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Jerms (176371)"Am I dead yet? Good. How bout now?"

Last Active: 2020-05-05 08:16:40
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,600
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record12,903/29,902/281
Win %31%
Last KilledAlphalfa
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Kem`Falla Katyonak
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Jerms's average rating out of 16 rates is 9.81/10


Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2013-07-14 00:46:10

Jermsy! -tackles and nuzzles- just a bit of appreciation send your way
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2013-03-23 02:16:32

Dear Member, Just wanted to drop you a comment letting you know just how much your presence is appreciated within the halls of the Fire Touched. This week has definitely been a tough one with our two wars back to back and the threat of sexually transmitted diseases that come with vampires sucking on all of our necks every TOH. You all kick some serious ass and even if you weren't able to participate in any war I want to thank you for what you mean to the coven. Here's to us so let's get our party on! *shreds out on my Fender Stratocaster*
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2013-03-03 03:41:44

Hello, Jermy! Welcome to the coven, Fire-Touched. I am pleased to have you aboard, please feel free to drop be a blood letter at anytime for anything you may require. I hope you have a good time here, and enjoy your stay for as however long you do. :)
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2013-03-01 21:11:15

Welcome to FT
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-21 00:56:56

Oh! i scared yuh away
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-21 00:38:48

Well i do like to tell the truth! oh you are blushing! thats a first!
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-21 00:17:22

awwwwwh thanks i love talking to yuh period cus you are inteligent and you tell me an answer to a question the best you know
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-21 00:10:26

I missed talking art with you
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-21 00:00:53

I like to draw with a mechanical pencil i can do thinner lines that way. i also have shading pencils and charcoal ones
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 23:53:17

For me, lips are the hardest to do... the shading.. etc. and the eyes the easiest so i just idk taught myself that way
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 23:48:32

The head then soon the body i draw better when i can do the eyes first then others later
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 23:36:26

Lmao they say draw the faces outline first. but i need the eyes drawn to know where everything is to go xD but i havent done much in human bodies and i want sensual in my works
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 23:16:18

I dont know. D: kinda upsetting really but i wanna do a female and male
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 23:07:36

Oooh yaaaaaaaay!!!!! im so excited now. iwant to draw a naked figure just for me to have it but no one will let me draw them -pouts-
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 22:51:12

Oh really? i totally can't wait to see your sketches and finished pieces! and i shall let you know what i think. im happy you got a job on campus
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-20 22:32:25

jerms! join the coven im in pleease? xD i cant read bls til tomorrow -k- damn phone. how yuh been sweetie? new artwork yet? oh join my house i made a forum for art and poems xD. well you dont haveta but id like if you did
Kem`Falla Katyonak (193831)

2012-12-10 14:47:28

I can't believe i missed you!
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2011-11-21 19:05:30

Welcome to CA, Jerms! If there's anything you need help with just let me know or join us in xat!
Midnight Sainte (331928)

2011-11-21 05:46:07

Welcome to the Clandestine Aristocracy, feel free to BL me if you need anything :)

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