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VIP Vampire Fatal Wrath (208487)"Thinking about going on another indefinite hiatus. This game isn't fun anymore."

Last Active: 2024/09/15 15:45
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VIP/VIP+ Days3 / 0
Game Age5,527
Karma+/Verve+6 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles16 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record15,980/59,662/566
Win %22%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByQuentin Chase ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Death Bringer (69)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 225k+



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Married to Dragoonia Fujimoto (748300) for 44 days

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Dragoonia Fujimoto
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Fatal Wrath

Indefinite Hiatus. This Game Isn`t Fun Anymore.

My name is Fatal Wrath. I am the Death Bringer in the Coven Buds. I joined Reign Of Blood in July 2009.
Married Dragoonia Fujimoto on August 6, 2024.

Yes I am staff in Buds coven.
2010-10-07 21:16:35 : Bux (8544) has given Fatal Wrath (208487) access to edit coven ranks.
2010-10-07 21:16:35 : Bux (8544) has given Fatal Wrath (208487) access to mod the forum.
2010-10-07 21:16:35 : Bux (8544) has given Fatal Wrath (208487) access to give/lend equipment.
2010-10-07 21:16:35 : Bux (8544) has given Fatal Wrath (208487) access to accept vampires.

The old me was Blood Line but now I am Fatal Wrath. Back from an Indefinite hiatus.
So what have I been up to? I am now a streamer on social media. Music and video games.
If you like to follow me on stream, send me a blood letter to contact me for more info.

So this is some more details about me. Since I have been gone I am now a streamer online.
So why did I choose to be a streamer? Because it has become a passion and games are fun.
I have built quite a following online. I get a good audience when I stream.
It is really fun to have people watch you while you play awesome games online.
I have grown a great interest in social media and online streaming. It is what I want to do.
So I hope you join me there in the streams and the online social medias that I have.
I promise we will have a lot of fun there, a great show, and great games to stream online.

So it looks like I did find a good roleplay character for the game thanks to my wife in the game.
Looking like a demon from hell and reminds me of a demon in one of my favorite games I have played.
Rising up from the depths of hell, this demon will curse anyone that stands in his way.
Tread carefully when approaching the demon and maybe you will be allowed to leave alive.
Yeah that sounds perfect. I will have to expand on this demons adventures as the game progresses.
So come back here every now and then for the expansion on his story and journey throughout the game.

Now there is another issue I must address that I have been experiencing as I have been playing this game.
This explanation could take a while and may continue to get worked on as time goes on. So check back.
It`s just mainly peoples expectations when it comes to having in game marriages within this game.
For the most part I think they are just too unrealistic. I think they are too specific and need to chill out.
First I want to list the expectations I have seen from people in which I am okay with and I agree with.
The age thing is okay as I know we don`t want to speak to someone too young as that in itself is trouble.
So mentioning to someone that you want them to be a certain age is good as you are watching your back.
Another thing that I agree with that I have seen everyone done is require them to have a discord account.
I agree with that as these BL`s can get frustrating to send as they are like emails and that can take time.
Instant messaging and chatting is always the faster way to go and quickest to get your message out there.
So asking for something like discord makes sense as it is the current most up to date way to message.
I know I use discord a lot. I own a server and the links are found on my profile here to add me for chat.
So if you want to chat with me just add me, it`s found on this profile, and we can talk whenever.
I can go on and on about discord but then I wouldn`t address the other stuff so let`s move on.

One thing I like agree with in these expectations is good communication. We are online after all.
We don`t know what is going on in your life, so we need that good communication to know what`s up.
There`s BL`s and comments and other forms of social media like discord, my favorite. So use them
Do not be afraid to get on other forms of social media and use it to help the other person communicate.
So another thing that I agree with is being somewhat active in the game. At least logging in.
Check BL`s and check comments. If anyone writes to you either acknowledge or write them back.
Battling would be another good way to stay somewhat active in the game if you can`t do much else.
Real Life happens especially for me and I can`t be on here much, but at least with battling I can be active.
Doing these few things can show that you care to be on here and won`t make anyone feel ignored.
Just be open to what the other person wants you to do and you should have it easy for this one.
Roleplay is kind of 50/50 to me. There`s some on here that isn`t super good at it and some are.
I would say if you can do it, good, and if you can`t, then don`t worry about it, honestly.
Try to do your best with it but don`t stress over it and don`t worry what others think of you.
This kind of starts into the things that I start to disagree with when it comes to requirements.
Definitely will start with Roleplay and expand on it from there. So here is what I disagree with.
This part will have to expand over time as there is a lot to it and my time gets limited.

So here is where I am going to talk about the Role play and how I feel about it and other things I disagree with.
Roleplay should be optional. Yes I said that. Mostly because not everyone is good at it.
Why does it need to be required? Why does someone need to be good at it? Because this is an RPG game?
That`s stupid if you ask me. So a person can`t enjoy the game if they aren`t good at roleplaying? Get a life.
Don`t require being an expert at role playing if you want to have a successful in game marriage.
You will just end up looking and not finding as I have seen some people struggle to do.
This expectation is dumb and should not be fully required to make someone happy.
So the next thing that I am seeing that I do not like is when people can`t wait on others.
If someone has to be away over things that happen that they can`t control, that`s no reason to leave.
As long as the communication is there and they have let you know, be patient and give it a chance.
Just being impatient and moving on isn`t going to help you find someone that can be permanent.
Plus it is just going to get them mad, hurt, and just be an emotional wreck.
I feel sorry for military people at times cause if someone isn`t patient to wait when someone can`t
be on game, then how do you expect to be with someone in the military who has to be away?
You got to see this is online and not in person and if technology fails, then one can`t be on.
So another thing I disagree with is having certain expectations to have people do what you want.
An example of this was when someone wanted the other person to write as good as they do.
Not everyone is an author or writes books or just writes in general. It`s just not a thing anymore.
You may find people on here writing about their roleplay character within this game. I have seen stories.
They kind of give a history on their roleplay character. They write a short story about it.
So you`ll see that. You will probably see that on my profile as well when I expand on my character.
To expect someone to be an author and write a book is kind of unrealistic. So is having expectations.
Just go into it not knowing what to expect and just enjoy what is there and relax. Might find it enjoyable.
I would say you just never know exactly what to expect with these things so just go in with none to start.
If you are going into this a certain way and want someone else to be that certain way too, it won`t work.
Not everybody can be what you want and what you are looking for. It is what it is.

So I got a bit of a beef with meeting in person when you are getting to know someone here online.
Myself personally I do not mind meeting in person if I am getting to know you here in this game.
We can definitely meet, we can definitely hang out, go see a movie, play video games, all that.
I really think that if you are in my state or the next state over, that you want to plan a road trip.
I see nothing wrong with that. I am perfectly fine with you coming over and meet me and hang out.
That being said there`s some things I think on the subject when it comes to having me come meet you.
If you find out someone is in your area or not that far off, I don`t think you should find it strange to meet.
I do believe in getting to know each other more online until you are comfortable in meeting up in person.
I do believe in meeting up at public places where there are a lot of people so the meet up can be comfortable.
Just to say that oh we will never meet up, that`s kind of off. You are going to talk to this person for all game.
All the time the game is in business you are just going to talk to this person and never want to meet up.
I can understand if you are far away but if you are close or not too far away, how do you just talk online?
It makes absolutely no sense. Meet up. You might find it interesting meeting someone that like this game.
One last thing that I disagree with and then that`s pretty much all I look for with this in game thing.
My opinion is I prefer it if you go into one of these that you do so not in a situation with anyone in real life.
Yes I am aware by now we are all older, I myself am older and we probably have these situations going on.
However at times it just gets in the way and messes things up. You try to get to know the person on here.
You might even gain some feelings for them for how sweet they are to you. Then you realize this in the end.
They are with someone in real life. They don`t care that you are just an online thing to them. It is like so what?
They know once they are done with you, they can go back to their real life situation like you don`t even matter.
You get to talking to them and you get to playing the game together and do all of the quests and everything.
Enjoying yourself right? Then the night comes and you are ready to call it a night and get offline after a while.
What are you doing and what they are doing? You are heading to bed thinking of them and the night online.
What are they thinking? Oh I had fun with my online person now I`m here with my real person to touch at night.
Yeah suddenly it doesn`t feel so good does it? You think you are with them and suddenly they are doing this
with someone else in real life. All while you are thinking about them and they aren`t even thinking about you.
You really want those kind of feelings? You really want to get hurt in that way? Come on get real, you don`t.
So yeah it is just better if they aren`t in a real life situation when doing this with you. Make it preferred.
You will end up liking it better knowing there isn`t someone else in their lives when they get offline with you.
Anyways this is kind of what I would like to see when it comes to this in game stuff as having to deal with this.
It is so depressing when going through said things that I didn`t really like. It felt like I wasn`t welcomed to come back.
So now you know what I expect and what I like and what I dislike when it comes to these things.
I hope while meeting your expectations, that you can meet mine as well or emotions can get hurt in the end.

My roleplay character is a demon from hell named Fatal Wrath. You will address me as such.
From the Seventh Layer of Hell with the sin of Wrath to seek upon my enemies, I have returned to Earth.
I am here to seek vengeance after being gone for 13 years to get back those who wronged me so long ago.
I am here with Moto to Reign hell upon anyone and everyone who approaches me and raise hell.
Swing of my claw and demonic growl I strike you down and watch you die as you join me in hell.
Fear me as you look into my eyes and do not try to make me upset at you as I will devour you next.
I am trying to get back home to hell to be with my demonic goddess that you see pictured above.
She definitely has significance and isn`t just pictured here censored for your pleasure to look at.
We got separated when I got sent here and I just need to get back where I was so I can see her again.
I will get back to hell and get out of this current hell hole called Earth. Until I do I am here to be respected.
Thy Fatal Demon likes to be left alone and to keep to himself as he ponders the return to the netherworld.
Send a Blood Letter at your own risk to speak to the demon and expect a mere surprise in the response.
You may submit a comment to the demon and give a rating of 10 only if you wish respect in return.
Give a willful sacrifice to the demon if you want and you shall be rewarded graciously with respect.
Block the demon and you will be banished to hell where we will meet again for him to tear you apart.
Once you interact with the demon you will never get rid of the demon. Remember the afterlife.
In the afterlife we return where the demon cannot be blocked and you can`t do anything then.
So that is a brief history of the demon and now you know how you need to approach him.
Don`t make any mistakes in talking to him or be cursed when you die as there is no way out.

This section I`m going to use to expand on the gaming fantasies I have about the game.
Also might be used as the end of the profile section unless I can come up with more photos.
Most likely will come up with more photos so expansion from here on out.

There is a beast in man that must be exercised not exorcised



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Fatal Wrath's average rating out of 27 rates is 6.85/10


Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2024-08-28 02:16:54

"Thinking about going on another indefinite hiatus. This game isn't fun anymore."

That's unfortunate. There's so much to do in this game. It took me nearly 12 hours of running all over completing Quests for 366 QP. 😫
Dragoonia Fujimoto (748300)

2024-08-07 22:19:27

Loving your look haha I will fix your profile up a little later on when I get the time
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-06 04:11:49

You have given Fatal Wrath a rating of 10. Thank you for the stopping by!
Armand... (748683)

2024-06-23 06:01:49

You're very welcome.
Armand... (748683)

2024-06-23 04:42:18

I keep being killed whenever I try to fight you, I did not even realize we were in the same coven. Regardless, welcome back - good hunting.
Toviah Corb, Esq. (292843)

2011-04-26 08:47:58

I had to give you a 10, based simply on your excellent choice of music. m/ >.< m/
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2011-02-14 13:52:39

You have given Hatchet Killa a rating of 10. [Back] Awesome playlist
Lady Anubis (3996)

2011-01-27 01:12:25

Whoop whoop
.:: Kraut Hammer ::. (33918)

2010-10-05 01:51:40

well you do like ICP...
Dolly Danny White (223300)

2010-09-30 22:21:08

Lol. Congrats.
Killer Kitten (330466)

2010-09-30 04:17:51

Bex Corleone (283954)

2010-08-04 22:00:09

I love you! <3
Dark Love (230655)

2010-08-04 18:54:27

You have given Hatchet Killa a rating of 10.
Bex Corleone (283954)

2010-08-04 00:14:25

Hey hun, my fb's fucked XD so i wont be online there, if you're on and i am, bl me and we'll talk through bl's <33
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2010-08-03 03:03:37

You're most welcome A friend or lover of bex, is a friend of mine.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2010-08-03 02:41:51

Hello.. i see you are married too my bestfriend, Bex. I really hope you look after her, she's a lovely and smart girl.. hope you too are very happy together... you have my wishes, and i approve
Akumamaru (73916)

2010-08-02 13:32:44

You have given Hatchet Killa a rating of 10. Hehehe, I swear your profile has gotten cooler since I last saw it! [hugme]
Kali Tru Cyanide LaRouge™ (332993)

2010-07-23 09:33:23

hey hun ^^
Wolfy Babe (397475)

2010-07-22 19:25:53

Thanks I like your profile to
Kali Tru Cyanide LaRouge™ (332993)

2010-07-16 04:24:56


The Death of Slim Shady (744350) sent streamers chair pillow.

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