[K]yoshiro [K]irisaki is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

[K]yoshiro [K]irisaki (189642)"Roads are always open for everyone but not everyone can walk through them..."

Last Active: 2023/01/11 23:12
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,576
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationMalaysia
Collectibles11 (+1%) See All
Missions R/P/S66/0/0
Battle Record21,773/104,911/121
Win %18%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByGarls the Gorg ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenCult of Dead Carebears
Coven Title (Rank)Done & Over With (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 689k+



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[K]yoshiro [K]irisaki's average rating out of 108 rates is 8.64/10


Cae Stryker (257958)

2018-08-22 13:51:36

You have given [K]yoshiro [K]irisaki a rating of 10.
Red velvet cake (92445)

2016-04-12 16:25:50

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your reply to my comment today.. :q It was good to hear from you, it really made me happy, even if you didn't tell me how you are.. which was my main concern. :P But it's fine, I guess...
Ahh I do try to take care of myself these days. I need to. :D But I'll try to take even better care of myself, just because you asked :q [3]
But you have to do it too, deal? ;) I definitely will feel even better if I know you're also taking care.
I hope to hear from you soon, but if not.. just be well and strong and sexy and all that great stuff.. :k
Red velvet cake (92445)

2015-09-21 20:51:14

Today I found myself thinking about you... wondering where you are and how you are. Don't ask me why.. the answer would probably be disappointing.. :D But it made me come here to see if you were around.. and I see that you aren't- you haven't been around for a while it seems. Well. I hope all is well.. And I'll be silly and say I miss you. (Hey, remember I am a weird random girl right? So I can get away with saying that right?t!)
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2015-05-15 00:38:31

You have given [K]yoshiro [K]irisaki a rating of 10.---Amazing profile. It is very striking in its own way.
Ileene Aestus Fidela (197369)

2015-02-14 19:22:25

Spam is never unlucky! It's very tasty to eat. :d
Beatrix Kiddo (628835)

2015-02-11 15:12:24

Love your Profile as well!
Shaula (434750)

2015-01-26 17:37:59

Thanks. :) It's interesting to have this duel.
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-01-19 10:48:11

Nighty night. I go sleepy now * Plucks out rainbows and Care Bears. BURP. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. * Dreams of all kinds of fuzzy "little dreams [love]
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-01-19 10:22:58

[chase] [bite] :d YOU the FOOD. * Dips you. In some q'ueso cheese dip rolls you up in a tortillo [woo]
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-01-19 09:35:16

Silly qq YOU ARE blankie *cuddles [3] * rolls on some toritos, wipes away a little cheese dip ……
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-01-19 08:21:10

* looking through all the Rainbows for blankie. :s
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2015-01-11 18:42:55

Oh I love skittles so much [3] do you know that I burp and fart rainbows :-( but even when I hurl [sick] rainbows come flowing out my mouth [bite]
Ileene Aestus Fidela (197369)

2014-08-10 04:22:57

I love the coven name!
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2014-05-03 20:59:07

~smiles at the coven name~ I'm sorry to hear that the Carebears are all dead. What did they all die of? Snorting sugar? Bad habit...
Elocin Beausang (157293)

2013-09-28 18:34:00

I've lost a lot of things to my washing machine. -_- And I do thank you very very much. :) And it's pretty hard to disappoint me. I appreciate anything that looks better than what I can do and seems to have heartfelt effort... Oh, and the "better than what I can do" is just about anything.
Elocin Beausang (157293)

2013-09-16 23:25:03

I'm quite glad to be your 100th rater. :) And of course I give you a 10. Maybe I shouldn't have, though, because I really wanted to read that second blog. =P
Red velvet cake (92445)

2013-09-01 00:51:30

I already got a lot weirder and lamer comments than that, so I can't say it's insulting. I think insulting is having to force yourself to talk to someone you don't want to. But I do agree that if you can't come out and tell them to leave you alone, better to at least use a good excuse. Poison and bruises? It's kind of funny how you have that sort of view of me when to be honest I think I'm just stubborn and emo. I don't understand why you say I need to be in control of my mind/thoughts when I actually believe it's rather hard to get me to change my mind. I do like to hear everyone's opinion over something and in a way I like to "collect facts". But this is because I like the interaction with other people, so it doesn't apply. But it's not like I just like the conversation too, but even the fights that might come out of it sometimes are fun. I find it interesting to see how far and how aggressive someone will go to get their way. (is this weird?) However I'm so used to just getting defensive and turning blind and deaf to everyone and everything that doesn't interest me though. Hence the various misunderstandings that usually follow and why I say I'm mostly stubborn and emo. I think I got lost in my ramblings now. Sorry. That sentence was cool though "walking your thoughts instead of chasing them around". ;) But isn't that what we do when we have these kind of weird discussions?
Red velvet cake (92445)

2013-08-27 20:09:26

It's not like you are forced to talk to anyone anyway. You can just ignore them or pretend you no speak engrish. Or make up some excuses and "forget" later. I dunno I just prefer people to talk to me. But I guess I'm intimidating until anyone even tries that and after they do, they realize I'm a chatterbox and get bored or annoyed with me. Ahh it's actually a win-win for me. I get to chat a little when I'm lonely and bored and then I lose a stalker. WIN!
Red velvet cake (92445)

2013-08-27 14:13:52

Pfft numbers and my mind don't go together. If I checked the views right now and then back again in one hour I would have forgotten already what was the previous count. These days I'm much the same, I just log to train, kill for the coven quest and reply to people. I haven't changed my profile in a year I think.. only change my status and the videos every now and then when I get into some new song. So no thanks, I had enough of stalkers in my profile here. They are silent and annoying. I prefer it when they come out and talk to me. It's more fun like that.
Red velvet cake (92445)

2013-08-26 15:09:04

Weirdos? Lurking around? Wahh? Wait.. don't tell you lurk around me profile everyday...?

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