Isaac Tear Garren is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Isaac Tear Garren (213007)"home again"

Last Active: 2013-12-02 00:03:28
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,520
Karma+/Verve+4 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record3,926/8,124/99
Win %33%
Last KilledMarks
Last Killed ByRashos
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Hezekiah J. De`Caedes
VIP Member DarkAsh
VIP Member Grimm Anastasi
VIP Member Andraste Wealdaern
Risk Tear De`Caedes
Ryali Exitium

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Isaac Tear Garren's average rating out of 7 rates is 8.43/10


Ryali Exitium (386181)

2014-11-26 06:50:31

I miss you!
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2011-06-01 21:43:40

You're still not out of school? I've been out for almost a month now.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2011-06-01 03:33:45

That wouldnt all that hard now, I'm on pretty much 24/7, lol.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2011-06-01 01:51:07

I miss you, love <333
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2011-03-08 00:11:05

Hey my lovely mancake<333 Love you
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2011-01-05 02:12:31

Happy one year, my dearest love.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2010-12-26 00:31:24

Merry Christmas, love!
Nubstar K. Heartless (368868)

2010-12-24 16:57:40

Merry Christmas Isaac
Dementia Stokl (243090)

2010-12-24 02:42:27

Dementia Stokl (243090)

2010-12-24 02:28:02

2011 will be even better mate! Hopefully I'll get to spar you. Dems and Ranjit don't mix too well.....
Ryali Exitium (386181)

2010-12-24 02:06:04

Merry Christmas Isaac!
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2010-12-16 00:56:29

Not much longer now..-she murmured softly, her gaze sliding silently over his space as she leaned casually against the doorframe. there was love in her gaze as she smiled into the space, breathing slowly and deeply to secure his scent within her mind- Just a bit longer to one glorious year. I love you, Isaac.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2010-11-01 00:42:04

"No amount of days will ever be enough to sastify my love for you." Her voice was the softest whisper as she entered his room, carrying nothing in her hands except for a solitary ivory rose, covered in a mixture of her own blood and chocolate. Their anniversary for two hundred days seemed like a mere week ago and the presents she had got for him still sat in his room. Lips drew back into a gentle smile as she looked over them. She had got nothing for him for this one, but intended on lavishing him with love and affection when she saw him next. Placing the rose upon a table, she looked around, adoration and love shining in her oculi. "I love you, Isaac." She whispered, blowing a kiss to his room before quietly slipping away.
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2010-07-24 04:32:02

Her stride was slow, each step placed with infinite care. Delicate nostrils were flared and her eyes were bright with love and happiness as she slipped around the corner and came to the threshold of his profile, pallid digits curling around the door frame. Her lithe frame, encased in a deep sapphire dress, the bodice of which holding small pearls and other gems, slowly crept inside his domain. A long breath was drawn in through her nostrils, olfactory nerve taking in the sweet scents of him as her slender fingers trailed lightly over his various items and belongings. The long dress was lifted slightly so as not to drag the ground and briefly the knee high ebony boots were revealed, the soft click of them the only thing giving them away. As she came to a slow halt in the centre of the room, her eyes swept around slowly, taking in each thing that he owned. Tongue darted out from between her lips and slid along them slowly, dental spires flashing in the faint light. From the cloak that she wore over her dress, she withdrew a few things. One was a single ivory hued rose, the same pure colour that he had left for her. No blood marred the surface of it, rather it remained pristine and white. The alabaster colouring was a sharp contrast to the room around her. She kneeled slowly, placing the rose on the ground and gazing down at it lovingly. A small hand delved back into her cloak and pulled out a second item. This one was a simple, silver ring. It had no stones, nothing to distungish it from any other bit of jewelry in the room. However, on the inside, it held a single word to it: Isaac. On her left ring finger, in replace of the wedding band that she normally wore, which had been slipped onto a chain and was now looped around her pallid throat, she wore an identical ring that held her name upon the inside. Lifting his ring to her lips she pressed it to them, holding it there for a moment before leaning down to lift the rose again. Carefully, she slid the ring onto a single thorn and made sure that it would stay there; she then released the rose and, via telekinesis, held up up. A third item was withdrawn from her cloak. This one was a medium sized tiger made from a massive diamond that had been cut to mold the animal. It had been painted with a special kind of paint that would never fade from it. She lifted the rose from the air and brought it and the diamond tiger over to a small table, placing all three items - the ring still on the thorn - onto it. Lips parted so that vocalizations could slip from them. "You will always hold my heart, darling. S'agapo, Isaac." The lyricals were breathed out, the single Greek word which meant 'I love you' spoken softer than the rest. Slowly, she turned and made her way out, casting one single look over her shoulder, a look filled with utter adoration and love.

2010-06-11 20:01:28

Hello father, I know how you feel it has been the same with me. I miss you. <3
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2010-05-20 03:07:32

That would be awesome ^^!
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2010-05-20 03:05:19

Well hopefully that will change when I shift, but I guess we'll see ^^ either way I don't mind... I have my friends and that's all that matters.
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2010-05-20 03:01:11

I guess you would be heh, nothing interesting? That sucks... most of my Rp happens outside Covens these days ^^
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2010-05-20 02:57:55

Something new, nothing bad. Hows everything with you doing?
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2010-05-20 02:53:19

They are going alright, likely moving again soon though... yeah but oh well ^^

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