Kalus.Rocin.Agavacea is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Kalus.Rocin.Agavacea (185369)"Can be contacted through BL IF needed"

Last Active: 2011-06-27 07:51:04
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Game Age5,581
Karma+/Verve+2 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record6,811/35,076/33
Win %17%
Last KilledCramchokeus
Last Killed BySage Rozenkran ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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DBA Agavacea Koi Moon
VIP Member Bear Ecje Night
Harmony Argantael
Saphira C. Soulfire

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Kalus.Rocin.Agavacea's average rating out of 38 rates is 7.55/10


The Legendary Rue (204834)

2020-05-23 08:51:24

Even after all this time, I still think about you from time to time, and miss you so much. [3][3] I still cant believe its almost been 9 years in a manner of a couple weeks. Always thinking of you.
Ravenclaw Agavacea (166503)

2017-05-28 04:31:44

Son I really mise you so much and wish we could talk like we use to. I could really use you right now it's been rough here lately and I know you are and will always be with me and apart of me. I know we will meet again son and I love you
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2017-03-21 06:39:41

Miss you Kal. Forever and Always [3] -Lil
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2016-10-27 16:25:20

Anne Lamott once wrote: "You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp." I truly hope she is right. This morning I was cleaning out my voicemails and when your voice came on Love I was paralyzed. It was so good to hear your voice again but in the same instance I didn't realize how much it was going to hurt. It was like tearing open an old wound that had basically stitched itself together but was still vulnerable even after all this time. I miss Kal. There isn't a day that I that goes by that I don't wish you were here with me. [3] Aislin
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2016-06-15 02:22:26

Not a day goes by you don't cross my mind [3] Miss ya bunches and you are eternally loved [3] Rest easy, sweetness -Lil
DBA Agavacea Koi Moon (203325)

2016-02-12 02:07:41

How do I find words to tell you how much I miss you... Even after all these years the fact that I can't talk to you rips a hole in my chest. I love you and I miss you every single day. You are, and forever will be my only brother. <3
Ravenclaw Agavacea (166503)

2015-12-30 10:35:56

I miss you son and love you I'll never forget you.
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2015-12-07 07:36:38

Miss ya bunches. Always on our minds, Kalus. Rest easy, sweetness [3] -Lil
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2015-10-06 02:56:19

Always missed. Never forgotten. Eternally loved. [3] -Lil
Samara Vorel (170978)

2014-07-29 18:47:21

I miss you today. I logged in for the first time in months just to say it.
Saphira C. Soulfire (183962)

2014-02-06 06:56:59

Your love has been sent to Kalus.Rocin.Agavacea (185369). Miss you <3
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2013-09-02 05:02:09

My heart broke all over again just now. I miss you everyday. Some words don't need to be said.
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2013-08-30 07:46:35

I miss you like crazy The one person I could talk to about everything going on, and you'd always understand it. You were my best friend, confidant. I love you Kal, always will, and you will always have a part of my heart, keep it safe up there with you.
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2013-08-05 19:45:38

Thinking about you a lot today....It just hurts sometimes out of no where and I am blindslided all over again. I really wish I could talk to you right now.....
Saphira C. Soulfire (183962)

2013-06-01 08:39:28

I noticed yesterday it would be 4yrs I had been here on RoB. Like anytime I notice a milestone here on RoB I think of you, since we are a day apart. Two years. Two years and when I do happen to receive a call in the wee hours of the night my mind wanders to you. Only you would call me at 4am to talk about the most random topics imaginable. I miss it. I miss you. My son <3
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2013-05-22 15:47:57

Seems like every time I log on, I find my way to your page. You are heavy in my thoughts today, dear friend. 2 years...2 long years. Continue your rest peacefully. Always loved
Koralia M. Raventhorn (224900)

2013-05-21 15:30:07

Missing you today Kal. The way you always had a way to make me laugh no matter my mood. Wish you were still here to make everyone smile. <3 <3 Hope you have shining wings and are watching over all those that love and miss you.
Samara Vorel (170978)

2013-04-19 18:10:20

I think part of me will always miss you Kalus. I hope you're getting these messages somehow, and someway. Just know how much you were loved. &#9829;
Lemi D. LaVey Chavontes (164883)

2013-03-13 03:53:20

Status: Alive Forever and always. May the spirits always keep you safe, dear Kalus. You are missed dearly and loved eternally.
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2013-03-11 17:54:44

I miss you sooo much today. My heart aches to hear your voice even just for a second. Some people are lucky enough to find a part of their soul at a young age and I found mine in you. Slumber on my sweet love. We will one day meet again in the land of apples.

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