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upir (208750)" "

Last Active: 2017-01-31 01:56:31
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Game Age5,527
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record4,717/15,816/42
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Last KilledHawkeye
Last Killed ByAlpha Killa Sa ...
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Coven Title (Rank)The Burning Brand (34)
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Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 32k+



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VIP Member DarkAsh

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1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
3. I will never rush into a job without a lifetime of consideration.
4. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.
5. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations.
6. I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.
7. I shall never forget that the probability of a miracle, though infinitesimally small, is not exactly zero.
8. If at first I don`t succeed, there is always next year.
9. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.
10. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word, when I get around to it.
11. I obey the law of inverse excuses which demands that the greater the task to be done, the more insignificant the work that must be done prior to beginning the greater task.
12. I know that the work cycle is not plan/start/finish, but is wait/plan/plan.
13. I will never put off until tomorrow, what I can forget about forever.
14. I will become a member of the ancient Order of Two-Headed Turtles (the Procrastinator`s Society) if they ever get it organized.



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upir's average rating out of 11 rates is 9.00/10


Daedalus™ (71146)

2013-04-26 02:00:22

I've been added to your enemy list; I'll do my best to be a worthy foe wouldn't want to be boring, after all!

2010-12-07 06:41:39

Why yes, I am having them for dinner, how did you know? (No seriously, how the Hell did you know?)

2010-08-09 05:55:46

I can't help but think I picked a good one in marrying a person who will smite with the fist of an angry god any person who dare invite me to a coven. As for flazapalant, I'm not sure. Using the sample sentence as a reference, I think we'll have to rule out cunning, or any underhanded quality. Not because of the sentence, of course - it is merely difficult to perceive someone as being of malevolent intent when the word starts with "flaza". Perhaps that may well be the definition, then? That things are often more insidious than they appear? Just like the word, you're liable to overestimate it? I'm sure the postal service would be ready to adopt it into their hiring policy. One further inquiry though; is flaza to rhyme with jazz, or does it have a long 'a' like, well, plaza I suppose...?

2010-07-19 00:39:47

It is now my mission to bring flazapalant into common usage. I'm thinking as an adjective; "He is just so flazapalant in his ways that..."
Marlčne Noir (370614)

2010-07-17 02:23:33

Tnx for the recommendation,i'll check them asap...nice profile btw ^^
Grawahah (194845)

2010-07-12 22:37:37

Rock on.. lol
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2010-07-06 03:17:21

glad you like the name and that it has a humerus ring to it

2010-06-11 07:24:20

Technically I've been a member for 500 days; I've only been present for about a third of that - possibly a fifth. And I don't see how my digestive habits are relevant to this fickle finger-pointing frivolity, you [insert word beginning with f here]. (Oh, how I have missed our nonsensical comments.)
Tessic Briar (68100)

2009-12-25 02:26:56

Um I don't care. So oh well you should be happy you got some free cash, and blood.
Maererígan (233579)

2009-12-13 11:50:51

Yeah, I was going down the list and wasn't paying attention to my health. All you lowbies nickle and dime me to death!

2009-12-09 15:12:04

Besides Dream Theater, I sadly do not know many bands who call themselves Progressive. Once upon a time, my favorite genre was progressive, but over the years I lost my musical libraries many times... One of these days, when I'm making more money and have some left over, I'd like to purchase an external server like my cousin has, and compile a database of every song and band I've ever liked, and still enjoy... My musical tastes have only grown, and not diminished, with the passing of time. I can still go back and enjoy those bands I once liked. Hell, if someone plays some oldschool Green Day, Nirvana, Beethoven, or Linkin Park, some of the music I grew up with(5-9 years old), I'd still listen to them. I would be honored if you would do me the kindness of helping me find Progressive Metal/Rock bands I've actually been listening to a handful of Dream Theater songs nonstop for two weeks, haha. I've been in a hopeful mood, trying to persevere in the face of my life's many obstacles, and Dream Theater's melodies tend to inspire me greatly. My favorites atm would be: Lost Without You, Pull Me Under, Forsaken, and Octavarium(not sure if this is the name. Possibly 'Man in the Mirror' ?)

2009-12-06 02:19:41

Err, my apologies. I'm a bit busy and made a grammar mistake or two; I'm a grammar nazi as well, heh, though I cannot honestly say I don't make a mistake once in a while.

2009-12-06 02:14:48

Aye, he truly was... Chuck Schrodiner, now that's a name I wish I could hear more often. The quality of his work surpasses just about every band I can put to mind, regardless of their genre within Metal... If only more played with the passion he played with... If only he were still alive this day, to move people with his melodies. Chuck was one of those musicians you very rarely hear of, because they were so damn ahead of their time... But they were good. Damn good. Nothing can change the fact that, while he lives, he fucking ROCKED.

2009-12-05 22:01:25

Greetings, and thank you~ I see a fellow artist in my midst, good to know, heh Also, nice Voltaire quote. Are you a fan of Death, perchance?

2009-11-29 08:27:37

I likened that to being accosted by Jehovah's Witnesses at the airport, and you just walking up and punching them out. Best. Husband. Ever.
!!! (224846)

2009-11-22 15:03:51

Ohhh thanks for the zap! Zapped ya back
Maererígan (233579)

2009-11-16 16:12:18

Zappy zap! Thanks, that tickled. hehe
One Of The Four (45901)

2009-11-12 23:28:36

Thanks, some of my fav bands and I make sure the image art comes with good music. XD there is only so much i could stuff, but i dont want to over load it.

2009-11-09 06:00:53

Thanks for the toaster - I see I'll have to work on my catching.
Eirík Haukssřn (193380)

2009-10-11 08:20:32

Thanks for the zap. I'll be sure to kill you every hour from now on to pay you back for your kind donation.

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