ClickClackStiletto is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

ClickClackStiletto (167407)"tricking treats."

Last Active: 2013-10-31 20:32:24
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,620
Karma+/Verve+20 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record44,974/157,498/77
Win %23%
Last KilledCuiv LaRouge-D ...
Last Killed ByValencia
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Darion`s Solemate (80)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 613k+



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ClickClackStiletto's average rating out of 247 rates is 8.08/10


Soul Stone (53627)

2024-04-07 13:59:06

Miss you!!!
CeCe (245220)

2022-07-22 04:48:03

miss you!
Blake (177659)

2020-03-22 23:20:12

Jesus someone's lovesick for "six" years! Nothing's creepy about that though Xd
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2019-08-27 06:39:04

Almost six years now, and I still ache for your presence. Made so many more friends, and yet there is and always will be an empty place waiting for you to fill it, the only one who could. I miss you, so very badly. I hope you are doing wonderfully and that your dreams are coming true. I miss you. I love you. I pray for your happiness and hope that you make meaning in your life and in others with what you do.
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2018-01-08 13:31:30

Happy Birthday, darling. I hope you've had a wonderful year. You're still missed and cherished <3
Soul Stone (53627)

2017-05-16 06:55:54

Darion Lancaster (203259)

2016-12-26 03:18:27

Merry Christmas, my love. I hope that your day was filled with love and laughter and presents that pleased your material desires and warmed your heart with joy.
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2016-12-02 10:18:28

I went through our BLs today. I don't know if I have our old conversations from Messenger and whatnot saved on old hard drives. But even just going through what we have here hit me so hard. So many memories came back, just little things, inside jokes we shared, the late late nights...

I miss you. I love you. I don't, I [i]can't[/i] intrude on your life; it's just not me to go and do that. But I do look after you, and hope you're happy and doing well. Even years after, you're still constantly on my mind, you still bring a smile to my face just at a thought. Every time I open the stupid Gift Shop, it disturbs me to not see your number there. I feel incomplete without your name in that spot. Even if someone else filled it, I could never feel whole, knowing what I had with you. As you said before, what we had here was strange, unconventional, and not "real", and yet, the love is. I pray all the time that you come back, that you find this place, or certain pockets in it, as refuges from the world, as a place to let out different creativity, to come back and be happy in a different world than what's out there. Silly litttle fantasies, time wasters, certainly, but happy memories to be had. I begged you once to stay. I would do so again happily to have you back, just another day, another week, another month, forever. I would throw away any pride, because it wouldn't matter if it meant having you back.

Ha, you set the bar so high, you know. I can't get over you. I don't want to. I'm stupid and selfish, but I want you back, and despite meeting so many people who are wonderful in their own right, who peak my interest and make me laugh, none of them are you. I'm here, with open arms, anytime you wish. Here, or with any other outside info I've given you, it's all still valid. I miss you. You stole my heart, you know. It's unfair, ruining me for everyone else here lol. But no one else is you. Wonderful as so many of them are, you really are irreplaceable to me. You mean more than the world to me. I love you.
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2016-11-16 14:53:53

Nice job click clack tell me how do you rank up when you haven't played for 3 years? [hugme]
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2016-08-16 00:10:11

I miss you, sweetheart. It's like an emptiness that just can't be filled by anyone but you and you alone. You're always thought about, always cared about, and it's fondly wished with all one's heart that you decide to return and stay. I conebutt you.
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2015-11-24 04:03:58

Dead City just isn't the same without hearing the click clack of those well used stilettos...
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-05-16 20:33:30

Where are you click clack? :o been a long time since I've tripped you up ;*
Lukas Cytes (189598)

2015-02-12 05:29:50

Thought I would peek in and see how you've been... haven't heard the clickety clack lately...
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2014-12-25 06:00:18

Here's wishing you a happy wonderful love-filled Christmas, my darling. I'm thinking of you as always, and hoping that you're smiling wherever you are!

2014-05-10 06:19:20

We sure got old huh lol
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2014-02-14 19:37:57

Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart! I hope you had a wonderful day with someone I should be really jealous of!
Mirage of .::BloodLust::. (166332)

2014-02-12 11:39:11

Sometimes ;)
Darion Lancaster (203259)

2014-01-01 06:09:33

[kiss] Happy New Year, my darling!
LadyBlood (81728)

2013-12-22 03:19:42

CCS <3333333333333
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2013-11-23 06:20:24

Get you sweet click clacking ass back here lady. We have a story to finish!

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