Nyx Ivy Stryker is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Nyx Ivy Stryker (169149)"Be who you are and want to be.. not who others want you to be. [3]"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 02:05
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days7 / 5
Game Age5,615
Karma+/Verve+278 / 1,000
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles33 (+11%) See All
Missions R/P/S110/0/15
StatusDead (28779437 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779437 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record105,560/57,206/48
Win %65%
Last KilledNeptune Fidela ...
Last Killed By<::Violet:: ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent30
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Night Raider (50)
Coven VirtueYoung Drake (4)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 15mil+



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Rank 250+

100k+ Wins

5k+ Power

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Married to Johnny Bravo (326733) for 394 days

7 Family Members

Vitality 660    Charm 80
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 3
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VIP Member Johnny Bravo
Luna Xerses Ivy Stryker
VIP Member Ethan Ivy Stryker
Novalia Chaos

Nyx Ivy Stryker has 65 friends View All Friends




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Nyx Ivy Stryker's average rating out of 174 rates is 8.24/10


Ethan Ivy Stryker (86437)

2024-09-19 03:26:11

*nuzzles back hugging his daughter* Sounds good hope you been well [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-08-30 23:09:03

Lovely Nyxie! [3]

Please join us in Blood Thirst if you are able! [hug] No pressure if RL is calling you away. [y] But if you log on, kill a little, finish a little to qualify for PRIZES!
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2024-08-21 14:27:34

[c=purple]1 Year.

Together we have stood beside each other through some of our highest highs, and our lowest lows. I cannot Imagine a life without you in it, and hope to stand by you for all the years to come. Until we are old and gray, and neither one of us is quite sure how many years it's been anymore[/] [3]

[c=purple]I love you my beautiful princes.[/]
Esme Beaumont (751242)

2024-08-19 16:57:22

Thank you! :)
Ryssa V Phuri Dae (179328)

2024-08-08 02:10:22

*Squeal* OMG is that you??
Ethan Ivy Stryker (86437)

2024-07-31 16:34:20

*quickly curls up his daughter in his arms smothering her in hugs and kisses* I missed you sweetie, i hope the move is going well and I cant wait to spend more time with you soon! [3]
Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2024-05-29 17:46:26

Love Your status and YES YES YES
You have given Nyx Ivy Stryker a rating of 10.
Arsenix Leviathan Primevil (741228)

2024-03-13 13:46:21

Thanks for the zap!

You have given Nyx Ivy Stryker a rating of 10.
Lucia Villanueva Satanic (690837)

2024-02-21 19:15:52

Yay grandbaby loves! Best loves ever! *takes all the snuggles she can get*
Lucia Villanueva Satanic (690837)

2024-02-21 01:11:51

I love you!!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 *offers her a cup of hot chocolate with extra extra marshmallows and a swirly bendy straw*
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-02 23:55:09

[url=https://photobucket.nov-dev.com/Nyx_3k_wins.PNG]photobucket.nov-dev.com/Nyx_3k_wins.PNG[/url] It was from today's rounds. 5 mins until the hour.
Remy LeBeau (747404)

2024-02-02 21:05:27

*bows* thank you lass
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-02 15:28:53

Hey, you know what? My character name on Old School Runescape was Onyx Vampyre and I have Secretbytheivy.com (though the site is offline). PM for info. I noticed in your name, there are two correspondences, one to each of those. Secretbytheivy could be secretively hanging out with a shy girl, or a literal secret lurking by the ivy.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-12-01 04:28:13

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2023! As usual, there is but one rule to this game.... You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-10-17 00:12:14

You have given Nyx Ivy Stryker-Roseheart a rating of 10.
A VERY lovely Halloween Profile! [clap] Cuuute!
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2023-10-10 00:05:43

[c=purple]Rarely have I met someone with whom I could spend hours simply talking. Our journeys and tender moments are special to me, but what seals the deal are the quiet moments in life with you. When nothing is happening we can simply talk about everything and nothing for hours on end. I can't even talk to family that long.

On top of that you are the sweetest, most caring and resilient person I know. There is nothing you would not do or endure to help those you love, and I find that very admirable and awe inspiring.

Each night I sleep with a smile on my face and I dream of your giggles. Each morning I wake eagerly waiting until I can hear from you.

I hope to share a life filled with joy and our bickering, Supporting each other through our challenges, and celebrating our wins. And then one day, rocking, old and wrinkly and cranky on our porch together, looking back on a life that we cherish and love.

One we built together. [/]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-09-25 04:44:13

Happy birthday !

Johnny Bravo (326733)

2023-09-14 15:47:40

[c=purple]24 days of my life being brighter. I wake up most mornings with a smile on my face, and things to look forward to. My nights are comfier and full of more love. I look forward to the rest of eternity.[/]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-09-11 04:35:43

Thank you [hugme]
Ethan Ivy Stryker (86437)

2023-09-04 01:29:04

*Sneaks into his daughter's profile leaving her all the love* I adore you so much sweetie.. I hope every day is brighter than the next, I'm so grateful to have you as my daughter < 3

Arya Roseheart sent For the Daily <3.
Arya Roseheart sent A chain for that choker....
The Reverend Rez (153767) sent VIP Pass to Hell.

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