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yashavamp (203438)

Last Active: 2023/02/12 02:48
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,542
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles4 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S12/0/0
Battle Record32,219/95,858/75
Win %26%
Last KilledRiver De Clair ...
Last Killed ByKingSeraph
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)yasha (80)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 871k+



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yashavamp's average rating out of 16 rates is 4.88/10


Shazar south Impaler (160367)

2012-10-07 03:37:39

Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2012-08-30 19:13:10

Holy crap on a cracker! There's a name on my battle log I haven't seen in a really long time!
DarkMessiah (9908)

2011-05-02 04:48:22

What's the big beef with her?
DarkMessiah (9908)

2011-05-02 04:17:59

up to you
DarkMessiah (9908)

2011-05-02 04:05:44

Thanks for the bounty. I believe the feeling is mutual.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-05-01 22:22:32

Use your brain for something besides a hat rack. No matter how high I rank now, I'll still have 3 times your power. *shakes her head at his stupidity*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-05-01 22:18:08

He was running, feeling her presence but not knowing when or where she would strike, A woman, abused and scorned was a scary thing. Add the powers of a vampire, and it was all over. She sprang upon him as he passed under the footbridge, a stiletto in each hand, which she spiked through his skull. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You stabbed yashavamp for 3289 damage. (-124 Life Left) You smashed yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-05-01 00:09:35

"You are defeated, again and again. It doesn't matter if you send 10, or 1000 against me, it won't change the fact that you are a small vamp, with a small mind, and even smaller balls. I told you once a long time ago that rank without power means nothing, and you are nothing to me but another dead vampire." You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You punched yashavamp for 3797 damage. (-632 Life Left) You defeated yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-30 23:11:34

She attacks as you come past the corner where she lay in wait. A bull whip is uncoiled from her waist and she mercilessly wields it until your clothes are ragged and bloody. "I'm flattered Yasha that you think so much of me you spend good money to capture my attention. Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. [OPPONENT BLOCKED] You hit yashavamp for only 1812 damage. (1353 Life Left) 2. yashavamp's attack missed you. (2400 Life Left) 3. You punched yashavamp for 3879 damage. (-2526 Life Left) You beheaded yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-30 20:08:08

She chases you, and corners you finally. After knocking you to the ground, she places a leather collar with a leash around your neck, and drags you down the main street of Dead City. "Heel you worthless dog!" She whacks you on the butt with a riding crop, You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You smacked yashavamp for 3638 damage. (-473 Life Left) You butchered yashavamp (203438)
Colette ~Kali~ Fëaduhith (165155)

2011-04-29 20:22:49

Because I'm just that awesome
Colette ~Kali~ Fëaduhith (165155)

2011-04-29 20:01:38

Just for the fun of it... there goes your bounty money You have sent Blackwidow Tsu Michaelis $50,000, it has been deposited in their bank.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 19:35:46

Oh you must be joking Yasha, Grow Up! This is a killing game. I kill, and am killed in return on a daily basis. Am I competitive? Yes! But it's all in having fun. You remember fun don't you? Why so serious? *laughs*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 19:22:52

Silly, I'm a Vampire, technically I'm already dead, hollow, and I will live...forever. *wicked laughter*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 19:09:28

Simply smashing Darlin', I've never been more stimulated. You just wanted my undivided attention didn't you? Naughty boy.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 18:55:49

Yawns...Bored with so easy a kill, but doing it anyway. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You stabbed yashavamp for 3882 damage. (-867 Life Left) You destroyed yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 16:36:35

Stands on your feet while she uses your face for a punching bag. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You stabbed yashavamp for 3882 damage. (-867 Life Left) You annihilated yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 03:03:21

Widow's Sting slices through your neck before you notice any danger. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. You gouged yashavamp for 3475 damage. (-1458 Life Left) You annihilated yashavamp (203438)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 01:12:17

You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. [CRITICAL HIT] You stabbed yashavamp for 6626 damage. (-3611 Life Left) You massacred yashavamp (203438) She collected all the body parts in a trash bag, and set it out for the garbage collector.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-04-29 00:15:30

She spots you coming from the Dead City Bar. As you cross the road, She runs you over with her Yucon Pest Control SUV, then backs up, and forward again over your carcass. You have 0 power(s) activated boosting you in this battle (View activated powers) yashavamp has 0 power(s) activated boosting them in this battle. 1. [CRITICAL HIT] You bit yashavamp for 5448 damage. (-2433 Life Left) You exterminated yashavamp (203438)

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