Wreckless~Angel of Death~ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Wreckless~Angel of Death~ (212927)"BACK"

Last Active: 2013-08-24 00:36:56
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Battle Record5,032/24,809/48
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Last KilledZechs
Last Killed ByArisen Sainte
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Vampire Pictures, Images and Photos This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer vampire Pictures, Images and Photos Ice Vampire Pictures, Images and Photos How I became a vampire..still skeptical I am. Im not really sure I am a vampire as im not 100% sure what is known about vampires to be true and have never sat down and had a chat with a vampire but this is my story, also I have a Eidetic Memory and this happened last month. I used to like going to bars and clubs in London but was blatantly too young to do so. I was young but looked even younger. So I used to find a couple of places and try one and move onto another if I got rejected. I never used to know what they were like until I was in but that never mattered it was all about enjoying the night out. The next thing on my list was women. I would love to aim above my weight, believing confidence was key and thought being a charmer would go far, so I would then go around talking to women seeing what they were like. After a while I thought hey im getting quite good at this, it wasn`t about getting laid or anything it was about approaching a complete stranger and being able to talk to them. I thought of it more of a challenge after a while. One night with my friends I was boasting about how I could talk to any of the women and they would at least seem interested in what I had to say. So they thought they`d pick the most unlikely person who would talk to me at all, a goth, so we went to a goth club and realised how out of place we were. Failing miserably, they ripped into me saying how I was such a bullshitter etc. So I bought a bunch of goth clothes and decided they wouldn`t get the best of me and revisted the club again. The people there still seemed not interested but that was just they`re nature, approaching a girl who was reasonably attractive looked mysterious yet open I walked up to her and tried to flirt with her. NO luck not interested I started spewing out all kinds of crap trying to think of something she would like to hear, and then the sentence that changed then evening. I mentioned how her blood would be boiling and saw her give me a quick look out of the corner of her eye. So I thought its blood she likes and started describing random fantasy`s of how we could suck each others blood etc. Unfortuently it seemed as though she still wasn`t interested and decided to leave her alone and go try else where. Yet again failing, I left and decided to go get as drunk as possible and went to the local corner shop and bought a bottle of vodka. Walking home starting to drink the vodka I saw a dark figure ahead of me and decided to cross the road because I don`t wanna get robbed. The figure crossed as well and as it approached me I thought brace yourself and slowed my pace down beginning to prepare myself for a fight, thinking at least I have a bottle. As I came closer and closer I could feel the adrenaline pumping and my breathing increase rate. A sudden feeling of comfort shrowded me as I found my attacker to be the girl from the club, who now looked more attractive than before but still a real mystery. In a quiet but powerful voice she asked me if blood was a fetish of mine. Not quite placing her accent though it was obviously European, I thought this was my chance to finally conqueror. Told her a bunch of lies about having fantasy`s of blood lust and wishing I had a partner feed of. She walked with me until the tube station asking me weird questions such as when was the first time I savored the taste of blood, feeling the need to be honest I began to tell her the truth. Disappointed she programmed her number into my phone, edged in to kiss me and softly told me to call her. It was then when I was in her absence I began to feel the need to call her but decided otherwise and get back to normal and tell my friends of how ive gradually become accepted. Thing was I didn`t get back to normal I decided to wear similar clothes I wore at the goth club as I couldn`t see what the fuss was all about, I looked quite stylish, in a dark sort of way. My friends thought I was weird that I was so eager to call the mysterious girl. 2 days after I met her i decided to ring her but realised I didn`t know what her name was, so I searched through my phone and looked for anything unfamiliar, Sylviah. I called her and she invited me to a hosue party one of her friends was having. Always up for a party I arrived at the tube station and found her waiting for me. She wore a leather jacket above a corset and thick thigh highs boots. We went to the party and I got tipsy it was dieing down and people started leaving. After drifting around for a bit without Sylviah I found looking for her she found me and asked if I was ready to go, not having spoken to her much at the party. On the trip home I was the one to ask the questions this time but got now where fast as she gave me vague answers. For some weird reason I thought lets cut through a park on the way home, to prolong my time with her. We stopped and she kissed me and I felt a prick on my tounge, I could feel her sharp teeth but i thought she filed them down like that as ive heard of stories how people wanted to be vampires so took it in my stride. She broke away took my hand and sat down on the grass on park and started sucking on her wrist and handed it to me. At first I licked it to see what it tasted like never tasting another persons blood. It was very salty but tasted slightly sharp, so I began to suck at her wrist and handed her mine. I soon felt a sharp pain in my wrist and felt a strong sucking stronger than previously thought. Realising what had happened and that I had lost myself in the moment, I came to my senses and saw that my wrist was now gushing, I thought it was the end and that was it for me all for some stupid girl, I felt dizzy and passed out. I woke up at home in my bed not knowing how I got home what day it was or anything similar, as i looked were she had bitten me there where 2 little puncture wounds in my wrist,i felt different stronger hungry what happened.As i walked through my house thinking of the night before a came across an opened window the sun was shining through an uneasy feeling had come over me as i walked towards the rays of light.As i crossed the window the sun had hit my hand the pain was horrific my skin began to bubble whats going on i thought to myself. After a short while of cleaning the wound i began to feel hungry but not for food for that salty taste of blood it was then i new i was now a vampire........................................ crazy Pictures, Images and Photos But first on earth, as Vampyre sent, Thy corpse shall from its tomb be rent; Then ghastly haunt thy native place, And suck the blood of all thy race; There from thy daughter, sister, wife, At midnight drain the stream of life; Yet loathe the banquet, which perforce Must feed thy livid living corpse, Thy victims, ere they yet expire, Shall know the demon for their sire; As cursing thee, thou cursing them, Thy flowers are witherd on the stem. But one that for thy crime must fall, The youngest, best beloved of all, Shall bless thee with a farther`s name - That word shall wrap thy heart in flame! Yet thou must end thy task and mark Her cheek`s last tinge - her eye`s last spark. And the last glassy glance must view Which freezes o`er its lifeless blue; Then with unhallowed hand shall tear The tresses of her yellow hair, Of which, in life a lock when shorn Affection`s fondest pledge was worn- But now is born away by thee Memorial to thine agony! Yet with thine own best blood shall drip Thy gnashing tooth, and haggard lip; Then stalking to thy sullen grave Go - and with Ghouls and Afrits rave, Till theses in horror shrink away From spectre more accursed than they.. Dragon Pictures, Images and Photos badass Pictures, Images and Photos From the dark of the night I hear, Your call as you draw near. I open the window and await, The arrival of my dark mate. Yours is the beauty of the night, I`m just a moth trapped by your light. I want you as my dark wife, and for that I gladly sacrifice my life. Into my neck your fangs you sink, And of my blood you deeply drink, As you take what you need to live, Your own blood to me you freely give. When the last human in me does expire, and into darkness I am born Vampire. Children of the night we`ll be, You, My love and me. With hunger for the blood we need, Together we will hunt and feed. For our own selfish sake, The life`s of innocents we must take. And when in Tomb from daylight we do hide, I will lie contented at your side. and with a shroud used as a cover, I`ll lay down with my DARK LOVER. dragon Pictures, Images and Photos anti christ Pictures, Images and Photos As you walk the streets at night, I am always there just out of sight. you sometimes feel me near, footsteps in your mind you hear. I see you stop and stare, wondering just who is there. Deep in the shows of the night you search, but mortal eyes cant see my pearch. A BANG! in the dark, you feel fear in your heart. you flee to the places of sin, Where footsteps are lossed in the din. Encased in the croud, you feel safe and proud. Till you notice them all near, encouraged by the smell of your fear. They drag you into the night by your hair, your cloths they rip and tear. Strangers ignore your cries of distress, you are surrounded by enemies in the darkness. But the darkness is my home, through it i may freely roam. You scream and try to fight, but are no match to a children of the night. soothing words i whisper in your ear, till the light of day makes me disappear. i whisper with my last kiss and caress That you are safe always in DARKNESS.. melting bones Pictures, Images and Photos Vampire Pictures, Images and Photos Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones vampire love 2 Pictures, Images and Photos
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??? Pictures, Images and Photosmushrooms Pictures, Images and Photos Vivid Fairyland Pictures, Images and Photos milverick Pictures, Images and Photos strange Pictures, Images and Photosjust thought this was coolskater Pictures, Images and Photoslol dragons making a star Pictures, Images and Photos Trippy Drugs Pictures, Images and Photos
What kind of soul do you have?

Hot Soul
Hot Soul
Did someone say P.A.R.T.Y!!! People with Hot souls tend to be the big ballerz of the world. Drink, Smoke ... who cares you live for today who cares about tomorrow! Amongst your throngs of friends YOU are the center of attention!
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Wreckless~Angel of Death~'s average rating out of 40 rates is 8.93/10


Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2013-08-20 17:10:26

~sneaks up behind him like a ninja~ Boo!
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-07-16 17:04:09

Rayne (235728)

2013-05-29 18:41:13

Not to bad ...still kicking and all that -smiles- hope your enjoying your stay hun your kinda quiet so I figured I'd come check on you.
Rayne (235728)

2013-05-24 17:55:52

Just thought i'd check up on ya
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-05-22 02:13:01

*knocks as I wait *
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-05-20 04:03:23

Im new to the coven. So I thought I would stop by and show coven love.
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-05-16 23:44:11

why thank you <3
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2013-05-09 12:03:48

Welcome home, my friend!
Rayne (235728)

2013-05-08 22:03:13

Welcome to the Empire
Hummingbird Graves (487069)

2011-06-05 20:00:41

your welcome
Aurora Kitten B. Fidela. (449556)

2011-05-27 06:25:12

wreckless....whispers...where are you....giggles
Ruby Valentine (506864)

2011-05-01 05:13:54

thank you :) xx
Starrynight (257909)

2010-12-12 18:53:47

You'll notice a lot of changes...ask if you need any help.
Blood Shard (230245)

2010-09-26 16:59:25

Hello...Wreckless~Angel of Death~...Welcome back to Buds,,, ..Please call me Blood.. I believe you will like it here ,,, If you should need some starter equipment Please BL me,,, Please stop by the coven chat if you need any help or just wont to talk,,,, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page,,, We all are here to Have Fun so go Play,,Love the background pic..Blood has given Wreckless~Angel of Death~ a rating of 10....~hugs~
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2010-08-28 05:15:15

What type of soul do I have quiz: Neutral Soul The world is a scale to you. You see what others don't in ways people can only dream. The strongest of anybody you join a fight only when one side is becoming to strong. Everything happens for a reason to you and you make sure that reason is balance. The Neutral soul is often one that sits back with Huge amounts of inner strength waiting until they are needed to keep balance. **But boring compared to your party soul**
†Hayley Grey Hyde† (375787)

2010-08-19 02:26:15

hi. longtime no talk.
The Revs Love Potion (207716)

2010-08-15 18:34:40

*wanders to his profile , impressed with what she sees* "I have missed you my dear friend... hope you are doing well.? Don't be such a stranger! And though my name has changed..... our friendship remains the same. *Huggles* "Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!" *Bianca skips away from his profile and happily into her hubbys arms, leaving a rating of 10 along the way*
Sierra W. Rojo Tancette (390959)

2010-08-15 06:36:15

~Tags his profile page with a paint ball gun and walks away laughing to herself...~
Darky Marie Winterlight (271927)

2010-08-13 05:56:44

mmm rated 10 of 10 very sexy
Deadly (175185)

2010-08-13 03:46:39

"she grins as she is blinded by a pair of hands... she bites her lower lip" ummmmm is it Wreckless? "she laughs softly at the charade"

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