Devlin de Masicus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Devlin de Masicus (207466)"Free at last to move on with my life"

Last Active: 2022/02/25 19:23
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,531
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record5,432/17,391/58
Win %24%
Last KilledCarmilla
Last Killed ByQuentin Chase ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Covende Masicus Manor
Coven Title (Rank)Lord of the Castle (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 37k+



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King Conchobar
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It’s interesting how things work out over time. All the changes that one goes through. One realizes that all that they can trust and depend on is themselves. Trying to retain a grasp on humanity is futile and a weapon against one’s self. The last remnants of humanity are now gone. Now, all that is left is a creature that resembles the once caring Dragonus von Nightseer. Now, what stands in his place is the devourer of hearts and souls.

Though he let no one else see, the torment grew, eating away at the strands of his humanity, emotions and his mind. With his head bent down, he peers up with hollow eyes with a glimmer of hunger and a demented sense of fun.

Walking through the night, he stalks his pray. Using his natural abilities to lure in the helpless victims that he takes great pleasure in bringing to new heights, the utter limits of sensuality and ecstasy, then consuming their essence, their hearts and souls as he looks upon their shattered minds and bodies, laying there as a glimmer of a smirk traces his lips.

His thirst for blood being no longer of importance, since it does not sustain any kind of substance for him. What keeps him going, what he feeds upon is the emotions of his victims. Let them cower, cry for mercy and try to escape from his overwhelming touch. It will all end the same. Drawing out their most primal essence in a dark passion that is thought to be taboo.

Insatiable passion, exotic charm and being remiss of a soul with the memory of the source of his torment and agony driving him, he stalks, charms and feasts upon all those that would play a cat and mouse game with others like the way he once was. That one is the cause for all others to suffer, to be consumed by him from the inside out, being left at that pivotal point that he teetered upon for so long, then finally being submerged into the darkness.

After this mental explosion and having the remnants of his soul ripped away… Dragonus von Nightseer has become dust upon the wind of change. Now, before you stands Devlin de Masicus, The Soul Eater.



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Devlin de Masicus's average rating out of 49 rates is 7.67/10


UnDeR tHe RaInBoW (213752)

2018-10-26 23:40:26

Hey stranger I'm back &#128518;
Seraph Caelestis™ (680336)

2014-08-23 13:22:43

[c=green]It did. Thank you![/]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2012-02-10 19:16:25

I fell off the face of the earth.. still falling technically, since the abyss is never ending, but none the less my presence still lingers. I just wanted to say hello from space and see how you've been. Hopefully well.
Lydea Mey (292043)

2012-02-02 19:32:25

Oh how the wicked bells tolls for all creatures of the night to venture out into the darkness to play. Long time no see, Dragon....
Layla (225307)

2012-02-02 06:35:03

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii DRAG!

2011-10-25 07:09:00

Happy 600 days my darling xoxo
Oh Your God NemesisAlien™ (103795)

2011-09-13 04:38:34

So you are D.A, i was wondering where you disappeared to...

2011-07-16 01:57:41

happy 505 days honey!!

2011-06-12 01:49:20

i'm still here my love, but i do miss you terribly, i hope you are well xoxo <3
Layla (225307)

2011-04-22 08:38:59

Drag How's you? I still haven't made the cookies! I was about to make them during the week... but there was no peanut butter. Not cool.

2011-03-23 09:54:13

i love and miss you terribly hope you are well xoxo<33333333
Arsenic (11487)

2011-02-26 12:24:02

Psst... Made you somethin'...
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2011-02-25 19:15:36

This is completely random I know but have you seen the new movie "Just Go With It"?

2011-02-25 08:13:47


2011-02-20 09:33:29

i miss you darling
Vlad Anastasia Wolfsblood (231587)

2011-02-20 06:31:46

Am I the only one too see the girl's nipple on your background? :o

2011-02-14 13:01:18

sorry, just incase that didnt work....... happy valentines baby mwah xoxoxo
King Conchobar (207030)

2011-01-27 18:59:23

*Whistles innocently*

2011-01-14 08:17:28

hello darling, i am safe and well in my new home. deliriously in love with the Canadian, not affected at all by the floods. missing you terribly xoxo
Lydea Mey (292043)

2010-12-30 06:39:13

Thanks for being such a great friend Drago.. *hugs close* They can be hard to find in times of need!

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