Sorayana Nex is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Sorayana Nex (177436)"Amused and then some...."

Last Active: 2014-04-04 02:25:29
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Game Age5,598
Karma+/Verve+-1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record33,263/78,787/112
Win %30%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByMimik
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Sorayana Nex's average rating out of 174 rates is 7.71/10


Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2014-04-04 05:35:34

I did, goddammit. -k- :p :d
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2013-05-10 19:04:48

You have given Sorayana Nex a rating of 10. You get your fucking ass back here!!!
Draco j. Draigon (217938)

2013-01-19 23:14:33

Hey mom its been a long time. I'm sorry I have been away for so long.
Ana sentire Nex (373584)

2012-06-04 18:16:52

*runs back in hearing the roar of the familiar chainsaw, knowing Aunty Brooklyn has got to be in the other room. peeking around the door facing into the huge livingroom, there she is making a meat pizza of one of mom's corpses.* Oh damn!..*wood chips and flesh bits hit in a spray like macabre confetti striking across my front and I look down then over at Kaz and the continued assault then laugh* I see I picked an interesting moment to visit...*plucks the bit of eyeball and whatever the hell off my chest and flings it to the side smirking* Ahh a mini reunion!
Kazarian Nex™ (351962)

2012-05-15 16:09:53

Carefully sneaking back into the house he quickly notices his aunty and that damn chainsaw. His eyes widen as he watches her shred the body into pieces. Blood splattering everywhere and bones crunching as the first touch of the machine. "Hey! what are you planing to do with that? Hmmmm??" Kaz stood a few feet behind her.
Heaven Leigh Arcana (207455)

2012-05-15 00:48:09

*Le Brook runs in giggling maniacally as she wildly swings her chainsaw about, her giggles actually louder than the whine of the chainsaw itself. As she looks around and realizes no one is around, she cuts the engine on her beloved tool o' destruction and pouts* Awwww... Now who's gonna watch me tear things and stuff apart... *Le Brook's lip, still stuck in a pout begins to quiver, till she spots Le Brunette Corpse under the table. She cocks her head to the side, blinking as though considering something. She then smiles brightly and squeaks in delight, then points at said corpse* YOU!! Dead broad!! I shall use you to make presents for my niece and nephew! Now! Now!! I shall have no back talk!! Now... stay still... *She throws her head back with raucous laughter as she revs up the chainsaw once again. With a running start, she jumps onto the coffee table, cutting into both the table and the corpse beneath it, laughing like the madwoman she is as blood and wood chips spatter all about*
Ana sentire Nex (373584)

2012-05-10 04:57:41

*looks at the corpses Kaz points out that he is responsible for and grins* "I thought that looked like your handy work, most impressive brother." *then at the same time hears the roar of the chainsaw and slowly turns to see where it may be coming from, then hears Kaz say "Aunty Brooklyn"* "Uh oh..I thought that sounded familiar!" *runs out the back door with Kaz*
Kazarian Nex™ (351962)

2012-05-09 20:22:29

*laughs as he looked at his sister* Now thats a pretty impressive entrance. Hey mom whats with the dead corps all over the place? Well i can take credit for the blonde over there.. *points to the corner* and the brunette over there *points under the table* But the rest... It sure wasnt me. *quickly hears the motor of a chain saw* damn it aunty Brooklyn! why are you trying to chop me up in pieces for? *Runs out the back door*
Ana sentire Nex (373584)

2012-05-08 20:20:36

*busts through the window after Kaz.* “Hey, now that’s what I call an entrance!” See Mother, I at least didn’t break anything this time…but um, I don’t clean.” “It fucks up my manicure..” *laughs hysterically as I dig out the blood from under my nails with one of my knives, looks at Kaz.* “Hey Kaz, How’s trick’s?” *eyes a few body parts on the coffee table and looks at mom* Um, mother dear, dismantling a guest are you?” “And to think you wanted us to clean up our mess!” *laughs hysterically again*
Kazarian Nex™ (351962)

2012-05-08 17:41:36

* He crashes through yet another one of moms windows.* Hey mom!! I was gonna...*he notices the door and the chandelier.* Ooooo my twin was here huh? *laughs*
Ana sentire Nex (373584)

2012-05-05 19:18:46

*kicks in door with foot* HELLO MOM! How's everything? Miss me? *raises eyebrow looks around* I see Kaz busted the window, *laughs and looks at the door hanging off the hinges* Well you um,...needed another one anyway right? *shoots your chandelier down and watches as it falls to the floor in a heap* OKAY! good seeing go! *runs out laughing*
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2012-05-03 20:15:59

Take this!!! Sir Lancelot: We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril. Sir Galahad: I don't think I was. Sir Lancelot: Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril. Sir Galahad: Look, let me go back in there and face the peril. Sir Lancelot: No, it's too perilous. Sir Galahad: Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can. Sir Lancelot: No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. Come on. Sir Galahad: Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril? Sir Lancelot: No. It's unhealthy. Sir Galahad: I bet you're gay. Sir Lancelot: Am not.
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2012-05-03 15:59:36

Sweeeeeeet. Hopefully it'll be up today. Working on getting all the forums and whatnot setup in the coven/house.
Kazarian Nex™ (351962)

2012-05-03 15:06:11

*kaz quickly crashes through the window.* Hey mother of mine.
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2012-05-02 20:27:25

-poke- >.> <.< Hey... Psycho slasher... Do you RP? 0.0
Ivan Silver (517473)

2012-05-02 02:49:46

You have given Sorayana Nex a rating of 10.
Heaven Leigh Arcana (207455)

2012-05-01 03:03:15

*Brooklyn tip toes through the halls of the House, ducking behind walls and diving behind furniture while humming the Mission Impossible theme music. She finally slithers her way into her beloved twin's room, biting her bottom lip hard to stifle a giggle. She crawls over to her Bia's bedside, then stands over her sleeping form. She leans down till her lips almost touch her ear, then takes a deep breath... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...* NAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRF!!!! *She then runs off giggling maniacally* I'M HOME BITCHEEEEES!!!!!!
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2012-04-29 04:51:58

LOL!!! And to add to yours. Man: God that is a really good idea! God: Well of COURSE it is!
Heaven Leigh Arcana (207455)

2012-04-29 02:23:53

Yucky ones are always multiplying around Dead City Jussayin *snickersnort*
Ravenzyre (212670)

2012-04-28 12:51:53

Lmfao, thats awesome xD

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