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Sabbath (176925)"........"

Last Active: 2014-02-01 19:18:34
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,599
Karma+/Verve+8 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles7 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record128,457/185,311/288
Win %41%
Last KilledCeleste<3
Last Killed BySirus the Stra ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent3



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Married to Evangeline (196525) for 4108 days
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Sabbath's average rating out of 30 rates is 6.50/10


†Řц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2013-06-13 18:46:47

Another resident of Dead City University glided down the corridors having more the allusion of floating rather than walking. At first glance she appeared to be no more than the age of 19 or 20 in mortal years. Her flesh was she tone of Decembers first snow, eyes beneath the dark voluminous mass of curls cascading down her back, the shade of deep crimson. Anyone who looked to her could have been hypnotized by those eyes piercing to the soul of any man. Her wardrobe was causal yet formal, a pair of pressed black dress pants coupled with a feminine button down blouse gave her curves in the right paces always being appropriate. With her light ballerina footing the subtle click clack of red high heels giving her height and endless legs sounded upon the pristine tile floor. In her long slender arms a stack of music textbooks based upon music theory, music history coupled with sheet music tucked away safety in her grip so she wouldn't drop them . The sight of the new student brought a smile to her lips. "Well hello there! I haven't seen you around campus?" the southern belle inquired brightly in a Texas twang tone.
Obsedion Night Isto (385275)

2013-04-29 04:55:42

Omg that is to funny
Obsedion Night Isto (385275)

2013-04-28 03:52:27

You have given Sabbath a rating of 10. For my love of family guy
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2013-02-09 02:53:34

You have given Sabbath a rating of 10. I love Stewy!! His ideas regarding World Domination appeal to me!
Sherie Milan (215213)

2012-10-03 19:23:56

You have given Sabbath a rating of 10. Dude. Stewie effin rocks!
The Lamb (565736)

2012-04-30 02:37:20

Ahh wicked. :) Sounds like it will be a good show. I've not seen any bands quite that well known before, I don't think. 3 Inches of Blood and All Shall Perish might be the only bands I've seen before that folks outside the metal world might actually know, haha. Nowhere near as iconic as Black Sabbath or Metallica though, I'm a bit jealous.
The Lamb (565736)

2012-04-29 10:51:59

I see you have completed my bounty task, and are a Black Sabbath fan. Most excellent, good sir. Quite enjoy them. "You have given Sabbath a rating of 10."
The Silence (544989)

2012-04-27 07:44:12

My pleasure, you gotta love Stewie, and your choice of music rocks,
The Silence (544989)

2012-04-27 07:30:34

Like your profile pic and love your playlist,
Ignis AsNighte Rosethorn (124053)

2012-04-10 00:10:28

thank you
Tristan Fidela (492262)

2012-03-21 06:45:16

*he felt a tickle on the back of his neck as the wind blew softly against it. "Strange.."he began to say until the crushing blow against his cranium sent him into the afterlife a.k.a news feed.* ROFL ;) awesome profile avi - Stewie is amazing.
Alora H. (574796)

2012-03-06 18:52:04

<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2012-02-23 00:35:41

I have added you to the list... :-)
Misha Birch (208044)

2011-12-25 07:41:38

Sabbath!!!!! Welcome to DCU!! Enjoy your stay with us.
lovebites™ (120636)

2011-12-25 07:38:11

Welcome to DCU!
Unenthused and Amused (127974)

2011-03-15 19:18:49

Uh huh
Unenthused and Amused (127974)

2011-03-15 02:06:19

Hey lol. Ya want a coven?
Unenthused and Amused (127974)

2011-03-14 19:17:51

I did that once playing football.
Unenthused and Amused (127974)

2011-03-14 19:17:02

Ah, that sucks hun. What happened?
Unenthused and Amused (127974)

2011-03-14 01:18:10

Que pasa? Long time no see, mi amigo pequeno.

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