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Kevin Rade (201468)"old"

Last Active: 2019-01-15 09:01:06
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,548
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S30/0/0
StatusDead (28780076 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780076 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,793/21,001/26
Win %22%
Last KilledWild Crow
Last Killed ByJohnny Bravo
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenLegions of Demons
Coven Title (Rank)member (0)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 30k+



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Rank 25+

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1k+ Power

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Married to Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619) for 5535 days
3 Family Members

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[Name] Kevin Rade [History] My history is complex to say the least, and very hard to explain at points, but I will do my best. I was born after the fall of the first angels, to the archangels Michael of life and the archangel Gabriella, of death. Their union was a forbidden thing in heaven, and for it they were cast asunder, as was I. But they were good angels, and did not join the Dark One. They lived as best they could on earth, making a small home in the woods of Algeria, where I was raised in the ways of the angels. After many years I reached the age of manhood for angels, and among the angels would have been tested to earn the right as an arch angel. Among my parents, I was tested in a different way, and not on purpose. A dark coven of vampires had been raiding and killing the villages along the area in which I lived. My sense of justice would not allow me to stand idly by. I flew hard and fast tot eh cave the vampires called their home. The Coven was of Marcus Car, and ancient and powerful vampire of renowned. I flew recklessly into the cave and fought hard, using my own angelic gifts over the elements to defeat many. But Marcus would not go down, not easily. I fought him long and hard, and he bit me. In my rage I slew him and fell to the floor, beginning the change. My angelic blood acted strangely to the vampire’s venom, it fought and changed it to my advantage. I grew stronger and woke with much of the vampire’s skills; and of course, the thirst. But I learned to stanch the thirst and went to the highest mountain in the world to tell the God of what I had accomplished. He was impressed and awarded me my archangel status and gave me control of that which my parents controlled and allowed me to keep my control of the elements. There was a condition though. So long as I am needed to fight, I am to remain on earth as God’s bounty hunter. I to this day have served that role, and had many fights in between. Many have cost me memories of my past lives, but I regained them through some manner or another.

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Kevin Rade's average rating out of 4 rates is 5.50/10


Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2013-01-18 03:17:25

I would not want it any other way my love.
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2013-01-04 06:00:06

I see no other man deserving of my love or devotion, as I can't see myself being devoted to any other. For your love for me is as great as my love for you. To the moon and back, it shall remain this way till our dying days.
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2011-10-13 04:02:45

Welcome To Outer Heaven
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2011-06-24 19:36:47

I miss you too...
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2011-06-21 18:44:20

It's alright love as long as you're taking care...
Darky Marie Winterlight (271927)

2011-04-26 16:54:31

My dear child what insults did I say? They must not have been important to me fr I do not remember.
Permanently Inactive (165005)

2011-02-25 21:24:16

Such a giver. Of course it will, my thanks for those.
Permanently Inactive (165005)

2011-02-25 18:42:18

Hahaha good one. I like you, you're clever. I'm glad you're in our coven,
Permanently Inactive (165005)

2011-02-25 02:08:08

Duh! I'm older
Permanently Inactive (165005)

2011-02-24 16:56:56

I believe you. My stats are not that great anyway.
Permanently Inactive (165005)

2011-02-23 20:55:32

Well... hello there. Please accept my gratitude for the "gift." However, may I inquire about your reason(s) for analyzing me?
SEN (234561)

2010-12-24 16:54:49

Wishing you a SAFE and MERRY CHRISTMAS from your family at Fallen Angels!!
Kella (457756)

2010-12-22 17:19:38

Thank you.
Sunnara~Moon (296274)

2010-12-20 06:22:07

Welcome to Fallen Angels
SEN (234561)

2010-12-20 02:21:39

Welcome to Fallen Angels Kevin. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask
†Shar LaRue-Wolfsblood† (151783)

2010-08-01 11:18:23

*smiles and winks* Good vamps in our coven make for good vamps hun... lol dun worry, shar speak is something ull get used to... Keep in touch shar x
†Shar LaRue-Wolfsblood† (151783)

2010-07-28 11:57:03

hi hun great work with the coven , much thanx..Im away rl busy as ! *bows* I hope we get a chance to formally meet soon Shar x
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2010-07-25 03:27:56

*kisses back with a gentle passion as I snuggle close to you* Happy anniversery my love.
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2010-07-08 01:25:06

*I giggle as I look up at you smiling and sneaks a kiss on the cheek* Always in mine as well. *Darius claps*
Dentellai Mistyque Koi (154619)

2010-01-20 18:22:38

*smiles and strokes your wings* You have. You've protected me and made me feel loved. You diserve the same kind of love in return my husband.

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