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ShadowBunny (155080)"restarting. WOOR!"

Last Active: 2017-09-11 00:40:28
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,645
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record2,976/24,394/213
Win %11%
Last KilledBeth Petrova
Last Killed ByNicholas Knigh ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Choxi Little Angel (18)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 10k+



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Photobucket my eye passion Thrice around the circle`s bound Evil sink into the ground



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ShadowBunny's average rating out of 5 rates is 7.20/10


Blood Shard (230245)

2010-08-29 16:56:00

HELLO,,Choxi Little Angel,,,Welcome to Buds or welcome back,,, I believe you will like it here ,,, If you should need some starter equipment Please BL me,,, Please stop by the coven chat if you need any help or just wont to talk,,,, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page,,, We all are here to Have Fun so go Play,,,Happy hunting,,,,,Hugs,,
Laz Occuri (99823)

2010-03-26 05:24:23

ok what?
Laz Occuri (99823)

2010-03-20 06:51:08

well now let me think on that for a sec, lets see for one thing the coven owner has the option of not allowing members to attack other members wich he doesn't use, killing one another is welcomed, and encouraged, the experience goes to the coven, i'm a killer i kill everyone even my own fam, i do it indiscriminantly which means it's not personal, but i'll be honest, i've had more than a few objections of late from coven members, which is strange considering i'm also a sporadic killer
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)

2009-11-12 23:20:13

*drops in* Choxi! Zapping me! tsk tsk. Now, that you have my attention *smiles*
Wolfpack (151200)

2009-11-12 22:52:53

putting up the background pic is easy, if you need help just let me know. raven has several web designers so we can all help to pimp your profile.
Wolfpack (151200)

2009-11-12 22:48:59

yes i am. why, are you thinking about going vip too?
Wolfpack (151200)

2009-11-12 22:42:43

my pleasure. anyway if there is anything i or the coven can help you with just let me know.

2009-11-05 14:09:16

I really like it,still trying to understand RoB but its ok
Wolfpack (151200)

2009-11-05 01:31:26

hey Choxi, just dropping in to say hi to another raven.
Trent D`Oreb (73679)

2009-04-09 22:26:39

Hi tehre hope your settling into ROB okay and more importantly Raven
Trent D`Oreb (73679)

2009-04-07 11:14:55

Hi there*smiles* Let me know what weapons and armour you have and i will get them upgraded for you
KHA (75117)

2009-04-06 01:27:08

Hello!!! I would like to extend an invitation for you to join my coven, Barakumin. We are a new coven and are looking for active and mature members to join. We are dedicated to having an environment where members can come and enjoy their RoB experience. We have a chat on the main page and will be getting into an active and invigorating role-playing environment. Also, we are looking to hire staff if you are interested. We will have people available to help you train to become a strong vampire. So, if you are looking for a mature, small coven to grow with then you should join Burakumin! We will be glad to have you and help you to grow in the Reign of Blood world. <3Kishi
Trent D`Oreb (73679)

2009-04-04 12:59:03

Hi Angel *smiles* a belated welcome to the House and i hope the weapon and armour are being of use to you
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 05:10:19

Yeah it did lol ...Oh, I have a big family here
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 05:04:48

<3 My wife
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 05:00:22

Cool! Check your news!
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 04:52:49

I'm sorry I won't growl anymore...I like you I didn't mean to scare you
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 04:49:17

I'm sorry did I scare you away?
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 04:33:07

You lol
Haunt (96877)

2009-04-03 04:30:32


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