Apostolos † Parthenopaeus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Apostolos † Parthenopaeus is currently jailed. They've got 96008 days left & has had 217 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Apostolos † Parthenopaeus (207473)"Headed back to the loony bin. I'm gonna turn myself back in."

Last Active: 2013-10-08 15:09:31
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,531
Karma+/Verve+4 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles5 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusAlive (28779910 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779910 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record32,588/137,818/424
Win %20%
Last KilledStormi Donati
Last Killed ByPrincess PhD V ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Title (Rank)member (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 276+



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Isla Talbot

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Apostolos † Parthenopaeus's average rating out of 202 rates is 6.78/10


Angel Raine™ (638066)

2013-10-20 08:03:55

Acheron is jailed? How long has he been? Why?
Kieran Blackmore (594779)

2013-10-11 03:43:30

What I find most hilarious is that the only ones defending him, are the whores who would fuck anything with a pulse, including Acheron himself. Thank the Gods he is gone and gone for good. He is a despicable cretin, one of the lowest forms of scum on this Earth, and I pray he rots forever. With that have a lovely time being married to your so-called "ghost". ~Slips a cigarette between his parted lips, sparking one end deftly. He would inhale, puff smoke from his nose, and fade into the shadows.~
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2013-10-11 02:05:28

Please refer to the statement of He doesnt care. So why are YOU still commenting on the profile of a ghost? Waste of time really unless you..like them have an unintelligant insult and uneducated opinion you wish to give so you too feel important. Practice what you preach folks. Hes gone be it falsely or not. Drop your shit and stop with the bullshit bickering on His profile.
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-10-11 01:51:22

Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-10-11 01:40:50

3] 3] 3]
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-10-11 01:11:39

Wait...did I just see what I think I did? You posted, then sat for 5 whole minutes to come up the saddest and most unintelligent insult known to mankind? Way to destroy a womans self esteem....Not. My panties are rarely in a twist, and if they were I guarantee you had nothing to do with it. Oh and Mira, just because I don't spend my time talking trash about him to make myself feel better like so many others do does not mean I don't know him. I do, the difference is that I can spot where the truth ends and the fiction begins. There seems to be alot of bullshit around, and it's attracting flies.
Mira Natalie Michaelis (576546)

2013-10-10 22:19:47

Well you finally got what you deserved in the end, and I never had to say a damn thing to expose you for how you really are. And Lamentia, if you so called knew how he was in RL you wouldn't be defending him that's for damn sure.
Kieran Blackmore (594779)

2013-10-10 19:35:56

It's always the ugly ones' who have such anger issues.
Kieran Blackmore (594779)

2013-10-10 19:30:24

Says the one continuing to marry this "ghost"? Or in a vile rage because you know how idiotic and disgusting he is whilst knowing this would happen soon enough. Hmm, seems like you're contradicting your own statement and you're right, this is a game, hence why I can bloody post this because it's a GAME. Get your panties out of a bunch.
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-10-10 10:24:57

You know it's a sad day when the no lifers have nothing better to do than voice their uneducated opinions here. Seriously go take a shower, walk your dog, or I don't know play the game instead of running your mouth on the profile of a ghost, it isn't like he cares.
Alyona Vasiliev™ (475381)

2013-10-09 07:56:06

Caaann't say I'm surprised..
Kieran Blackmore (594779)

2013-10-09 07:53:12

Such a moron. You deserved what you got in the end.
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-10-04 00:34:34

Love you most babe!
Kitteh (185423)

2013-09-25 15:21:06

You have given Apostolos † Parthenopaeus a rating of 10.
Kitteh (185423)

2013-09-24 03:09:23

.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2013-09-22 20:58:03

Ive typing on my phone so typos...theyll be a thing. I will move you back to the top when I on the laptop later.
Isla Talbot (170829)

2013-09-22 20:51:12

My Dom. I love you.
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2013-09-22 02:50:11

You should feel people in? Since the last thing you told me was that we were parting ways for the time being and I was respecting that. So which is it?
.The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

2013-09-21 22:09:38

Your text said that I couldnt be your ada and goodbye. I could screenshot it if you like.
Nurse Lamentia Narkissa (424496)

2013-09-21 18:40:50

I love you Husband mine.

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