Dark_Soldier049 is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dark_Soldier049 (205388)"back after a fairly lengthy absence..."

Last Active: 2010-04-12 08:20:44
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,538
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record2,895/24,344/13
Win %11%
Last KilledAccalia
Last Killed ByAlpha Killa Sa ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Soldier (34)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 491+




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VIP Member DarkAsh

Dark_Soldier049 has 1 friends View All Friends


Greetings! I`m 23 and am obsessed with the occult - not in a Helena Blavatsky way, more a Fairuza Balk kind of way.

I find the mythology on vampires, witches and werewolves [etc...] fascinating, especially the original sources of said myths.

I also agree wholeheartedly with the wiccan values - this isn`t to say that I am a Wiccan - I just think they have a healthy and positive spin on life...

In RL I am a collector of weird and wonderful pets, tattoos and piercings [the piercings aren`t in weird places I would like to point out lol]. I currently have 2 scorpions, 3 snakes, and a blue-tongued skink [He`s my favourite - called Oscar :D]. Also have 2 tattoos - one of which is a full back of an angel and a demon fighting in a cathedral [old school fire and brimstone types if you know what I mean...]

Any questions from anyone don`t hesitate to ask - not like I can stop you anyway! :D

Thanks for stopping by...

Dark Soldier

WARNING - This page is guarded by bunnies!!



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Dark_Soldier049's average rating out of 11 rates is 5.82/10


Acadia (139648)

2010-05-14 05:17:40

Hey, buddy. How you been?
Fatal Wrath (208487)

2010-03-24 06:50:11

I got all the zaps I need. had some people in my coven help me out. I don't even remember the last message I sent you. but thanks anyways. how you been?
Aidric Turalthirum (204694)

2010-03-23 22:15:23

Welcome to Buds Dark_Soldier049! If you have any questions or need anything let me know. Happy Hunting!
Fatal Wrath (208487)

2010-01-01 19:47:08

Happy New Year man, I zapped you. Sorry it took me a while. get me a zap back and I'll try to get another as soon as my turns build up. thanks.
Fatal Wrath (208487)

2009-12-25 04:01:42

every zap helps. still need more havent got the achievement unlocked yet. come back and zap me more when you can. if you need any I'll return the favor.
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-21 04:03:19

*watches the mystical swirls of smoke with widened eyes, seeming confused as the smoke begins to clear* I didn't mean to... *coughs, waving the smoke away with a fanning motion*
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-18 02:41:36

*wanders in wiping at the corner of her mouth, wearing an expression of mixed guilt and pleasure, leaves a note behind then leaves quietly* Thanks for visiting.
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-17 02:58:15

Your extra dose of slay I could take or leave. I just like being invited to your special place.
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-16 00:02:22

I feel so special.
Acadia (139648)

2009-12-15 04:11:45

Haha. Thanks. Love the new avi. It looks just like you.
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)

2009-12-06 22:01:01

*slides down the chimney* Santrixxx loved that little middle, come back again naughty one *pops out and into the sky she flies*
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-01 20:33:42

Childish retaliation? I look forward to it!
Audrey Fidela Hardkiss (214750)

2009-12-01 19:52:07

*looks around shyly and leaves a note behind before slipping quietly away* So sorry for hurting you. It was strictly instinct. Visit again.
Vixen (209674)

2009-10-25 10:39:21

thank you i have been eating my wheaties lol
Vixen (209674)

2009-10-24 13:19:45

anytime i thought you looked hungry. lol you are to kind. i like your profile very nice. how do you do
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2009-10-17 15:47:04

Thunks hun. But I have already done all three. Yeahh. Feel free if you need more help
GFG (212025)

2009-10-16 21:48:51

I think it would be both necks? LOL
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2009-10-16 21:16:57

I love this song from The Meteors. OTMAPP. A 10 for you
GFG (212025)

2009-10-16 19:05:09

Apparently we are neck and neck...
Scrumpilicious (175076)

2009-10-16 02:53:27

Love the profile I rate 10.

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