Please note the following: I follow the Judge Judy philosophy of "If something doesn`t make sense, it`s usually not true." Let me re-iterate: I don`t like liars, and if a situation doesn`t add up for me, it`s because somebody`s lying somewhere. Do yourself a favor. Don`t lie to me. :)
((Notice: Profile is going to be worked on, so it may not work in a few places, just give it a week or so. Currently, here`s the plan:
Status of the WiX:
Darion`s Bio: Finished, but soon to be reworked.
Help Desk: Finished, minus tweaking. This will probably be reworked just a little bit to reflect my ACT job as well. (Yeah, I became ACT in Jan, it`s been THAT long since I bothered updating this...)
Real Life: Currently, some pictures of me are set up. I`m not a big fan of pictures of myself. I`ll probably set down some of my kids because, well... I`m damn proud of them. Sweet little things :). I`ll probably set down a little bit about myself in the About Me section soon.
My Girls: I`ve decided that I would like to make this an area where I put my signs from my girls in RoB. If you and I have had significant contact in the game, I`d love to have a "I Heart Darion" sign or something like that. Just let me know of the Direct Link and I`ll save it and add it.
Buds: I completed the Buds Coven section, because to me, Buds is my first home, a place where I first joined and made friends. Other people might bash Buds for what has transpired in the past when I wasn`t here, but to me, it`s a home that I would gladly return to someday and see my first family. The Buds section is one I`ll probably work on much later, because there are a lot of people to add, and a lot of avatars to set down.
Fun Time!: This has yet to really be started, but I`m planning on moving many of my slideshows or pics or just bringing in new content where people can come in and sit down and laugh for a bit.))
Jokes, Quotes, and Suggested Sites
Here, I`ve got a few things I suggest you take a look at for a few laughs or just a bit of enjoyment.
Twilight the Broodening (as well as TtB Sucks and Broodening Harder) - A few videos by Nathaniel Jones that parody Twilight. Amused me highly.
Tickle Me Emo. - A classic MAD TV skit that elicits a chuckle every time...
President Roosevelt once said, "We have nothing to fear except fear itself." He obviously forgot to mention stairs or escalators.
A vampire goes into a pub and asks for boiling water. The barman says "I thought you only drank blood?" The vampire pulls out a used tampon and says "I`m making tea".
I`m wearing this super skanky ass dress that`s wayyy to slutty for church but I think Jesus will appreciate it because i look so bangin for his bday. www.textsfromlastnight.com
Webcomics to peruse
Here are a few webcomics I`ve come across over the Net that have brought me countless hours of laughter and good times. Take a look!
Ctrl-Alt-Del : http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/ : A comic about a gamer and his life. Fantastic story line, and equally amusing commentarys from the artist.
Cyanide and Happiness: http://www.explosm.net/ : An incredibly offensive comic. See a special section down below for some of my favorite strips.
Girls with Slingshots: http://www.daniellecorsetto.com/gws : Written from a woman`s point of view, this is one of the best comics out there.
Menage a 3: http://www.menagea3.net/ : NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I`m not freakin kidding. The first strip sets the tone of this comic, hilarity abound!
Questionable Content - http://www.questionablecontent.net/ : My personal FAVORITE webcomic. The artwork has improved incredibly over the past few years. Well developed characters, amazing storylines, this one will quickly become a favorite for you!
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: http://www.smbc-comics.com/ : Short and sweet most of the time, kinda offensive every now and then, and I love that.
You might find that http://www.darkgate.net/comic/ is a great place to go to to find a WHOLE lot more webcomics, and have a great place to go and have them all in one place.
Comedy Area
Here`s a few things I`ve found that, well, quite frankly, they amuse me. Some are set on a slideshow, the top one being just random pictures that amused me when I came across them, and the second slideshow being one showcasing the art of FAIL. Some of these might offend you, and if they do, grow a better sense of humor. Pansy.
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