Darion Lancaster is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Darion Lancaster (203259)"What you think, what you say, and what you feel truly matters. But in the end, what actually counts is what you do and what you do not do...."

Last Active: 2024/09/18 08:16
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,543
Karma+/Verve+595 / 85
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles68 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S398/253/23
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record222,379/143,061/385
Win %61%
Last KilledLexie
Last Killed ByBex Corleone
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent162
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Darion (95)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 0+



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} ------------------------------------------------------------------

Please note the following: I follow the Judge Judy philosophy of "If something doesn`t make sense, it`s usually not true." Let me re-iterate: I don`t like liars, and if a situation doesn`t add up for me, it`s because somebody`s lying somewhere. Do yourself a favor. Don`t lie to me. :)

((Notice: Profile is going to be worked on, so it may not work in a few places, just give it a week or so. Currently, here`s the plan:

Status of the WiX:

Darion`s Bio: Finished, but soon to be reworked.

Help Desk: Finished, minus tweaking. This will probably be reworked just a little bit to reflect my ACT job as well. (Yeah, I became ACT in Jan, it`s been THAT long since I bothered updating this...)

Real Life: Currently, some pictures of me are set up. I`m not a big fan of pictures of myself. I`ll probably set down some of my kids because, well... I`m damn proud of them. Sweet little things :). I`ll probably set down a little bit about myself in the About Me section soon.

My Girls: I`ve decided that I would like to make this an area where I put my signs from my girls in RoB. If you and I have had significant contact in the game, I`d love to have a "I Heart Darion" sign or something like that. Just let me know of the Direct Link and I`ll save it and add it.

Buds: I completed the Buds Coven section, because to me, Buds is my first home, a place where I first joined and made friends. Other people might bash Buds for what has transpired in the past when I wasn`t here, but to me, it`s a home that I would gladly return to someday and see my first family. The Buds section is one I`ll probably work on much later, because there are a lot of people to add, and a lot of avatars to set down.

Fun Time!: This has yet to really be started, but I`m planning on moving many of my slideshows or pics or just bringing in new content where people can come in and sit down and laugh for a bit.))

Jokes, Quotes, and Suggested Sites

Here, I`ve got a few things I suggest you take a look at for a few laughs or just a bit of enjoyment.

Twilight the Broodening (as well as TtB Sucks and Broodening Harder) - A few videos by Nathaniel Jones that parody Twilight. Amused me highly.
Tickle Me Emo. - A classic MAD TV skit that elicits a chuckle every time...

President Roosevelt once said, "We have nothing to fear except fear itself." He obviously forgot to mention stairs or escalators.
A vampire goes into a pub and asks for boiling water. The barman says "I thought you only drank blood?" The vampire pulls out a used tampon and says "I`m making tea".

I`m wearing this super skanky ass dress that`s wayyy to slutty for church but I think Jesus will appreciate it because i look so bangin for his bday.

Webcomics to peruse
Here are a few webcomics I`ve come across over the Net that have brought me countless hours of laughter and good times. Take a look!

Ctrl-Alt-Del : http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/ : A comic about a gamer and his life. Fantastic story line, and equally amusing commentarys from the artist.

Cyanide and Happiness: http://www.explosm.net/ : An incredibly offensive comic. See a special section down below for some of my favorite strips.

Girls with Slingshots: http://www.daniellecorsetto.com/gws : Written from a woman`s point of view, this is one of the best comics out there.

Menage a 3: http://www.menagea3.net/ : NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I`m not freakin kidding. The first strip sets the tone of this comic, hilarity abound!

Questionable Content - http://www.questionablecontent.net/ : My personal FAVORITE webcomic. The artwork has improved incredibly over the past few years. Well developed characters, amazing storylines, this one will quickly become a favorite for you!

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: http://www.smbc-comics.com/ : Short and sweet most of the time, kinda offensive every now and then, and I love that.

You might find that http://www.darkgate.net/comic/ is a great place to go to to find a WHOLE lot more webcomics, and have a great place to go and have them all in one place.

Comedy Area

Here`s a few things I`ve found that, well, quite frankly, they amuse me. Some are set on a slideshow, the top one being just random pictures that amused me when I came across them, and the second slideshow being one showcasing the art of FAIL. Some of these might offend you, and if they do, grow a better sense of humor. Pansy.

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Darion Lancaster's average rating out of 410 rates is 8.49/10


Eupraxia (743790)

2024-06-01 23:08:07

Thank you for all that you do
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-06-01 23:05:01

Thank you for all you do!
Alphalfa (731610)

2024-06-01 22:31:46

Thank you for everything you put your time and energy into here! You can't that those back. That's love. [3]

CeCe (245220)

2024-06-01 21:20:41

thank you
CeCe (245220)

2024-06-01 21:19:52

than you for all that you do for ROB
Ryssa V Phuri Dae (179328)

2024-06-01 18:03:32

Thank you for all you do, and for being a great friend
Erra Sainte (747818)

2024-06-01 14:28:28

Thank you for all that you do here!
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-06-01 14:05:52

Thank you ^^
Lanslow Kreeg (96913)

2024-06-01 12:42:04

Thank You!
Erella Voronoy™ (157800)

2024-06-01 10:28:42

It seems that thanks is in order... so there it is.
Mallorie Sainte (747043)

2024-06-01 10:09:35

Thank you for all you do for the game!
Anara (720042)

2024-06-01 08:51:12

Thank you for all you do.
Aiden R Fidela (309260)

2024-06-01 07:55:45

Hey Dar,

We appreciate you
Eric Voronoy (736230)

2024-06-01 06:53:58

Thank you and all the staff for the work you do to keep the game going.
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2024-06-01 05:29:04

Thank you for all you do and for some sweet free turns!
Lady Death (5)

2024-06-01 03:28:55

Thank you for all you do!
Zin Acwellan (79044)

2024-06-01 02:03:28

Thanks for the continuous effort you've put into the community, year after year. [3]
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-06-01 01:11:45

Happy annual thank a staff day!
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-06-01 00:35:03

Gracias for serving the ACT team and taking swift care of one weirdly amusing or overwhelming TOS-breaker at a time, and thank you for giving me a chuckle with the "Comedy Area" when I looked at your profile. A ten, fo' sho!
vhlad (743771)

2024-06-01 00:11:16

thank you for all of your hard work

Mireille Fiore Malik (210419) sent BBQ platter.
Merry Christmas from Makenna Rose Orrina (192423) - ...and a happy new year 2022!
Vix (253724) sent Hot Chocolate Muffins..
Happy Birthday from Morana Prochazka™ (155172) - Happy birthday my love!
Elia Martell (649659) sent Henry Tudor 8th voodoo doll.
I Love you from Morana Prochazka™ (155172) - Always, Darling
Elia Martell (649659) sent chocolate cologne.
I Love you from Zahra Irtiu-Seba™ (155172) - Is good for you <3
I Love you from Morana Prochazka™ (155172)
Rhaella Tyrell (649659) sent a turd.

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