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Kazimir De Pascal (179292)"I Was Born A Sinner But I'ma Die Better Than That"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 05:18
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Game Age5,593
Karma+/Verve+8 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles17 (+5%) See All
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Battle Record10,608/31,958/120
Win %25%
Last KilledBlade Noxin Sa ...
Last Killed ByValencia
Wins/Blood Today42/29,672
Avg. Blood706
WP Spent1
Coven Crimson Arcana
Coven Title (Rank)Sleeping (0)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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Photobucket The Dante`s Inferno Test has banished you to the Eighth Level of Hell - The Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repending Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Extreme
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8 - The Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante`s Inferno Hell Test

Eighth Level of Hell - The Malebolge

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.



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Kazimir De Pascal's average rating out of 45 rates is 8.27/10


Kitteh (185423)

2021-04-07 20:45:36

You have given Kazimir De Pascal a rating of 10.
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2021-02-25 19:52:34

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I am so stoked you are back!! [hug]
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2018-12-22 10:07:51

My Jazzy Kazzy, I miss you. [i]A soft voice purred from utter darkness, a small smile caressing such a gentle face.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2017-12-06 00:52:10

The feeling is mutual. [hug]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2017-12-06 00:47:41

Just letting you know I enjoyed your RP posting yesterday...and today! Thank you for posting in the December event! [clap]
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2017-08-13 01:54:32

[3] Missing you, Kazzy.
Selena Valtierri (275588)

2017-05-20 17:43:34

You're fine, dear! I just always thought it was funny I missed you by ten to twenty minutes :D
Selena Valtierri (275588)

2017-05-19 07:25:56

You seem to hop off as soon as I get your reply done :D
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2017-05-07 12:07:40

[i]Quietly easing her way past the looming door frame of her old friend's abode, Jessica's dead gaze peeked about ever so slightly around corners and down halls, though to her it was nothing but darkness. Inhaling slowly, the very aroma of his home alone brought nothing but memories to flood and ease her mind. While a smile crawled up and along her porcelain face, teeth slightly gnawed at the inside of her cheek even. Nerves perhaps. Hands helped guided her along the paths she remembered, and to his lounge in peace, a red rose having been protruding along the curve of her ear, she took it within her gentle grasp. The pedals along her digits, smooth yet booming with the remainder of its life out of water. Though she pulled her mind from that thought alone all to place the flower on the table along side his sofas all before making her leave once more.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2017-01-30 19:42:28

You have given ¥Kazimir†De†Reverentia¥™ a rating of 10.

I liked that reply. qq Thank you!
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2017-01-30 18:14:20

I would love that, MN has grown far to quiet and I would love to have you around. Maybe even get some RP going again. qq
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2017-01-30 18:07:12

Its been a while and yes I am up and about. Its great to see you Kaz, how have you been?
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2017-01-30 18:01:26

You have given ¥Kazimir†De†Reverentia¥™ a rating of 10[3]
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2016-04-16 08:15:08

Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2016-04-16 08:13:47

Ted Jazzy Jazzy, coming back and not giving you by any word?! How dare SIR. <3
Kitteh (185423)

2016-04-12 19:57:38

You're more than welcome. :)
Kitteh (185423)

2016-04-12 17:29:12

A 10 :)
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2016-04-07 22:33:05

Yep sure am, took a break for a while but I am back and rebuilding MN. Its great to see another one of my RO guys back. There is some active RP in the forums. One that I brought back for old time sake that we never got to finish. You should have a look. qq
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2016-04-07 22:23:43

Kaz!! welcome back to MN buddy great to see you. xD
Kitteh (185423)

2016-01-11 19:14:48

You're quite welcome and thank you in return. :)

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