Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2023-10-10 14:07:41
Its been forever... |
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)
| 2014-12-03 13:44:05
---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2014! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-07-09 11:49:13
Missing you beloved <3. Call me or text me when you get a chance. |
Paschen (576591)
| 2014-04-24 16:23:36
[c=lime] helloooooo[/] |
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)
| 2014-04-23 15:58:44
MC! You back? |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-23 04:54:17
Thank you for the beautiful necklace! <3 You humble me with your thoughtfulness and kindness [kiss]. |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-23 04:49:28
Woo woo! [kiss]'s are yummy! |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-22 04:08:22
21 days beloved! <3 Missing you always [kiss] |
Rayne (235728)
| 2014-04-17 14:52:31
You have given McCloud a rating of 10. |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-11 00:18:03
Hello sweetness! <3 Hope everything is well, missing and kissing you :P [kiss]. |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-08 00:56:49
Yay!!! :P Enjoy the day! We never know how they will end [kiss]. |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-06 20:43:54
I hope your's is awesome as well! [kiss] Hey! Wait a sec. I thought you were going to let me know when you were coming online :P. |
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)
| 2014-04-06 15:26:48
:D oh HI [wave] |
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)
| 2014-04-06 01:33:51
Bye! ???? |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-03 20:48:50
What are you going to be up to today? Anything good? :P |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-03 15:20:40
Good morning darling one! <3 I hope your day is full of awesomeness (is that even a word?) :D. Maybe we'll catch up this evening, me hopes :P. [kiss] |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-03 08:16:29
Woo :) Hope your day was fantastic [love]. |
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)
| 2014-04-03 00:25:22
[woo] That makes my day!!! ;) |
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)
| 2014-04-03 00:09:56
Hey you! [3] Sure hope that's a wave hello, and not a good bye! [hugme] |
Solitaire Huntress (368282)
| 2014-04-02 17:34:20
Good morning darling [hugme]. You have a great day and I'll kick it yet :P. |