Bournex Koi Chantrieri is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Bournex Koi Chantrieri (178647)"I had the best winter this far, miss you love see you this summer!"

Last Active: 2018-12-29 00:55:02
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Game Age5,596
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationSweden
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record27,623/68,889/252
Win %29%
Last KilledLucifer Mornin ...
Last Killed ByRuby Vykos Sin ...
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Married to Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367) for 5194 days
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Bournex Koi Chantrieri's average rating out of 20 rates is 6.45/10


Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2014-01-21 17:09:03

Happy 1300 days of marriage my love. I feel exactly the same way. There is not enough words to describe how much I love you and my feelings continue to grow with each passing day. The day I met you, unknowingly at the time, was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love being with you, hearing your voice, seeing your amazing smile, and being silly together. It just shows how well we go together and how we can be our normal selves with one another. I can see how much you love me in your actions and by simply looking into those beautiful blue eyes of yours. I love you with everything I am and I always will. I'm yours forever. Your wifey
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2014-01-20 06:24:15

I love you too, my amazing hubby. <3 I can't express how happy I am to have met you. You are my everything and always will be. We will be together forever and always. Mwahh!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-27 05:24:11

HAPPY 1000 DAYS MY LOVE!!!! I cannot believe it's been so long. It truly does show how time flies when you're having fun and with the one you love and cherish with all of your heart and soul. I'm so glad that we have lasted as long as we have. I cannot wait to see what our future has in store for us. I know it will be grand because I will be by your side. You truly are my other half, and I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for everything you have done for me and will do for me. You do not realize how amazing, intelligent, sexy, humorous, and handsome you are in my eyes. I could not have searched the world and found anyone as perfect for me as you. Our love continues to grow stronger and stronger with each coming day. It will continue to grow stronger as we continue to grow closer and fall deeper in love. You are my life, my world, my everything. You always will be. Here is to our 1000 days of blissful happiness and to 1000 days more. May our future be bright and full of love. I love you Bournex Koi Chantrieri, and I always will. Nothing in this world could take me from you. They'd have to kill me first. Happy 1000 Days my tiger cub! Mwah! <3
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2013-03-27 00:59:06

Congratulations dear nephew on your 1000 day anniversary! You and Kria are a beautiful couple and I wish you both many more blessed and blissfully happy days yet to come! Loves you nephew!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-20 23:30:11

Yes, forever and ever!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-20 23:28:28

M.I.N.E. Forever.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 21:48:55

Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 21:30:05

Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 20:52:57

As always. [kiss]
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 20:44:19

-is pounced and giggles before dragging you off to our room-
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 20:42:25

Mhm, that you can, my love.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 20:13:47

-giggles and pulls you close- Yes, always, but I don't mind when you're naked either. In fact, maybe you should strip so I can wash your clothes as well.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-17 19:33:17

You just want me naked.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-11 21:01:22

Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2013-03-11 20:13:51

I love you!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2012-06-27 15:29:07

I lovers you too, my amazing love. I can't wait to see you again! These last 5 days needs to hurry! -k-
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2012-05-28 01:59:23

-smiles- Mhm, you do, and I cannot wait!! I lovers you too, my baby boy, with all of my heart and soul. <33
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2012-04-21 13:45:18

-enjoys your kisses- Ooo, I did it right! -kisses you then dances- All on my own. -is proud- lol
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2012-04-18 15:02:31

Jag älskar dig så mycket också min älskling <3 (I hope I did that right ^^')
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2012-03-22 14:15:52

You better, lol. -pounces and covers you in kisses- <33 My love love

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