all my strength drain away as he stopped biting and looked at me.
"I`m sorry..." He whispered as he stroke my face. I was sweating now, a cold burning sweat that stun my skin and my eyes. I could barely open them to stare at him. My body burned all over, there was no pain just burning, mainly at my side. "I`m sorry... Forgive me..." He whispered as he bent down to bite me again.
Everything went black when I felt his teeth on my shoulder. I remember opening my eyes a little while later. Everything was blurry, but I could tell that the person who was standing over me was none of my brothers. He was older, more sinister. He had that wicked grin and spoke to me, but I could not here it. I knew what he was saying though, and it scared me.
With a wave of his hand I was back in darkness. I awoke to voices around me. My mind focused on the sounds though my body just wanted to rest. That was until I heard someone speak the words `recover`, `changes`, `just disappeared, and `no family left`. My eyes shot open. I shot up in bed so fast the nurses jumped. They looked scared as I stared at them, my eyes wild. "What do you mean no family left...?"
As it turned out, my uncle Chucky had disappeared without a trace. No one knew where he was. Or that he`d return. My brothers seemed to have disappeared as well. One minute they where there waiting to see how I was doing, the next they were gone. The nurse told me as calmly and gently as she could. A few tears slid down my cheeks at the news but they stun so I tried my best to hold the others back.
All the doctors were calling me a miracle case for I was suppost to die but didn`t. Apparently I was in a coma for three says straight before I awoke so suddenly. I asked but no one came to see me in those three days. I sat there thinking of what Dente did, and the things I saw after wards. Where they all a dream? An illusion caused from intense pain? The only evidence that Dente was actually there and actually did something was the change the nurses spoke about.
My appearance had changed. My hair, my lovely short brown hair, was now snow white and long. Longer than what I had ever grown it before. The brown in my eyes had gone more golden and bright. My kane nines that were already unusually long, had grown longer by a tiny bit but a tiny bit always made a big difference in this world. My skin also felt smoother, more sensitive but was the same in colour. I sat, staring at myself for hours in front of the mirror. I didn`t recognize the person staring back at me in my reflection. I stared hoping I dreaming, suffering from another illusion and my old appearance would come back. It never did.
They kept me at the hospital for a few days after wards, just in case something happened that they missed though they examined me very carefully since I woke up. They would have to tie my hair back when they did the tests so every morning the nurse who kept watch on me and came when I needed something did my hair in a new style, hoping to bring a smile to my emotionless face.
One morning she styled my hair so that the bangs and top few layers were tied back in a bun at the back of my head while the rest hanged down over my shoulders. I`d admit that it did look cute but that didn`t really seem to matter to me. Nothing seemed to really matter to me. I was alone. Left utterly alone by everyone. No one would recognize me any more. I missed too much school to continue the semester. My old look would never come back no matter how much I wished or tried to change back to it. I hated myself. I hated my reflection. I couldn`t take it! I grabbed the pair of scissors that was left on the tray just outside of my room and attacked my hair. By the time I calmed down, the parts of my hair that was not safely wrapped up in the bun was now a mess of multi-length, badly cut hair.
I took in a deep breath examining what I had done. I dropped the scissors putting my hands over my face holding in the tears. What had I done?
`You shouldn`t have done that. It looked better long.`
I jumped and turned around, breathing deeply as I looked around the room but saw nothing. Then I heard it again. This quiet little voice speaking at the back of my mind. For a split second I thought I was loosing my mind until I realized that I knew the voice. It belonged to the person that visited me after Dente saved my life, while I was still unconscious. At first I wasn`t sure how to feel, then I began to get afraid. A fear I decided to keep to myself until I got home.
What home?
I was allowed to leave the hospital early the next day. The first thing I did was straight home, hoping by some strain of luck that Chucky would be there but he wasn`t. The place was cold and empty. After that I went to see the principal to tell him that I was withdrawing from school to go to my house to get away from here like the doctor suggested I did. I told him that I couldn`t really be here right now and he seemed to understand though he didn`t seem to recognize me at first. Something I knew would happen. I asked him if he could keep the dorm room the same in case Chucky did show up. But told him that if my brothers came for his and my stuff to just let them take it. He nodded and told me how sad it was that all this happened. I reassured him that I was fine. That everything would be fine and go back to normal soon.
After everything was done there, I rushed onto the next train to Richard`s house, the house I knew my brothers would be and had been living for the past two years. Right now I needed them. I needed their hugs, their gentle words and their explanation to all that has happened. Most off all, I needed to tell them about the voice. But when I got to the house it was cold, empty. I called but no one answered, no sound was made. I remembered what Dente had said, about not trying to find them. That struck my heart worse than any gun shot.
I felt like crying. The time I needed my brothers the most they were not there. They used to be there before but not now. I felt cold, lonely. I didn`t know what to do. The voice came back again. This time, I ignored it. I wasn`t going to let some taunting voice or a promise I never said I`d keep, keep me pinned in a corner like a weak child. I knew I was stronger than that. I had to be. I was on my own now and needed to be strong.
I decided to go find them. They couldn`t have gotten too far. I`d pack some food and money and all the kimono`s I`d could fit into the small bag I found in my old room. Richard had bought the kimono`s for me before he died. He said that they were the best things to wear when you didn`t know what to wear. The person who he got them from though went out of business so he bought the adult sizes since no one could make as nice ones as his friends. He`d hoped I`d wear them when I was older and fit into them.
I changed into a dark blue one with a ripple pattern. It dragged on the ground a bit but other than that it was a perfect fit. I couldn`t help thinking that my uncle was preparing for this very moment when I`d decide to leave. The thought made my chest feel numb and I left the house before I could change my mind and stayed there waiting for them to all come back. I looked back before I got too far and whispered a silent goodbye. I wasn`t sure when I`d be back here or if I`d even come back, all I knew was that I wanted to say goodbye to the one thing that still kept me close to my uncle and everything else: his house...`"

I looked down to see my son asleep in my arms. When he fell asleep I didn`t know, I was too caught up in telling the story the walls held. Quietly and gently I got up and began walking up the stairs to put Darius in his crib.
He let out a small whimper and grapped onto my top with his small hand. I blinked at him as I stopped walking. "Baby boy, you don`t want to go upstairs?" I watched him as he snuggled into me, shaking my head lightly. "Sound asleep but you still wanna hear what happens next. Well alright. There is still time before your father comes."
I turned around and walked down the stairs to the living room. Holding Dar against me with one hand I carefully placed another log in the fire so it wouldn`t get too cold in the room. I then laid down on the couch, placing him on my chest and watched him sleep before I continued to tell him the story.
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Dentellai Mistyque Koi's average rating out of 37 rates is 7.57/10


Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2017-06-09 22:18:14

*Drops by to leave goodies for her girl for when she stops by again* I miss you :( [3]
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2017-04-30 00:37:20

I miss you baby girl [3]
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2017-04-23 07:16:19

Sending lots of love
Kevin Rade (201468)

2013-01-15 15:15:11

I hope you realize you are talking about forever, because that is how long we will be together, that is how long my love for you will last. Beyond the end of time.
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2013-01-14 05:30:32

I love you my darling daughter no matter what <3 you're always my baby girl
Kevin Rade (201468)

2013-01-04 05:53:04

In all the years of my long life never had i thought to find the love i have found in you. Your love and devotion to me are greater than any i have thought to deserve.
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2012-11-19 04:49:53

*hugs* can't stay away very long, I start missing people!
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2012-11-19 04:47:49

Sorry I was gone so long
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2012-11-19 03:41:19

Love and miss you baby girl <3
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2012-06-14 12:22:49

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 showing you some love baby girl
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2012-02-21 05:20:07

i love the name baby girl! miss you tons <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2011-12-09 21:22:10

Great story :)
Kevin Rade (201468)

2011-06-24 11:55:09

I am. I miss you. Again im sorry.
Kevin Rade (201468)

2011-06-21 12:12:12

I love you hun. Sorry i havent been on much. Real life has been crazy lately.
Eddy (435946)

2011-04-23 01:54:39

going to get my friend to send you VIP right now
Lukas Cytes (189598)

2011-02-01 15:05:17

~jumps slightly~ You be having of the stealthyness... must remember to write that down... ~chuckles~
Lukas Cytes (189598)

2011-01-31 15:28:06

~wanders through... stops to have a look around~
Tifa A. Koi Cytes (140285)

2010-12-25 14:57:23

*Leaves gifts in moon and star wrapping paper under her tree with tags that say "Love Mommy and Daddy". Smiles at the pile and slips off* Love you baby girl. Hope you get everything you want this year.
Rosalie (184345)

2010-12-09 20:51:08

Thank you. and your welcome.
Rosalie (184345)

2010-12-09 20:47:59

You have given ~.Dentellai~Mistyque.~Koi a rating of 10.

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