Zslasher Malkavian is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Zslasher Malkavian (169518)"No one can escape time; it delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes...."

Last Active: 2020-03-11 17:35:08
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,616
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationColombia
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S10/0/0
StatusAlive (28779880 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779880 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record3,007/15,691/4,565
Win %17%
Last KilledLm`adine Pyy T ...
Last Killed ByTine Darkheart
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Coven Title (Rank)Zslash (26)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 934+



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. - Zslasher . . Don’t you know? Every cellular phone no matter how small. No matter how perfectly tiny and miniature. [paranoid music starts] Every month a new one smaller and smaller but somehow more powerful crammed with more amazingly clever but needless features that... Im sorry I believe I got off the point.



There is a tale told by men passed down by word of mouth of dragons that used to inherit the lands. Strange mythical beings thought to have incredible powers they were spoken of yet not seen revered yet feared. Of all the dragons there is one more ancient than all. Bred of a pure lineage of the Kings of Dragons Ark is the Divine Dragon, an elder leader of all dragons. His abilities and knowledge surprise all. Wise beyond his years He takes after his father at a tender age of 4500 human years.

Ark lives in a lair beyond imagination. A lair fortified with his magic and filled with treasures of kings. The rulers of men have paid homage to his ancestors since the peace between man and dragons was first forged. Ark lays his head on his bed of gold eager to rest after the meal of sacrificial ox presented to him by the king of where his lair lays. A small token of appreciation for protecting the land of people. His ears move gently. He picks up a sound that starts off slow then resonates to a fast-pitched cry. Lifting his gargantuan head he flaps his wings ready to answer to the mating call.

Damia the dragon God of water is sounding her mating call. It is time. She wonders who it will be but secretly hopes that the Divine Dragon himself will heed her call. She longs for him. They have met but once at a council of elders to discuss matters regarding the world of dragons. She takes flight and instantly notices a few mature males wanting to see if they could possibly be her mate. She flies swiftly and climbs to a higher altitude. She knows that after 3600 human years she flies faster than most dragons could ever hope for. Most importantly she is buying time for her one true love to appear.

Ark spots Damia flying evading possible attempts from other suitors with a slight chuckle on his dragon jaws. He knows his own strength and he knows today she will be his. He flies at a speed so fast the other males can hardly breathe before he manages to catch her at the climax of their flight. Staring into her azure blue eyes time slows down while they freeze for a moment suspended in the air with his tail and wings wrapped firmly around her grasping her with his claws. Ark has claimed his prize.

It has been 2 years and 2 months since that fateful day and the golden nest is bustling with activity. Ark and Damia are proud parents of 4 healthy young ones. They smile as the young dragons feed ferociously on sheep gathered by ark. The proud parents are content with their lives. One day one of these young dragons will inherit his father”s knowledge and wisdom and carry on as the new Divine Dragon. Unfortunately peace and tranquillity was not to be in the land. The kingdom under attack by Christian knights charging the lord of the land with heresy was not safe for the dragons. Many dragons in the land fell victim to these Christian crusaders eager to make a name for themselves as legend killers. Ark summons the Elders for a council meeting.

Damia waits patiently at the lair watching patiently over her young dragonets. The meeting of Elders would take awhile. The young ones are hungry. She has to leave them to fend for themselves to gather food before they turn on each other. Flapping her wings she rises steadily to survey the land around her. The winter is not yet over. Food is scarce. She would have to fly further than she thought. Looking back at her dragonets she wonders if this would be a good idea. Forced by circumstance Damia the water dragon has no choice.

Ark waits patiently at Dragon’s Peak the gathering point of the Elder dragons. He wonders if any will turn up. If he is to believe the tales that he has heard too many have gone and those remaining have gone into hiding. He decides to wait a little longer.

Damia returns after 2 days of finding food. Prey has been harder than she would’ve liked it to be but she has gathered meager game of juvenile moose for her young ones. Flying back she senses something amiss. The welcoming cries of the young ones were noticeably non-existent. The Christian crusaders had ravaged her unguarded nest. Landing in her once happy abode Damia lets out a loud rumbling cry throughout the lands sharing her sorrow with all who would listen. She decides to fly off in search of Ark to tell him this sad news. The journey to Dragon’s Peak took 7 days amidst snow and hail but she was immune to all seeing as her heart was filled with sadness. She descends into the clearing sensing no dragons in the vicinity. She understands.

The crusaders have gotten to her husband. Ark the divine dragon was no more. Damia ridden with sadness at the loss of her mate and her offspring flies around looking for other dragons. She decides to fly to look for more dragons like her. Flying from continent to continent all she sees around her are the carcass of dragons left to rot by those who sought them for various purposes. She is the last remaining dragon. She flies to an ancient volcano and circles it. There are no other dragons to sing for her The Pasing Song. She howls a sad melancholy tune that can be heard for miles around. Damia then dives into the center of the live volcano returning herself to the earth that spawned her. The age of dragons has come to an end. Ark is reborn into a human now known as Zslasher.

The spirit of the Divine Dragon still survives in him never having a chance to past down his knowledge. It has been 20 years since the end of the age of dragons and Zslasher is a young man unaware of his powerful past. He has been reincarnated in Dead City a town with a dark history. But he is no ordinary man. He was born into a coven of Vampires bestowed with the blood of the lycan.

Damia is also reborn but she still retains her memories after being unable to let go of her past. She has wandered the lands for 19 human years unaware that Ark exists as a man. Someday perhaps the spirit of the Divine Dragon will be awakened and the lovers will unite beginning the Second Age of Dragons. The End

Do you want to see the bed in flames? Do you want to totally perish? You want to stick the dagger in the sheet. You want to lick the blood from the dagger. You see the crosses on the pillow. You think innocence may kiss you. You believe killing might be hard. But where are all the dead coming from? Sex is a battle. Love is war. Do you want to see the bed in flames? Do you want to totally perish? You want to stick the dagger in the sheet. You want to lick the blood from the dagger....


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Zslasher Malkavian's average rating out of 47 rates is 9.74/10


Kyril Reeve Mayers (702945)

2019-06-12 03:55:08

Nice pet name
Saedrissa (85523)

2018-04-05 19:18:20

Mad Cat (200461)

2018-01-01 03:50:02

Thank you! qq
Amara (613592)

2015-02-10 17:36:34

[c=aquamarine] Now I know what it's like to miss you.[/] <3
Saedrissa (85523)

2015-01-03 19:33:19

Hey, you have a sister for them profile helps you know. :P
Cae Stryker (257958)

2014-10-08 20:45:14

-pounces and hugs-
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2014-09-30 05:06:12

Rates youna 9 for the cat pic. Lol
Saedrissa (85523)

2014-09-24 22:54:52

*Hugs and pokes his cheek* Nothing really, working and sleeping lol. You?
... (617943)

2013-12-09 19:13:07

May they all die.
Isla Talbot (170829)

2013-11-18 23:11:32

Oh, fun.
Isla Talbot (170829)

2013-11-18 20:46:53

I'm good. What about you? :)
Isla Talbot (170829)

2013-11-18 20:42:00

Reighna Darkfire (190159)

2013-11-18 20:20:13

O.o thanks?
† Sister Sin † (582825)

2013-07-19 00:21:59

I love your kittys! :3
Lenadariel (341091)

2013-07-15 04:02:01

*giggles then takes a bite of the cookie* I'm doing great :)
Lenadariel (341091)

2013-07-15 03:07:18

Z!!! How are you gun?
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-07-12 19:54:58

Mmmmm muffins... Num num num
Isla Talbot (170829)

2013-07-10 15:33:14

I doubt you remember me, but I was the one who did the wix for you. Must have been years ago. I was going by either Levi Nayar, Crimson Whisper, or Talia Kryptin.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-07-10 03:38:08

Gave you a 9 just because of the cat with the kitty. :)
Saedrissa (85523)

2013-07-09 11:36:25


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