Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)"I'm the sweetest kind of evil you'll ever meet..."

Last Active: 2024/09/08 04:36
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VIP/VIP+ Days243 / 235
Game Age5,561
Karma+/Verve+11,409 / 1,675
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles189 (+24%) See All
Missions R/P/S712/84/65
Battle Record842,256/160,376/7,622
Win %85%
Last KilledSariel
Last Killed ByAalis Celosia
Wins/Blood Today162/80,323
Avg. Blood496
WP Spent1394
Coven Clockwork of Nightmares
Coven Title (Rank)Demon Witch (13)
Coven VirtueTicking Clock (13)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 220mil+



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25k+ Power

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Married to River De Clairmont (749778) for 34 days

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Vitality 49750    Charm 789
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LeClaire   House of Avvorin   House Sunshine`s Bakery   House Belle Morte  
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VIP Member River De Clairmont

Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire has 33 friends View All Friends


"I`ll see you in Hell."

Name: Ashlinn Genevieve Beaumont LeClaire

Alias: Ash de Clairmont; Lady Genevieve Beaumont

Nickname(s): Ash

Titles: Demon Witch of Hell, Femme Fatale, Heart Taker, Matriarch of House LeClaire, The Demoness of Flames

Age: 23 || 313

Species: Demon Witch Hybrid

Bloodline: Beaumont/LeClaire

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Bloodletters/Comments: OPEN

Discord Info: Upon Request

Game Status: ACTIVE

Marriage Status: Married || 08-05-2024

Roleplay Status: OPEN || Friends & Family

Coven Crest - aly (606515)
Family Crest - Yin2.0 The Angel (739030)
Music - "Demon Mode" by Stileto & AViVA
Profile – Cassie (747043)
Table Code - Diana (714847)
Wedding Image - Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)



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Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire's average rating out of 767 rates is 8.73/10


River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-09-01 14:44:04


To my dear Ashlinn, a bouquet of blooms,
With petals bright, like flames they twist and sway,
In colors bold, they dance amidst the gloom,
A sign of love that warms each passing day.

These flowers, fierce, yet soft as evening's glow,
Remind me of the spark that drew us near,
Their beauty shines, a fire wrapped in snow,
In every glance, I find my heart sincere.

Though words may fail to capture all I feel,
In simple gestures, love is often shown,
These blooms, they speak, a truth we both can heal,
A promise made, in silence, we have grown.

So take this gift, my heart wrapped in their light,
A love that burns, forever shining bright.

River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-10 06:04:18


In the beginning, when the world was still young,
A water demon and a fire demon crossed paths,
Their essence clashed in an instant...

Yet in that chaos, they felt the pulse of a bond,
Ancient, woven through countless lives.
A recognition that burned deeper than the core of the Earth.

They have met before, countless times,
In different forms, through different ages...

Their souls have danced in the heat of battle,
Drowned in the depths of each other's embrace.
NO matter the form, the time, the place!

They always find one another, drawn by a force that defies all reason.

[i]The water demon, fluid and ever-changing,
Found solace in the unyielding flame.[/i]

Even as steam hissed and boiled between them.
It was not destruction.... It was creation of something eternal.

A testament to a connection that could not be severed,
No matter the torment, the trials, the tears.

Friends and family came and went,
Bonds were forged in fire, others quenched in water,
Yet none could stir the depths of their being,
As the presence of that one soul.

In each life, they fought against the odds,
Against the forces that sought to keep them apart,
To the familiar, all-consuming embrace,
Where they were whole, where they were home.

Succumbing was not weakness, but a choice,
To give in to that ancient, relentless call,
To fight for the one who saw the depths of their soul,
Who mirrored their pain, their passion, their fury,
In every life, Was the one they could never let go.

River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-06 00:09:15

[c=olive] River's gaze locked onto Ashlinn’s with intense, unspoken emotion as her arms encircled his neck. The kiss she planted on him was fiery and urgent, her passion undeniable. He responded with equal fervor, his hands slipping around her waist, pulling her even closer. Soon one free hand is in her hair. He has waited more than a few weeks for this. When his lips meet hers its like the melting of the world coming to an ease.

When their lips finally parted, River’s eyes held a rare, soft vulnerability.[/] [c=palegoldenrod]“Ashlinn, I’ve never wanted anything more than to spend my days with you. You’ve turned my world upside down in the best possible way. I promise to treasure you every day, through every trial and triumph.”[/]
He tilted her chin up gently, his expression a mix of fierce devotion and tender affection[/] [c=palegoldenrod]. “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been. I can’t wait to build our future together.”[/]
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-07-30 03:18:57

In the shadows of the graveyard, we meet. Between the vail of air and light I can impress your soul. Behind your eyes I am tethered with obsession and couth.
I, a water demon, and you, a fire demon. I know as well as you that the outcome is unsustainable. It is not impossible. It takes a certain type of commitment. I need to know how you feel.
Your fiery spirit surrenders to my icy command,
as I pour ice on your burning skin.
Darkness surrounds us. I can not see beyond your etheareal projections. Enchantment saturating our sight' chains bind us tight.
Your flames flicker under my cold touch as we embrace hopes of bountiful exploration.
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-07-28 16:32:25

She is my laughter and my balm,
her presence anchoring me through every storm.

2024-09-06 16:51:48


For her, the pomegranate spills like blood between her fingers.

Dark and ripe, jeweled seeds glistening as if plucked from The Underworld.

Sapphires crust her throat, cold as the deep ocean.

Yet there is nothing cold in her gaze, only the promise of power he gaze her.

She does not ask! She takes!

With hands that cradle both Life and Death,
As if the choice were always hers to make.

For her, kingdoms would shatter like glass...
Gods will be made to kneel.

[i]Their crowns cast aside. [/i]

She walks with destruction at her heels, still ; it is creation she craves.
A new world built from the ruins of the old.

For her, he would force his brothers hand to sacrifice heaven itself,
she alone carries the weight of both heaven and hell.

In the curve of her palm, in the gleam of her sapphires.
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-09-04 06:35:39

Dans l'ombre d'un cimetière où se croisent les eaux,
Le feu gronde en silence, là où la douleur sommeille,
Les âmes errantes s'affrontent, un choc des fléaux,
Dominant l'obscurité, le désir qui s'éveille.

Sous le regard des étoiles, froides et distantes,
Je t'invite à plonger dans ce gouffre de fer,
Les chaînes de la passion, si lourdes, si pesantes,
Mêlent les larmes à la cendre, au goût amer.

Dans ce combat de forces, où l’unité s’effrite,
Tes souffrances sont mes gloires, j’enrage et j’embrase,
Étreignant l’effroi, le plaisir comme un rite,

La lutte se fait danse, chaque souffle une extase.
Dans l'eau et le feu, nos âmes se rencontrent,
Dans la mort, la vie, et le chagrin qui se montre.

Vivien Vixen

2024-09-04 01:31:15


You have given Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire a rating of 10. Happy September Cousin. [/]
Silas LC Le Doux (746158)

2024-09-03 02:53:44

You have given Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire a rating of 10.
Your page is beautiful, sister.
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-09-01 02:05:32

[c=palegoldenrod]You have given Ashlinn G. B. [s]LeClaire [/s] De Clairmont a rating of 10.

In your fierce gaze, the world ignites.

Flames dance like wild spirits, consuming all they touch.

You are both creator and destroyer, leaving only ashes .
In your heat, I find a terrible beauty, a longing for what must be lost.[/i]
Violet Eyed Minx (744350)

2024-08-31 15:12:40

Thank you for the kind words! This is the first time in a long time I have been happy or exited just for the future. The support and well wishes mean the world to me.
Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht (384590)

2024-08-28 12:50:35

I'm doing really good! Are you still on discord? We are overdue a catch up!
Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht (384590)

2024-08-27 23:20:44

You are more than welcome! I do hope you are well lovely [3]
Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht (384590)

2024-08-27 19:50:35

This profile is gorgeous on you! 10!
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-23 18:13:05


Upon the soft flowers at her feet,
Angels sang tunes pure and sweet,
Their voices did weave,
A spell to believe,
As heaven and earth gently meet.

Captain Jack Harkness

2024-08-20 00:30:00


Captain Jack Harkness trudged through the deserted streets of Cardiff, his once-pristine coat now scuffed and stained from the evening's battle. Dawn was con the way... The alien he’d just defeated had been a particularly vicious one, leaving him exhausted and worn. The adrenaline that had carried him through the fight was now ebbing away, replaced by a bone-deep fatigue that settled into his very soul. The city, still wrapped in the quiet embrace of the night, seemed almost peaceful compared to the chaos he had just endured. Jack knew better. Peace was always temporary.

As he approached the Torchwood Hub, Jack felt the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. It had been a long night, and the echoes of his earlier battle still rang in his ears. Every step felt heavier, as if the weariness of his many years was catching up with him all at once. He swiped his card to enter the Hub, the familiar whirring and clanking of the doors barely registering in his tired mind. The place was empty for now , everyone else had gone home, trusting him to handle the crisis as he always did. Alone.

Once inside, Jack made a beeline for the small kitchenette tucked away in the corner of the Hub. His hands moved on autopilot as he prepared his usual. Pungent black coffee with just a hint of sugar. The bitter scent of the brewing coffee filled the air, a small comfort in the stillness of the empty room. Jack wrapped his hands around the mug, feeling the warmth seep into his cold fingers. He let out a sigh, his breath catching in his throat as the weight of everything settled over him.

He walked to his office, the coffee cradled in his hands like a lifeline. His boots echoed softly against the floor, each step a reminder of the solitude that seemed to cling to him like a shadow. Jack pushed open the door and stepped inside, closing it behind him with a quiet click. The office was as he had left it, papers scattered across the desk, the odd artifact or two sitting in place, gathering dust. He dropped into his chair with a tired groan, leaning back and closing his eyes for a moment.

The coffee was hot and bitter on his tongue, the sweetness of the sugar barely cutting through the harshness of the brew. Jack savored it, letting the familiar taste ground him. His eyes flickered to the photograph on his desk, the one of his old team—Gwen, [i]Ianto[/i], Owen, Toshiko—all of them gone now, leaving him alone to carry the burden. Jack swallowed hard, the coffee doing little to soothe the ache in his chest. The nights like this, when the silence became too loud, were the hardest.

He leaned forward, elbows on the desk, cradling his head in his hands. He was so tired—tired of the fighting, tired of the endless cycle of loss and survival. The years stretched out before him, unending, and he wondered how much longer he could keep doing this. But there was no one else, no one who could take up the mantle. And so, with a sigh, he pushed the thought away, focusing instead on the warmth of the coffee in his hands and the steady beat of his own heart. For now, that was enough.

Jack let out a deep breath and took another sip of his coffee. He had survived another night, another fight. For now, he could rest. The alien was gone, and the world was safe once more. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new battles, but tonight, in the solitude of his office, with only his thoughts and his coffee for company, Captain Jack Harkness allowed himself to just be.

Silas LC Le Doux (746158)

2024-08-19 03:55:26

August needs to end faster, apparently I've already given you a 10 this month -k-
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-18 20:36:58

You have increased Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire's Verve by +400.[/]
I got a very well rounded prize, payout from the collaborative contest, and every bit of it is worth spent on you.
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-18 04:53:24


In moonlit soft streams, A nymph's touch weaves ancient dreams, I'd die in her arms.

Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-08-16 06:10:41

River's and Yours love story is my new favorite to follow on RoB. qq ❤️

River De Clairmont (749778) sent Scarlet Honey Eater bouquet for my soulmate.
River De Clairmont (749778) sent One months worth of violet crumble and milo x.
I Love you from Captain Jack Harkness - A star from planet Ood
I Love you from River De Clairmont (749778) - My heart the whole of it marked as your own.
River De Clairmont (749778) sent 7 demonic ocean crystals.
Hades sent Ine i Persefoni mou my poem to you.
Congratulations from Vivien Vixen - Lule Sámi Wedding Joik
I Love you from River De Clairmont (749778) - Ocean pearl wedding ring with Sugilite inlay.
Congratulations from Dahlia LeFleur (444089) - Only the bestest of well wishes for your nuptials!
Thinking of you from River De Clairmont (749778) - Oceanic Spellbook

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