~Ravyn~Evermore~ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

~Ravyn~Evermore~ (190743)"I finally found a home."

Last Active: 2022/06/29 01:26
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,575
Karma+/Verve+4 / 10
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles5 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S30/0/0
Battle Record58,316/61,631/135
Win %49%
Last KilledLavender Raine ...
Last Killed ByMakduh
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent6
CovenThe Tower
Coven Title (Rank)Sol Novitii (10)
Coven VirtueSol Eques Auratus (3)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 4mil+

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Isla Talbot
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Nathaly C.R Dílseacht
Claire Elizabeth Hexbane
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~Ravyn~Evermore~'s average rating out of 46 rates is 7.98/10


Lacarabella (288598)

2021-03-25 01:53:29

You have given ~Ravyn~Evermore~ a rating of 10.

Striking!!! :)
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2021-02-25 17:20:39

Excellent. Thanks for the heads up :D I think I still have one outstanding, but I appreciate the warning.
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2021-02-22 22:10:29

Still my sister in crime!! [3][3]
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2021-02-22 21:37:48

Rav [3][3][3][3][3][3] qq
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2021-02-22 21:16:28

I completely agree with you there. There's a very fine line there that should not be crossed. [nod] :d I just find that one perplexing and and confusing, is all. At least I thinks. [roll]

Thankyous and will do. ^.^/ (hyper) [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2021-02-22 13:09:00

Kays, I'll keep that in mind. [nod] But, I'll also keep in mind a possible gifty in the future, toos. ^-^/

I very much appreciate it and din't exspect that. [nod] So, I was floored to see such generosity. Tis does not go un-noticed or unappreciated. qq

And with the one I'm bountying; I'm not really sure if I dislike her or nots. [hm] I dislike the way she acts and treats people that's for sure. But, I don't know her enough on a personal basis to really dislike her or whatever. I'm like at that crossroads of love and hate with that one. [hm] On one hand I love to see her frustrated even though the way she treats others in annoying. On the other hand I just hate how she acts so childish. Soo, I guess I could say I've yet to make my mind up about that? :e :d
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2021-02-22 12:43:26

I really appreciates it. ^-^/

I'ma have to give you a big thankyou gifty in the future. [nod]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2021-02-22 12:35:29

Ohh mee gee! O,O/ Thank yous soo much for the moneys for bounties! O,O/)) (hyper) (hyper) (hyper) [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]

I was literally at 60k money left after posting another and was about to sell some AP. [nod] :d But, thank you soo much! ^,^/))

I'll make sure to use that all for bounties! (hyper) (hyper) (hyper)
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2021-02-22 08:57:52

:D Brilliant, thanks.
Nora Dmitriev (737591)

2021-02-21 21:49:51

[lmfao] Of course! How could I forget [roll]
Nora Dmitriev (737591)

2021-02-21 21:44:51

They never make sense :D though she always incorporates her favorite words 'slut', 'loser' and 'retard' [roll]
Nora Dmitriev (737591)

2021-02-21 21:39:39

Simple sentences ellude her :D Though her responses are top teir entertainment [hehe]
Nora Dmitriev (737591)

2021-02-21 21:36:09

You have given ~Ravyn~Evermore~ a rating of 10.

Your comments on a certain twit's profile made me giggle [hehe] :D
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2021-02-21 21:33:23

You're the best darn roboti ever knew [3][3][3]
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2021-02-21 20:20:29

Well that's typical. I pick up a bounty for a measly 100k on the deluded one and then you go and put up a half mil on her. :D
LADYSNOW (720718)

2021-02-21 19:34:53

you don't have feelings now your a robot now .don't mind being on the bounty hunter's list now got friends there very popular there now. your a robot no life either. no friends eitherr.
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2021-02-21 06:36:43

[3][3] You're not worth just 10k.
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2021-02-19 18:23:01

I didn't know, so thank you for drawing my attention to that. I seem to turn up in its insane ramblings from time to time as it really can't comprehend any part of this game apparently. It thinks friends are acquired merely by calling them 'friend' amidst an almost constant stream of unintelligible wittering. It believes that attacking someone means it killed them. It is completely unaware of the bed it is making for itself.

I once thought it was simply a troll, but now I'm sure it really is demented.

Thanks again & have a good day.
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2021-02-19 18:06:46

Pay no attention to the dribbling lunatic. I'll take bounties now & then, but that illiterate fool and I are certainly not friends and it certainly doesn't speak for me.
LADYSNOW (720718)

2021-02-19 17:27:34

no you use proper english now not me still a loser and stupid now still the popular girl now. my friends like time lord from the bounty hunter's list will love to kill u now and kick your butt too.

Little Nightmare (606515) sent little nightmares.

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