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nex votum (218691)"isnt it just fucking beautiful to know everything beautiful i touch withers and dies"

Last Active: 2014-10-02 21:40:06
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,503
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record10,359/26,594/294
Win %29%
Last Killed†Øц Rebel LaR ...
Last Killed ByLiam Angelino
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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nex votum's average rating out of 19 rates is 9.11/10


Rinnie Aspicio (321449)

2013-04-04 15:38:20

Welcome to the Asylum! Please check out the forums for help and any questions you might have. If you have time, join us in chat, or ask any of the staff here regarding any questions you come up with. Let me know what you would like your coven name and color to be. I hope you enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you around. Have fun!
Marcel Gerard (196138)

2011-08-22 03:10:26

hey nex long time no see. hope everything is good wiht you.
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2011-01-06 20:04:09

Hello dear, the new year was great and so far 2011 has been as well. The year even started with an eclipse of the sun so that got to be a good omen. I hope you as well had a great NYE and that this new year is better then ever.
Mr. Black P.I. (370691)

2010-12-22 20:03:15

Actually, I don't know. A friend of mine helped me build my profile and she did that part. Sorry I can't help. Have a Merry Christmas.
Mr. Black P.I. (370691)

2010-12-22 17:04:42

You may have killed me, but I know an awesome profile when I see one. You have given nex votum a rating of 10.
Kali Tru Cyanide LaRouge™ (332993)

2010-12-22 15:49:42

Took me forever to find them I'm wicked picky about pictures lol
Kali Tru Cyanide LaRouge™ (332993)

2010-12-22 15:36:36

Love your profile [y]
LyRa de Suaste (116826)

2010-12-06 20:41:04

the wife needed to know in a hurry and you weren't on
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2010-11-24 16:12:10

You have given lady nex votum a rating of 10. [Back]
¥ ´°­·¸Ðea†h¸·­º’ ¥ (418505)

2010-11-21 21:20:24

go to xat
¥ ´°­·¸Ðea†h¸·­º’ ¥ (418505)

2010-11-15 14:28:50

go to the chat sweety
¥ ´°­·¸Ðea†h¸·­º’ ¥ (418505)

2010-11-14 15:20:14

tell me the coven rank name you want...go to the forum and post there
¥ ´°­·¸Ðea†h¸·­º’ ¥ (418505)

2010-11-13 18:54:07

you deserve a 10
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2010-09-10 01:46:11

Your profile is already awesome, I like your background, that’s some forest you got. I can understand why you live there. Sleep also sound like a good idea actually. I think I’ll take you up on that offer for the sofa straight away. I don’t have the energy to crawl back to my branch tonight. Sweet dreams Nex
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2010-09-10 01:38:12

As long as you’re trying you have a chance at it, isn’t hope the last thing supposed to abandon you? I wouldn’t be too surprised if I one day, as I climb onto your sofa finds the championship trophy standing on your mantelpiece. Go for it.
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2010-09-10 01:33:05

I think I can leave that leaf to sand as a testimony of all things magical in your forest but I got to say it does look quite delicious. As for the tournament I think I’ll let that one be. I’m a sloth after all, competitions are so stressful, all that killing. How about you? I promise to cheer you on from the sofa.
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2010-09-10 01:22:57

That tree house is a sight for sore eyes I must say. You have quite the home there Nex. On a rainy day you shouldn’t be too surprised if you find me curled up on your sofa in there. Probably snoring but hopefully not digesting the solitaire leaf.
Dr. Caligari (275427)

2010-09-10 01:04:58

Haahaa well fate have a way of catching up on us so the code giving you away was inedible I guess. You have a tree house, of course I’d like to see something grand as that, innuendo or not There really is way too few tree houses being built these days.
D-Slayer (230136)

2010-09-10 00:56:15

D-Slayer (230136)

2010-09-10 00:46:55


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